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(Ayashi no Ceres)
Volume 11 Translation (Part 2)

Formatting conventions:
text = character's thoughts
[text] = narration
//text// = sound effects, when necessary
{text} = translation notes

Page 35
[At Mikage International Headquarters]

Kagami: "Good morning. Are you feeling better Shiso?"

Shiso: "How can I feel better, when I have to look at your face like this."

Page 35
Kagami: "We had no choice Shiso.... Alec, well Dr. Howell, IS a genius when it comes to machinery..."

Page 36
Kagami: It would be a great loss if we loose him... I put him in confinement for the time being."

Shiso: "Didn't he let those two get away on purpose? With you being part of it."

Kagami: "Why do you think that?"

Shiso: "Why!? How dare you say that!! It's the same way you have with Ceres and all the other tennyo's!! Instead of wasting time 'discussing' with them, just go and round them up, and force them to succumb to us! What about the spelling power!? You gutless bastards!! .....Or wait...."

Page 37
Shiso: "You...do you have any special feelings..... For Ceres?"

[Kagami twitches]

Shiso: "..... You're acting like an awkward boy trying to get near a girl you've fallen in love for the first time."

Kagami: "..... Well then, how about yourself?"

Page 38
Kagami: "You say you will tell us about the hagoromo, and keep begging us like a child to let you go near Ceres. It was a special arrangement that we allowed you to go to Tango.... Although you did get something useful, you still haven't told us anything about the hagoromo. It's rather sad, your chasing around a girl. Are you that afraid someone may take her away? I think the person who is loosing his mind in her is you..."


Page 39
[Shiso attacks, just missing Kagami and hitting one of the bodyguards in the arm. His arm is seriously hurt.]

Bodyguard: "Ugh..."

Shiso: "... If you hadn't stopped me then, I could done this to Tooya."

[Shiso pulls his shirt down to reveal the Tennyo pattern on his chest.]

Shiso: "This is part of Ceres's power that she gave me. This is the proof that she belongs to me... That girl did love me."

Kagami: "....gave to you.....?! But... She claims that you forced her to marry you..!"

Shiso: "Women can always make themselves into the victim later on."

Page 40
Shiso: "Don't forget that I am the only one who knows about the thing you really want, the 'hagoromo'. Now that you understand, let me go. Uh, don't worry, I'm not that stupid. I'm saying that I will go and catch the other Ceres' for the C-Project. Although I'm not going to let you have my wife."

Kagami: "... Fine, I understand. It's true we share our interest, so I don't want any division in the camp. However, could you please be patient for a little while longer?"

Page 41
[Kagami leaves the room and takes out a small picture out of his pocket.]

Kagami: It's completely beyond 'special feelings'. Ever since I found this photo in the family house, I have waited for her for over 20 years. "If I don't have the hagoromo, I'll just have to create it."

Shiso [still in the room]: Why, Ceres? You gave me this 'power' and I became the most powerful human. So why do you keep running away from me?!!

Page 42
[The scene moves away from the Mikage building, and a car pulls up in front of Aya and Tooya. Yuuhi, Kyuu and Suzumi come out of the car.]

Yuuhi: "Aya!"

Aya: "Yuuhi! I'm so glad you're OK...!"

Yuuhi: "The same to you!!"

Page 43
Yuuhi: "I'm so sorry... I was with you and I couldn't do anything to save you. But I'm so relieved... So relieved..!"

Aya: Yuuhi....

Suzumi: "Really... Until you phoned us, we were so worried!"

Kyuu: "I mean Yuuhi was the worst! I had to literally throw my self in front of him to stop him!!"


Yuuhi: [Let me go!! I'm going to save Aya!!]

Kyuu: [No. I won't let you go!]

Yuuhi: [Try and stop me!!]


[Kyuu kisses Yuuhi.]

[Back to reality.]

Kyuu: "I mean Yuuhi is not that much of a guy because he went all quiet after that..."

Yuuhi: "WHAT! I fainted immediately!!"

Aya: "Wow..."

Page 44
[Tooya and Yuuhi exchange looks.]

