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Goldenboy Lesson 4: Swimming in a Sea of Love, is Kintaro's fourth
OAV in this six episode series. This episode goes back to the usual
Kintaro hijinx as he goes head to head with an olympic swimming instructor
as he tries, yet again, to prove himself in the face of adversity.
This episode begins with
Kintaro riding into town in the freezing cold weather. He stops at
a nearby building and observes that it has a swimming pool inside. As
he wonders why the hell anyone would go swimming in this weather...she appeared.
A woman, clad in leather, walking into the swimming pool. This
woman strikes something deep inside of there's something primal
about her. As she goes into the building, Kintaro follows to see just
exactly what she is all about. He follows a little too close for comfort
and the woman asks what does he want. Kintaro, thinking quick, said
that he was wondering if he could work at the pool. A bit later on,
Kintaro watches the woman swim. Which for, lack of a better term, is
beautiful. Kintaro, of course, check out her other " features ". She
then tells Kintaro to go next and what happens next will truly have you rolling
on the floor. To make a long story short, Kintaro can NOT swim a lick.
After for what seems like forever for him ( and after almost
drowning...twice ), he reaches the other side and with a serious look on
his face he asks " So? How's my swimming? " The other instructors
there say that Kintaro should be -taking- their lessons, not teaching them.
Kintaro begs
them to let him swim but stops and demands to see the chief instructor. The
woman he followed into the pool, speaks up saying that she is the chief
instructor. She then goes on to say that he is not qualified to teach
at her school. Kintaro pleads his case, even resorting to busting out
some Kintaro-like logic on her ( this is also quite funny ) but even THAT
doesn't work. Kintaro gets serious, and challeges the chief instructor
to a race one month from that date. If he wins, she has to hire him
on as a coach, if she wins, he will do anything she wants for one full year
( Question: Where's the bad part in this deal? Doing things for a geat
looking woman...where's the downside? ^_^ ). She gladly accepts and
walks off leaving Kintaro in awe, but soon Kintaro finds out that the chief
intructor is Ayuko Hayamizu. An olympic gold medalist in the 200 meter
medley...( DOH!!! )
So, Kintaro starts his
new job at the swimming school. He's been assigned to teach a group
of beginning class kids. As he teaches the kids, he also gets tought
by the other beautiful instructors how to swim. Kintaro has a fun time
teaching and dealing with his group of kids ( on a personal note here, I
worked with kids this past summer and I went through this exact same stuff.
It was fun work, but also hard work ) but he is observed by Ayuko when
he is fooling around with the kids. When classes are over, she approaches
Kintaro and tells him that he needs to get serious with his kids and deliver
results. Kintaro, somehow, turns this againist her and says that she
would look like a complete loser if she lose to him one month from now.
She walks off frustrated with him ( Hehehehe...way to go Kintaro ).
So, classes resume again and we see another instructor helping Kintaro
out with the kids. She says that he should hold their heads under the
water for a full 10 count to get them used to the water and then performs
this on a kid. Kintaro is quite surprised and wonders if it is really
ok to do that.
Later on ( You know, there's really no time frame to follow in this series.
At least we know this all happens within a month's time ), Kintaro
observes Ayuko's class of advanced swimmers and soon begs to join them. She
lets him, thinking he is just sucking up to her because the race is close
to happening, but is surprised that he is just as good as some of her other
great swimmers! After she excuses her class she asks him if he's had enough.
" It's a tough workout, but I find swimming to be truly captivating.
" responded Kintaro. This answer sparked something inside of Ayuko
as she then dives into the pool ahead of Kintaro. She comes up saying
" If you can keep up with me, I'll admit you got guts! " Kintaro gets
excited and gives pursuit. Under the water,
sees a VERY nice view of the chief's crotch and gives even MORE excited (
this is one of funniest sneces in the series )!!! He starts to gain
quickly on Ayuko getting closer and closer to her <
ahem > underside. She thinks she is just pacing herself to match
his speed, but he proves her wrong as he finally " catches " up to her
and she gets more than she bargained for. After a very... uncomfortable
moment, Ayuko and Kintaro get out of the water and she admits that he has
guts. As she's about to explain to him that she wasn't going full speed,
she sees something...wrong with Kintaro. She backs off of him. He
sees this and looks down to see that he has " risen " out of his speedos.
Ayuko gets pissed for him thinking about such thing ( we all KNOW what he
was thinking about ) and Kintaro feels the beast with her affecting him.
Her eyes pierce his heart and he breaks from the stare down and promptly
gets punched in the face...hard.
finally woke up that night, buttnaked with his speedos on his head. Of
course, he had been fired so he left on his way out of town. Back at
the swimming pool, Ayuko noticed that the kids in the lower classes have
been quickly learning and coming out of those classes. One of her
instructors tells her that they have been using new methods for teaching
the children. She shows Ayuko several new techniques they had come
up with to help the children. Letting kids pick up rings in the water
as a game and teching them out to relax when floating on their backs were
some of the tricks that they had came up with. Ayuko observes that
the kids were truly having fun and has a flashback of her earlier days when
she was first in the water with
her father. She
remembers that she become captivated with the water and decides that her
training methods were too rigid, she also wonders who came up with all of
these new techniques. The instructor tells her the Kintaro came up
with the new styles and they had just begun to copy him. She is surprised
by this. A worker interrupts them and tells her a parent of one of
the kids is here to thank her. The parent thanks Ayuko for giving her
child the drive to be a devoted swimmer. When Ayuko asks if the child
is happy, the kid asks " Where's Coachie Kintaroo? "
Ayuko is very surprised to hear this
from the child. She comtemplates everything in her office later on.
She knows that she lost. She lost to Kintaro. She would
gladly hire him on as a coach, in fact, she would invite him back. But
it was too late and Kintaro has left...Ayuko is saddened by this as she leaves
the episode teary-eyed. She, like the other Goldengirls, has fallen
in love with Kintaro.
* Review *
This is the episode ( granted if they see all 6 ) that people will remember
the most. It's is drop dead funny. This one strikes me personally
because, like I said earlier in the summary, I worked with kids this past
summer and it was a ball seeing Kintaro go through what I went through. As
usual, both the subbed and the dubbed version of this episode is great and
I would recommend them both. I applaud ADVs effort on the dubbed version
of this episode as Doug Smith ( Kintaro ) and Sue Elu ( Ayuko ) both do a
great job. While Sue's voice was a bit deep for my tastes for Ayuko,
she did a great job and I commend her. Out of all the episodes I like
this one the best. I rank this one #1 out of the six OAVs. Watch
it, live it, experience it. ^_^