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(Ayashi no Ceres)
Volume 12 Translation (Part 4)

Formatting conventions:
text = character's thoughts
[text] = narration
//text// = sound effects, when necessary
{text} = translation notes

Page 95
[Chidori collapses into Yuuhi's arms from a gunshot would in the back... a bullet apparently intended for Yuuhi.]

Yuuhi: "Chidori!! Hey!! Wake up..."

Assamu: "Awww... I was trying to shoot HIM... what the hell happened?"

Page 96
Assamu: "All 'cause you tried to run away... this sucks! I ended up shooting one of the C-Genomers... the Chief gonna be pissed! You in my way, man... give her to me so I can get her treated!"

Assamu: "Selamat tidur."
{Selamat tidur: "Good night" in Indonesian. Assamu, in case you didn't know, is from Indonesia... hence his very broken Japanese, which I've rendered as equally awkward English in the translation.}

// PAN // {gunshot}

Page 97
[Assamu rolls on the floor screaming in pain, shot in the knee by Yuuhi.]
Assamu: "You... had a gun...!?"

Yuuhi [jams gun barrel agains Assamu's temple]: "YOU BASTARD!! I'LL--"

Page 98
Chidori: "DON'T! Yuu... hi... you're not... the kind of person... who'd do this!"

Yuuhi: "Chidori...!"

[Yuuhi drops the gun. Meanwhile, back with Tooya and Wei...]

Wei: "--Shouta Kuruma is here."

Page 99
Wei: "I'll tell you one thing, Tooya... and that's that you don't know anything."

Tooya: "What?"

Wei: "You've gotten this far, but the Chief has responsibilities, and he won't be able to cover for you this time. He's done everything he can to keep you alive. Even though you're highly regarded here, you've thrown it all--"

[Wei suddenly lets a gun drop into his hand from out of his sleeve]

Page 100
// PAN PAN //
One of Shiso's Guards: "Hey--that was right outside the door!!"

Another Guard [coming out of the door]: "Wei...?!"

[Said guard gets nicked on the side of the head by another bullet from Tooya.]

Page 101
[Tooya picks off each of the guards with a shot to the knee.]

Shouta: "Senseeeei!"

Page 102
Shouta: "I knew it! Kiritani-sensei!"

Tooya: "Shouta... Shiso...!"

Shiso: "Hmph. Tooya Kiritani... Tooya Mizuki... just how many names do you have? Put the gun down, Tooya."

Shouta: "Senseeei!"

Tooya: "Let the kid go. Shouta has nothing to do with this... let him go!"

Page 103
// BAN BAN //

[Wei shoots Tooya through both legs.]

Shiso: "Agreed... in exchange for you."

Wei: "You should learn to finish off your enemies, Tooya..."

Shouta: "Sensei! Sensei! Don't give up!"

Tooya: "Let Shouta go... Shiso! I won't run away! I won't! Let him go!"

Page 104
[Shiso lets go of Shouta, who promptly runs to Tooya.]

Shouta: "Sensei! Are you okay?!"

Tooya: "Don't worry about me, Shouta. Just go by yourself, and quickly! After you go down the hallway, take the elevator on the left. I still have a few things to do--"

Shouta: "But Sensei... look at how much you're bleeding!"

Tooya: "I'm all right--after all, I'm a doctor! I'm not going to die from this. Your walking has improved so much... you'll do just fine at protecting your sister. Now go... quickly! For your sister's sake! I also have an important person waiting for me right now. I want to live for her sake, so you should for your sister's..."

Page 105
Shiso: "Hey, kid--if you don't hurry up and go, I might change my mind."

Tooya: "GO!!"

Shouta: "Sensei... please come back, all right? Promise me?"

Page 106
[Shouta leaves the room.]

Shiso: "In a heartbeat, you targeted everyone's weak points, Tooya... and accurately, at that. Guns... I've never used them, but they seem to have considerable power. I think I want to try it out for myself now. Stand up, Tooya."

Yuuhi's voice [on radio]: "Tooya!!"

Yuuhi: "Tooya, can you hear me?!"

Tooya's voice [on radio]: "Ahh..."

Yuuhi: "We'll be reaching the basement waterways soon... but Chidori's been shot!!"

Page 107
Yuuhi: "After I've saved Chidori, I'll be back for you! How's Shouta?"

