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Main Page Goldenboy is currently available from ADV Films.Go visit their site today!
![]() Welcome to the Character Profiles page. Here I will tell you all I know about the characters and even each of their japanese and english voice actors. Now, on to the profiles!
Kintaro Oe Kintaro Oe is 25 years old. He was in Tokyo University Law school, but he quit after completing all the courses required to graduate. The reason he did this is unknown. Of course, now he travels the land as a freeter ( moving temp specialist ) learning all he can about life. Kintaro's first appearance that I know of was in a manga called " Goldenboy ". This is, of course, what the anime of the same name is based off of. The Goldenboy manga is VERY different form the anime. The manga is definately hentai while the anime series is considerably toned down. Kintaro Oe is my favorite anime character because he is just like me. Scary huh? Kintaro's Japanese Voice Actor is Mitsuo Iwata while his english voice actor is Doug Smith.
Madame President Madame President is the first Goldengirl in the anime series. She is the head of T.N. Software, a programming software company. She has many beautiful women working for her and she is a very smart woman. I would peg her age in the early/middle twenties. About the same age as Kintaro. In the manga, she is also the first Goldengirl, although, I'm not sure if everything is the same as in the anime. President's japanese voice actress is Hiromi Tsuru and her english voice actress is Tiffany Grant.
Naoko Katsuda Naoko Katsuda is the second Goldengirl in the anime series. She is 16 years old and a HUGE flirt. Her father is the mayor of her town and she does have a bit of a father complex. She is very hot and the biggest tease I have EVER seen. As for her role in the manga, I'm not sure. If anyone has info for this, please pass it on to me. Naoko's japanese VA is Yuuko Minaguchi while her anglish VA is Allison Keith.
Noriko Noriko is the Goldengirl in episode #3 of the series. Her family owns a noodle shop and she goes to school during the day and helps with the shop afterwards. She is in the 17-19 year old range and is a serious and sensitive girl who loves flowers very much. Again, I'm not sure of her role in the manga version of Goldenboy. Like always, if you have something to add here, please feel free to share with me. Noriko's japanese VA is Yuri Shiratori and her english VA is Kim Sevier.
Ayuko Hayamizu Ayuko Hayamizu is the fourth Goldengirl in the series. She is the head swimming intructor at a school Kintaro worked for. She also was an Olympic gold medalist in the 200 meter medley. She is in the early to middle twenties age-wise. She is a very beautiful woman and always wants her student to be the best. Once again, I dunno about her role in the manga. Ayuko's japanese VA is Kikoku Inoue ( Kasumi from Ranma 1/2 or Belldandy from Oh My Goddess! < drools > ) and her english VA is Sue Ulu.
Reiko Tarayama Reiko Tarayama is the fifth Goldengirl and also the most wild. She is 20 years old and is part of one of the richest families in Kyoto, Japan. During most the time, she is in a formal kimono and very very polite. Occasionally, her true nature shows through as she is taken a very *special* liking to her bike " Bimo-baby ". She thinks no man can compare to her Bimo-baby and only seeks pleasure through her bike. Again, I how no idea what role she plays in the manga. Reiko's japanese VA is Sakiko Tomagawa and her english VA is Laura Chapman ( very nice voice ) ^_^.
Chi(e) Chi ( we'll call her Chi for now ) is the last Goldengirl of the anime series. She is a cel painter for the animation studio Kintaro worked for in episode six. I put her around the early twenties age-wise. She is a very caring person and soft-spoken. She, unlike the other Goldegirls, is the only one not featured in the manga. She ,and episode six for that matter, are an original story created for the OAV series. Chi's japanese VA is Mika Kanai and her english VA is Yvonne Aguirre. |