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Lesson 6
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- Lesson 1: Computer Studies; is Kintaro Oe's first job in the six
OAV episode series. Kintaro is on his way to his next job, at a computer
software company. While riding his bike and listening to his walkman,
he is run off the road by a yellow ferrari! As he shakes out the cobwebs,
he looks up and sees a beautiful blonde woman wearing next to nothing ( and
when I say nothing, I MEAN next to nothing...)! She asks if he's ok
and casually gives him 10,000 yen for his trouble. Kintaro objects
to this ( that's a LOT of yen ) but is slapped away. The woman drives away,
leaving Kintaro to reflect on what he has learned form this experience.
Kintaro finally arrives at the place of his new job and is
shown around the place. Of course, the place is full of nothing but visually
appealing women ( Kintaro is the luckiest man in the world! ), but that's
not all it has. He is introduced to the woman which nearly killed him
eariler. As it turns out, she is also the president of the software
firm he is now working for. After the brief reunion, he recieves he
place at the toilets ( Kintaro is also the world's UNluckiest
man ).
While cleaning the toilets, Kintaro reflects on the President
herself...and finds himself "
" her white throne. The President catches him and attempts to fire
him but is interupted by a very emotional Kintaro. Kintaro rants that
he has studed all night and day about computers, and he gets stuck cleaning
toilets and demands a chance to prove himself as a computer programmer. She
gives him the chance he so wanted. So, Kintaro sits in front of a computer
and begins to program...or not. He has no clue what's on the screen.
He asks if it's the computer language " Basic " and is promptly laughed
at. One of the women tells him they use languages like " Small Talk
Assembler " and " C-base ". Kintaro thinks of the meaning of
C-base...Kintaro's mind cycles through the possiblities..." C-base?
C-base? If A-base is kissing, and B-base is petting...then C-base
is..." Kintaro stands up and runs after the women screaming that he
wants C-base! The President gets pissed and tells him he is fired!
Kintaro once again, busts out the his logic on her claiming that "
I may be dim...but it's always dark before the glorious sunrise! " He
goes on to say that he doesn't even want to get paid, he just wants a chance!
The President gives in and lets him keep his job.
and the workers all resume their respective jobs. Kintaro while doing
his mainly janitorial duties, observes all of the workers, taking notes about
what he has learned. One night, Kintaro is about to head home ( wherever
the heck THAT is ) and he observes that one computer is still turned on.
He turns it off but sees something still on below the desk. He can't
find a switch to it and decides to unplug it and proceeds to daydream about
the President praising him on a good well done. the President makes
her way back out from getting a drink, she sees her computer screen flashing
" No data " and freaks out screaming " WHO TURNED OFF THE FILE SERVER?! "
Kintaro rushes to her saying it was him and promptly gets hit...hard.
She explains to him that by unplugging the server, they lost
all the files they have been working
on for three
months! Kintaro shows her his notebook wondering why they didn't take
notes. She takes it and tears it up angering Kintaro. " Those...those
notes were more precious than my life!!! You can't replace that kind
of knowledge! " said Kintaro has he confronts her...unfortunely he shows
her the page in which he wrote something bad about her ( he wrote beside a picture
of her ' Women are scary! ' ). She berates him saying he is " ...lower
then the garbage I found you in! " He pleads but she goes on saying
he doesn't need this job because she gave him the 10,000 yen earlier. He
says that he already spent it. She gets pissed and spits on him...which
Kintaro catches in his mouth. She then proceeds to beat the hell out
of him.
The scenes switches to a week later
and all the girls are rapidly trying to get the program they were working
on done as it was due last week. One of the girls pops in a disk given
to her by Kintaro and it turns out to be the program in which they were working
on. The President is overjoyed but then she regresses as she finds
out Kintaro bought the disk over. She thinks he played a joke on her
by backing up the program before he unplugged the server, but one of the
workers says that it isn't their program. The main protocols are exactly
like their program but it isn't their's. As they examine the program,
they begin to wonder if Kintaro made it. The President doesn't think
so but is proven work when a picture of Kintaro comes up thanking them for
everything. The President heads out of the office seeing if she can
catch him. They arrive outside and they find no Kintaro but an elderly
couple. They ask were Kintaro is. They are looking for him because
he helped them out earlier in the episode by giving them the 10,000 yen because
they were getting harrassed by the Yakuza ( the old man owns a bicycle store
Kintaro visited ) The President is thrown back by this. Kintaro
just GIVING away 10,000 yen? She runs off to her car, gets in and drives
off to find him. She determines she was all wrong about him...
* Review *
This is was one funny episode which started it all with a big bang! The
animation in this episode was top-notch as was the women and the faces and
expressions Kintaro makes. Very very good. The subtitled seems to stuck
to a strict translation which is SO funny ( the Jap Kintaro voice is SO great
). Meanwhile, the dubbed version is just as funny. They add more
one-liners in the dubbed and the voice range of the english voice of Kintaro
( Doug Smith ) is perfect for the role. Each version of this episode
has something for everyone. I highly reocmmend this episode and rate
it #5 of the six. But this isn't a bad rating seeing as how this series
is better then 90% of everything out there today!