Tooya's voice [on radio]: "Don't bother. Shouta's already been freed just fine..."

Yuuhi: "Eh?! Shit!! I can't hear him again! Hey Chidori, cheer up... Tooya said Shouta's been freed!"

Chidori [sighs lightly in relief]: "And... Too... ya... also?"

Yuuhi: "Huh? Yeah! He's tough like that, you know!"

Chidori: "That's good... if anything happened to Tooya... Aya would... tell her she shouldn't cry anymore... she ought to be happy."

Yuuhi: "You can tell her yourself, Chidori... she's staying with us now. Shuro also said she could take some time off, didn't she? Let's all go to karaoke again!"

Page 108
Chidori: "Sounds good... to me... before that, I want to have some more of your cooking.... a lot..."

Yuuhi: "Okay! I can cook anything. What do you want?"

Chidori: "Anything... that you like too, Yuuhi."

Yuuhi: "All right then! I'll let you eat my favorite food every day... you can come back and mooch off me again. I'll take care of everything for you, including Shouta. You should transfer to a school near where I live! It's settled!"

Chidori: "I dunno why... but... I'm really cold. But... you're warm... so..."

Yuuhi: "Oh? Then you should hold onto me tighter!"

Page 109
Chidori: "I think... you'd like it better... if I stayed in my Tennyo form? You don't like the childish look... do you?"

Yuuhi: "What the hell are you talking about? You're attractive enough just the way you are!"

Chidori [voice slurring, rambling a bit]: "Say... Yuuhi... you didn't know, did you... that I've... been... about you, that is... for a long time..."

Page 110
Chidori [trailing off into silence]: "...for... a long... time..."

Yuuhi: "Huh? Chidori...? 'For a long time' what?"

Page 111
Yuuhi: "Chidori? Hey..."

[Chidori doesn't respond.]

Yuuhi: "Hey, don't start something you're not gonna finish! Chidori... spit it out! I know you've got a lot to talk about! I'm listening!"

[Chidori still doesn't respond.]

Yuuhi: "HEY!"

[Chidori is silent and still on Yuuhi's back. Yuuhi starts to cry as he realizes...]

Yuuhi: "G.. goddamn it..."

Page 112
Yuuhi [really, really, loudly]: "GODDAMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!"

[in Aya's bedroom]
Aya [suddenly waking up]: "--ah--"

Page 113
Aya: (What's this feeling... uneasiness? No... it's because it's been a long time since I spent a night without Tooya. And... I'll know for sure when I go to the hospital tomorrow. Tooya'll be surprised when he comes back... what should I tell him? How is he going to react to it?)

Aya [thinking about what she should say to Tooya]: (I think I'm pregnant... it's your baby, Tooya.)

Page 114
Aya: (Is he going to be angry? Is he going to say "don't have it"? But... I think... I want to keep it. I'm only 17... and my situation is difficult to say the least... and I'm a little scared. And I myself was surprised. This child is proof of the love that I have with someone special. Not only does it tie us together as one... but it's also a precious life.)

Page 115
Aya: (Even though many people have died before my eyes so far, this baby is going to be born. Even now, it's growing inside of me...)

Aya [out loud]: "I want to have this baby... for its own sake.... Tooya..."


Tooya: "Where is the Hagoromo?"

Shiso: "What?"

Tooya: "The Hagoromo. I know that you're trying to manufacture them in this laboratory."

Page 116
Shiso: "Now I see... Kagami, you son of a bitch..."

Tooya: "Give it back to Ceres... to Aya! The Hagoromo belongs to the Tennyo! Give it back! Why don't you release her from this blood-soaked curse?!"

// BAN //
[Shiso shoots Tooya in the shoulder.]

Shiso: "Don't speak another word about MY woman."

Page 117
Tooya: "Wei! Kagami--where is Kagami?"

// BAN //
[Another gunshot, in Tooya's other shoulder.]

Tooya: "Not only Aya... but everyone else related to the Mikage family. Aki... stop retreating inside of Shiso... Aya has been waiting for you..."

Page 118
Shiso: "Shut up!"

[Gunshots ring out as words are exchanged in vain...]

Tooya: "Come back to her--Aki! Come back to your sister!"

Shiso: "I said shut the fuck up!"