Suzumi: "That's enough jokes for now, Shuro and Chidori, too, came back to the house saying they were going to rescue you.... Somehow we were able to stop them. We, being Aogiri, can't move about in public too much, so we were about to call in the pros."

Aya: ".... Were you?!..... I'm so sorry to make you worry."

Yuuhi: [Turning to Tooya] "....So you came back....."

Tooya: "Yes."

Page 45
Yuuhi: "Look at those injuries... Hurry up and get on! Or we'll leave you behind!"

Suzumi: [To Aya.] "... Let's go home, together."

Aya: Going home. To my present house. "OK!" To my present family.

Page 46
[Aya reaches the Aogiri household, where Chidori and Shuro greet her.]

Aya: The place where it was always warm, always loving. But......

Aya [remembering Tooya's words]: [Come with me.]

Aya: I will come with you, Tooya.

Page 47
[Tooya is being treated for his wounds.]

Aya: I've always known deep inside that I couldn't rely on them forever. That's why...

Shuro: [Closing the door of the room that Tooya is in. Speaking to Yuuhi.] "So Tooya saved Aya from that lab by himself... He must have remembered Aya."

Yuuhi: "...It's.... amazing...."

Shuro: "Yuuhi."

Yuuhi: "He probably would have been able to see her true feelings and see through her lies..."

Page 48
Shuro: "....It's not like you. I'm quite sure Aya knows how hard you've been trying. Although it's not helping her much."

Yuuhi: "That's not making me feel any better."

Suzumi [From the other room. She is talking to Aya]: "What! You're leaving this house?!"

Page 49
[Yuuhi and Shuro hears and are surprised.]

Suzumi: "Are you serious Aya? Living outside of the safety of this house means- What about Mikage..."

Aya: "I'm prepared to take the risk... Anyway, they won't give it up on me, though it appears that Kagami is not going to force me to obey.... Shiso said a lot of things to me at Tango, and... Yuuhi got hurt. I've really.... Really have been nothing but trouble since I got here."

Page 50
Aya [with tears in her eyes]: "You've taken care of me so much, about school and my mother and looking for the hagoromo. I've been totally dependent on you the whole time. You've been so kind to me though I'm not related to you at all. You're like my real family... So I'm really sorry for being so selfish. But I can't.... And I... I..."

Page 51
Suzumi: "You want to go with... Tooya?"

Aya: "... He said to come... With him, he said to come... I don't want to be apart, I don't want to be apart from him anymore... I love him...." I want to go with him. I want to spend my life with him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Page 52
Suzumi: "You don't have to apologize. It's you who has decided to do that, it's your life. No one will stop you if you want to live your life with the person you love. You've become so strong Aya."

Aya: "Suzu..."

Suzumi: "But you're not leaving too soon, are you?"

Aya: "When Yuuhi's..."

Page 53
Aya: "I'll go when Yuuhi's arm gets better."

[Yuuhi looks surprised.]

Aya: "He's always been there for me. He helped me the most... I can't just leave him. Tooya also agreed to stay till then."

[In anther room, Kyuu and Chidori are helping to bandage Tooya up.]

Chidori: "OK, we've finished bandaging! Kyuu, how long are you going to be holding Tooya's hand!!"

Kyuu: "It's just that when I'm holding your hand, I feel like I'm with my deceased husband."

Chidori: "What? Did he look like Tooya?!"

Page 54
[Kyuu takes out a photo of her and her husband when they were young. He does not look like Tooya at all.]

Chidori: "He doesn't look like Tooya at all!"

Kyuu: "Really? I thought their cool eyes are quite similar..."

[Yuuhi comes in.]

Yuuhi: [To Tooya.] "You have something to tell me, don't you!"

Page 55
Tooya: "I'm taking Aya. Until now... I thought not being with me was the best thing for her. She would be unhappy if she came with me, and I didn't mind being alone - but that wasn't true, I was just being a coward. I didn't know how to express myself, I didn't have the courage. But Aya was so honest, and she kept coming straight into me."

Page 56
Tooya: "... I cried. For the first time."

[Aya starts to hear the conversation from outside the room.]

