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Character Profiles
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Kintaro sez...
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The Perfect Woman
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Goldenboy - Lesson 6: Animation is Fun! is Kintaro's sixth and final adventure
in this six episode OAV series. Unlike the other five episodes, this
episode is completely original created by Tatsuya Egawa to close off this
series cleanly ( the other five episodes were based on stories from the Goldenboy
manga ). In this episode, Kintaro grabs a job in an animation studio
and helps them out of their biggest crisis, and makes someone realize that
their job, does indeed, means something.
The episode starts
out with Kintaro in the studio trying to get a job. The boss says that
the job requires someone with a car. Kintaro argues his case, but is
yelled at. A young woman comes in and gives Kintaro some tea and says
that because of their poor work conditions, no one wants a job there. The
boss accepts this and hires Kintaro on the spot. The young woman's
name is Chi ( or Chie in the subbed version ) and she shows him around the
studio. Kintaro learns his first lesson here as he seeing that none
of the animators are up yet...and it's in the middle of the afternoon. "
Animators mornings begin...late. "
So, Kintaro begins his job as production administrator trainee. Basically,
he does odd jobs and
carries cels back and forth from place to place.
He describes how there are different types of animators. Those
who do " key " animation cels, and does who do " inbetween " cels.
Basically, key animators start off how an action is suppose to be started
off and they also show how it's supposed to end. Inbetween animators,
draw in the actions inbetween the keys set up to them by the key animators.
Soon, a couple of special guests show up to visit the studio. It's
the original author ( Tatsuya Egawa ) and an executive who is sponsoring
the project. They came the see how the show is going. After Kintaro
interrupts the meeting by asking for an autograph from Egawa ( silly sequence
), Egawa and the animation director take off for some drinks. The sponsor
then informs the current production administrator ( Kintaro's boss
) that there is only one and a half months left.
Kintaro continues his job running cels back and forth and even getting into
trouble with his co-workers ( never clean up an animator's desk...). He's
also flirting with Chi sometimes too. After Kintaro messes with his
co-worker's desk and getting beat down for it, the sponsor appears again.
She complains that the studio is way behind schedule. They have
3 weeks left and they haven't even started filming the cels yet ( very bad
)! As they are talking, Chi fixes some nice tea for the sponser and
takes it out to her. The sponsor bumps Chi and spills tea on herself.
Of course, Kintaro springs into action and in less than 2.5 secs, he
starts wiping the tea of off the sponser's chest! She decks him hard
and says that if the studio doesn't meet the schedule, she will sue them
BAD! As she leaves, all the workers give their status which isn't good.
The phone rings and Kintaro answers it and says to everyone that the
director has been hit by a car and is in the hospital. Every one hears
this and gives up on the project and will do what they can.
Chi is affected by this and is depressed. Kintaro brings her some tea
and says to cheer up.
will get the job done. She says that she feels that what she does,
has no meaning. Kintaro is taken back by this. " No job is
meaningless Chi. " he says. He goes on to say why animation is so great.
Moving pictures and soundtrack and stuff live-action movies can't do!
" Chi! Animation is fun! It's just a matter of studying!
" After this conversation, you can tell Chi think of Kintaro with a
much higher regard.
Later, Kintaro talks with all the workers. He
think they can still get it done, but they are skeptical. He wonders
if they can use computers for the project, but CG isn't a piece of cake.
But Kintaro DOES know someone who does CG...^_^ He calls up his
former boss of T.N Software, the President from episode one! She is
suprised to hear from him and agrees to help them with the CG. Kintaro
asks if they need anything else, one of his co-workers, needs a reference
shot. Kintaro then calls Ayuko ( the swimming chief from episode 4
) to help out with this. He asks her to film her swimming for him and
she agrees. Throughout the week, Kintaro and the animators worked their
butts off. Kintaro called in Noriko from episode three to help out
with the food. When the voice actress for the project bailed, Kintaro
called in Naoko! He even called in Reiko from episode five to do the
leg work! After all was said and done, they had everything ready by
the deadline and was then showing the film to the author and the sponser.
The film looks good overall but Kintaro observed everyone looking down
and out. He thought he had done wrong! After the film was over,
it received a rousing appluase. Both the author and the sponsor were
happy and congratulated the studio. Only the finish-up work needed
to be done and everything would be over...except Kintaro was missing!
Kintaro thought he had done wrong so he took his luggage and left.
All of the Goldengirls go over them except Chi. She stays behind
to do her job instead of chasing Kintaro.
Kintaro is half-asleep and riding up a mountain with the first five Goldengirls
chasing after him. Chi, on the other hand, continues the finish-up
work and thinks about how Kintaro taught her so much. With tears in
her eyes, deep down, she knows she'll see Kintaro again. Kintaro meanwhile,
is struggling up a hill. He looks up and sees a long road ahead of
him. With his trademark phrase he continues his study of this thing
we called life. " Study! "
* Review *
This was a great closing to the Goldenboy series. Very good and very
funny. While not the best episode in the series, it closes off the
series very well. I love the end where it shows Kintaro looking up
into the long, winding road ahead of him. Very good with a deep meaning.
As usual, like with all the episodes, both the dubbed and the subbed
are a very good watch. Either one is a very very good buy. Doug
Smith did a great job in his role as Kintaro, as did all of the VAs who played
each of the Goldengirls. Great job ADV. I rate this episode #4
out of the six OAV episodes. Very good way to close out a wonderfully
hilarous series.