Tooya: "Aki...! Give the Hagoromo... back to Aya...!"

[Tooya collapses to the ground.]
Tooya: "Now... only you... can save..."

Page 119
Tooya: "...Aya."

Shiso: "All right! You want to die so badly, Tooya? I was going to let you live in order to lure Aya here--"

[Flash to Aya, sitting in the Aogiri home--]
Aya: (Nah... it's going to be okay. Tooya will smile... and he'll say "let's have it". Or maybe he's going to be...)

[Shiso presses the gun barrel against Tooya's forehead.]

Pages 120 and 121
Aya: (...the happiest man in the world.)

[Flash back to Tooya, Shiso's gun pressed against his head. Only one word comes out.]
Tooya: "--Aya--"

// DON // [A single, extremely loud gunshot rings out through the hallways of Mikage International.]

Page 122
Yuuhi: "Too... ya? Tooya just said 'Aya'... then the sound of... gunfire..."

Professional Merc: "Yuuhi! This way!"

Yuuhi: "No! I can't believe it! Tooya... hey, Tooya?!"

Professional Merc: "Let's get to the car..."

Yuuhi: "Where are the rest of you guys? Where's Shouta? What about... Tooya...?"

Professional Merc: "It's already past the scheduled rendezvous time... they probably won't be back."

Page 123
[Yuuhi grabs the professional by the lapels]
Yuuhi: "What did you say?! That can't HAPPEN! Everybody was alive!! Of course they're going to come back! Say it!! Say they're still alive!! That they're going to be... back... alive..."

Page 124
[Yuuhi holds Chidori's body and starts crying.]
Yuuhi [crying]: "Please... come back... everyone."

Professional Merc: "Let's go... the car's waiting."

[A sound is heard in the bushes that startles the professional. He waves Yuuhi down and aims the gun at...]

Page 125
Shouta: "--whoa--"

Yuuhi: "Shouta?!"

Shouta: "Yuuhi... Yuuhi!!"
{As an aside, Shouta said: "Yuuhi... oniichan!" Although "onii" means "older brother", it's also often used (as noted in the Shokomi 11 translation) to refer to an older male that you look up to. There really isn't an equivalent in English so I just had Shouta repeat his name, but I'm open to suggestions.}

[Back in Kagami International.... Wei checks Tooya's pulse... ]

Page 126
Wei [let's Tooya's hand drop limply]: "If that's the end of Tooya... then it was far too soon. The Chief has a very professional attitude towards things like this, but I'll try and explain it to him."

[Shiso just stands there in shock while Wei talks.]

Wei: "I'll take care of getting this cleaned up and getting my hand treated. Please take a rest in another room, Master..."

[Shiso's gun arm trembles...]

Page 127
[The gun clatters to the floor.]

Aki: "To... Tooya?"

Page 128
[Aki collapses to the floor... Wei rushes to his side to support him.]

Wei: "Shiso--Aki... Mikage...? That's impossible!!"

[Aya sees all of this in her mind... and suddenly, wakes up.]

Page 129
Aya [her heart beating fast]: "Did I... did I take a nap without realizing it?" (What the... was the scene I just saw... a dream?)

Aya: (This uneasy feeling... why have I been feeling this way so much--no! Could it be...?)

Page 130
[Aya wanders through the Aogiri household... and hears Suzumi's voice nearby.]

Suzumi: "Is that TRUE, Yuuhi? Chidori... what in the hell happened to her? I'll be at the hospital soon. Be strong until then!"

Aya: (Huh?)

Suzumi: "But--Tooya too? No way! That man is--"

Aya [heart still beating like it's in a race]: (Whaaaat?)

Suzumi: "How am I ever going to explain this to Aya...!!"

[Aya's hands go to her belly.]

Aya [remembering Tooya's words]: ["I'll be coming back..."]

Aya: "What happened...?"

Page 131
Suzumi [startled]: "Aya!"

Aya: "Hey... what about Chidori? What about Tooya?"

Aya [remembering Tooya's words]: ["I'll be back soon..."]

Aya: "TELL ME! What the hell happened to Tooya?!"

[Nothing more, except... an image of Tooya lying on the ground, broken and with a pool of blood around his head.]

Continued next issue...

[back to the volume 12 page]

translation by 猫舌 (Brandon Bannerman) and 林まり, 1999
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