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Guests' Web Picks

Special Guest: The Eternal Lost Lurker

I gotta say, I was really surprised when I found out I was picked to do one of these, especially given that the only two things of note I contribute to the online anime community are fanfics and long, opinionated (and often inflammatory) rants. Obviously, I agreed...this is quite an honor, if a bit out of the blue.

For those who may not know me, I go by the handle 'The Eternal Lost Lurker' around these parts, although I've been known to sneak into various newsgroups using other handles. I've long since abandoned using my real name online...if you've been around longer or as long as I have, you probably know it. Otherwise, tough. ^_^ My sole contribution to the anime community, aside from being fairly engrossed in anime, is fanfiction. Depending on who you ask, I'm either a good, if slightly deranged, writer, or a cantankerous bastard who needs to be muzzled. My fanfiction, as well as my opinions on a number of things, can all be found at _my website_ , which still isn't as complete as I'd like, but I think it's worth a look.

I've only been into anime for about four years now; my first real exposure was the dub of Sailor Moon. (Ironic, ne?) Since then, I've seen and collected a whole dumpload of anime. I haven't bothered to count my anime collection lately; suffice to say it's hovering dangerously around or over the 400 tape/disc mark. I'm always on the lookout for something new and exciting. I'm a rabid Pokemon fan, as well as a fairly enthusiastic DBZ fan. It's not uncommon to hear me ranting about people bashing Pokemon, or about the changes in the DBZ dub, or whatever else has me going on a given day.

But enough about me. You wanna know what sites I recommend. On we go...


AniPike tends to get paid to endorse these people. I'm not. So believe it when I say that if your local anime resources are less than groovy, AnimeNation is a godsend. Their prices are reasonable, the customer service is excellent, and they have a great selection of stuff. If you haven't shopped here at least once, you really should.

DBZ Uncensored

A site chronicling the damage which FUNimation did to Dragonball Z under the Saban regime, and which continues to keep track of the ever-changing situation with the Dragonball Z dub. This guy's opinions may grate a bit at first, but really, he makes a lot of sense. And he's not afraid to tell it like it is. Check it out if you're into DBZ.


Home of Final Fantasy: Fated, Magical Girl Hunters, and the ever-popular m.t.c.f.f. ULTRA series, Improfanfic is chock full of fanfiction grooviness with an anime flavor and a little bit of something for everyone.'s Unofficial Pokemon Website

Lots of good Pokemon game info. Nothing about the series, though. But check it out if you like the games.

Anipike not being responsible for Acts of God or the vaguaries of humans  ;)
this column will appear 'as and when' articles come in. New articles will
be announced on the "New List" page. (So original, da yo..^^)

Guests' Web Picks @ Anime Web Turnpike™
Anime Web Turnpike™ © 1995-2001 Jay Fubler Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Last Update: 9/27/99