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(Ayashi no Ceres)
Volume 11 Translation (Part 1)

Formatting conventions:
text = character's thoughts
[text] = narration
//text// = sound effects, when necessary
{text} = translation notes

Page 6
[At Mikage International Research Institute- in Howell's secret laboratory. Tooya, dozing off, is holding an unconscious Aya.]

Page 7
Tooya: "...Ah..." ...that's right, this is Howell's...

Tooya [thinking back]: [A microchip? In my head?]

Howell [in Tooya's memory]: [Yeah... so we could forcibly plant a false memory into your head.]

Page 8
Howell: [We usually don't have to go that far... But Tooya, you were so stubborn. But Aya broke the transmitter--the main machine, so you were released.]

Tooya: [Aya... did?]

Howell [bandaging Tooya's wounds]: [I'm sure she did it for you. And you finished the machine off, I mean you shot it to hell! But it's okay, even if I am forced to make the same system again, the chip in your head is no longer valid.]

Tooya: [...Howell, you are...]

Page 9
Howell [opening a door]: [Well, This is as far as I can come with you. If you go up these stairs and go through the right passage, you will come to my secret laboratory. No one ever goes there. Next time I would prefer to meet you two in more peaceful circumstances...]

Tooya: [Wait! Aya... What has happened to her? How long is she going to be like this?]

Howell: [It's now 2 AM. According to my calculations the anesthetics should expire at 4 AM tomorrow. If she regains consciousness, will you tell her that I'm 'sorry'--about Aki, and everything else. You don't have to accept our ways, I can't even ask you to understand it... It's just that we are doing it for the survival of the human kind... We only want you to help us for the sake of the 'future'...]

Page 10
Howell: [...but I've started to lose faith in it myself.]

[The scene comes back to Tooya in the lab.]

Tooya: ...What was... Howell trying to say...? Well, at least I got a whole day's rest... "A whole day!?"

Howell: [Tooya thinking back][But if the worst happens... I'll have to apologize to you. If Aya doesn't recover consciousness even after 4 AM...]

Tooya: "It's five minutes... until four!"

Page 11
[The clock ticks while Tooya is waiting for Aya to wake up. At 4 o'clock exactly, Aya has still not regained consciousness.]

Page 12
Howell: [If she fails to wake up, she will be stuck in her nightmare forever and... she will never return.]

Page 13
Tooya: "...ya...A..ya...OK- It's OK... It's just turned 4... Aya? Hurry and open your..."

Page 14
Tooya: "Open your eyes! Come on... Aya! I know you can hear me! A..ya..."

[The clock is ticking away to 15 minutes past...and 30 minutes past 4.]

Tooya [remembering Aya's words]: [The one who saved my life...?]

Page 15
[Tooya, holding Aya in his arms, hears Aya's voice in many of his memories, over and over again...]

[If I didn't turn into Ceres, can I be with you?]
[But I love you!]
[Why do you never tell me anything?]
[Tooya, if you died... I'll...]
[Because I love you... I will...]
Page 16
[Tears run down Tooya's cheeks...]

[...do anything that would make you happy.]

Page 17
[Tears run down Tooya's cheeks]

Tooya: "Aya... your eyes. Aya... Please, Aya. Please..."

Page 18
Tooya: "...ya..."

[Inside Aya's dream]


Page 19
[Aya is sitting on the road, Tooya is lying next to her. His choker breaks.]

Tooya [In Aya's dream]: [A... ya...? ...who? Who? Who are you? Who?]

Page 20
Aya [Still in her dream]: [Tooya... what are you talking about? I'm Aya...]

Tooya: [I don't know.]

[Aya's long hair suddenly falls to the ground, leaving her with shorter hair.]

Tooya: [I don't know you.]

[Miori Sahara comes and takes Tooya's hand.]

Miori: [Come on Tooya, I've come for you.]

[They walk away together.]

Page 21
Aya: [...wait...]

     [I don't know you]

Aya: [Wait!!! Don't... Tooya... Don't go-!!]

Page 22
[Aya breaks down in tears]

Aya: [DON'T GO! Tooya!!! Tooya..]

Page 23
Aya [still in her dream]: [Always chasing. I'm always chasing his back, and he never turns around. Always chasing...] [Ceres appears in Aya's dream.]

Ceres: [He's been calling you...]

Pages 24 and 25
[Aya turns around, and Tooya is standing in the rain, looking at her. He reaches out his hand, and Aya does the same.]

Page 26
[As their hands meet, Aya regains consciousness in Tooya's arms.]

Aya: "...to..."

Page 27
Aya: "...Tooya..."

Tooya: "...Aya...!"

Aya: "You came back to me... Tooya..."

Tooya: "Yes... I've finally made it back to you... Aya... I'm so sorry."

Aya: "Tooya..!!"

Page 28
[They hold each other tightly]

Aya: "...to... ya... Tooya..."

Page 29
Aya: "Tooya...!"

Aya: "So you remember everything. About Miori... About leaving this dagger to me..."

Tooya: "Aya... Why don't you blame me? Do you forgive me?"

Page 30
Aya: "Were you worried when I didn't open my eyes?"

Tooya: "Of course!"

Aya: "Then we're even. This is the first time I've ever seen you cry... So don't worry, you can go. Because you were looking for your true memory, that's really important... I'll be alright... I'll be waiting. I've decided that I'll love you forever."

Page 31
Aya: "Once I've made up my mind, I can be strong! I'll be fine, even if we're apart."

Tooya [remembering Dr. Kurozuka's words]: [You have to accept her wholeheartedly. Just talk to her straight. Even a word or two will do.]

     [Only a word or two...]

Tooya: "Aya... Come with me."

Page 32
Aya: What...?

Tooya: "I came to get YOU...! Of course your life style will change, I don't know what's going to happen... But if it's alright with you, we'll look for the hagoromo and my memory, the two of us together."

Aya: Tooya... "Is it... OK? Me being... With you?"

Tooya: "I don't want us to be apart...!"

Page 33
Aya: "Yes..." I'll never have to say goodbye to your back... "Yes, I'll go!" We'll be together forever!

Continued in Part 2...

[back to the volume 11 page]

translation by Emmy and Junko Abe, 1999
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