Tooya: "I didn't know tears... For other people, or even for myself. I didn't even know such a simple thing. I'm... not an 'grown-up' at all. I could laugh at myself thinking how little I know and how helpless I am. Aya keeps teaching me things. I'm like a baby- but I want to be with her, I don't want to let her go. I want to protect her forever. That's why I don't care how many times I get knocked down- I'm taking her with me."

Page 57
Yuuhi: "...You're... serious... You're sure you won't let her cry any more?"

Tooya: "Yes."

Yuuhi: "What ever happens you'll protect her?"

Tooya: "Yes."

Yuuhi: "I'm acting like I'm Aya's dad. Honestly speaking, I feel like punching you a hundred times but..."

Page 58
Yuuhi: "We've both got injuries, so it's kind of difficult to do that."

[Yuuhi goes out the room.]

Shuro: "Yuuhi."

[Yuuhi goes past Aya in the corridor.] Aya: "Yuuhi."

Page 59
[Yuuhi enters the kitchen.]

Aya: "Wait, Yuuhi. Um,"

Yuuhi: "Well, I'd better get started. My assistants have already cut up and prepared the ingredients. As it's going to be Aya's last meal with us, the one armed chef has to do his best... go, Aya."

Aya: "Yu..."

Yuuhi: "Don't worry about my arm. I'll be fine."

Page 60
Aya [tears in her eyes]: ...Yuuhi...!

Yuuhi: "If you're gonna go, I'd like you to go quickly. You know, before I change my mind. You know me. Yeah?"

Aya [leaning on Yuuhi's shoulder]: "... Thanks. I'm sorry... I'm sorry- Thank you...!"

Page 61
Yuuhi: "Don't be silly, it's not like we're parting forever, you know... You can always come to visit!"

Aya: "I know, I know. Yuuhi, I don't really know how to say this, but I want you to understand this. I really love you."

Yuuhi: "I know, you silly. Come on, don't cry."

Aya: My dearest friend in the entire world...

Page 62
Aya: They gave me so much. Lots of people died, and we cried a lot. But because these people were here for me, because they've been so caring and loving....

[Out side the house. Aya and Tooya are ready to go.]

Aya: "... Well... Thank you for taking care of me for so long..."

Suzumi: "When you've settled, call and I'll send you your luggage. This is your home so you are always welcome. It's been real fun since you came here. It was like I had a sister..."

Page 63
Suzumi: "I'm sure you're prepared, but if anything happens, you tell us straight away."

Aya: "Suzumi..."

Shuro: "We'll be there in no time."

Chidori: "We'll probably be there even if you don't call us!"

Kyuu: "Where's Yuuhi?... I must go and call him..."

Aya: "It's OK, Kyuu. Could you just tell him that, that was the best meal yet."

Page 64
Aya: Thank you very much...

[In the Aogiri kitchen. Chidori comes to join Yuuhi.]

Chidori: "Yuuhi. Aya's... Gone."

Yuuhi: "Oh, right."

Chidori: "Oh, but I didn't see Ceres even once..."

Yuuhi: "I met her."

Yuuhi: [remembering Ceres's words]: [Yuuhi. I wanted to tell you something too.]

Page 65
Ceres: [It's about your mother... I'm sure you'll be able to meet her some time. Even if you can't forgive her, please understand that she is a woman also. You are a very pure and a good boy with lots of courage... Don't ever change the way you are...]

Chidori: "Aya said that the meal last night was the best ever. But I think that your omelets and soups and hamburgers and stir-fry's are all really the best, too."

Yuuhi: "Haha. That's everything!"

Page 66
Chidori: "But it's true!"

Yuuhi: "Really? Thanks."

[Tooya and Aya are walking up a street.]

Aya: "Tooya. Um, before we go to Niigata, can we..."

Tooya: "It's this way right?"

Aya: "Huh?"

Tooya: "The hospital."

Page 67
Tooya: "I have to meet your mom properly, don't I?"

Aya: "Tooya..."

Aya: This time, I'll be the one who will support you with my warmth. No matter what lays before us, I'll never let go of this hand.
Continued in Part 3...

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translation by Emmy and Junko Abe, 1999
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