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Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Kintaro sez...
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Goldenboy - Lesson 5: Balls to the Wall ( of Youth )
is Kintaro Oe's fifth adenture in his continuing quest to learn and experience
life. This time, Kintaro puts his balls on the line as he must prove
to the 5th Goldengirl, Reiko Tarayama, that he is faster and
better...than her motorcycle. Warning, this episode is the most risque
and sexual of all the episodes.
This adventure starts off with
Kintaro riding his bike up a long mountain pass. He hears the faint
sound of a motorcycle engine gain on him and eventually, pass him. Later,
he stops at a resturant for a break. He looks over to his side and
what does he see? The same motorcycle that passed him earlier...and
a FINE woman that it belongs too. Kintaro is flabbergasted as she starts
up her motorcycle and gulps down a beer. But does she stop there?
Ohhhhh no. She then starts to get off on her bike. Kintaro
is fixated as the pressure builds and builds and finally she climaxed riding
off screaming at the top of her lungs. Kintaro ( of course ) gives
chase calling out to his " Shooting star ".
Later, Kintaro arrives at his place of employment. He is now working
for Daitoku Tarayama,
one of the richest men in Kyoto as a
scully worker ( basically, a guy who does odd jobs ). He is trained
and learns alot about the difference between the rich and the common people.
Manners, cleaning, and many other things. Kintaro is also working
at the home of Reiko Tarayama, Daitoku's daughter. She is a woman who
radiates beauty and serenity and she also gives Kintaro the willies when
she looks at him ^_^. One night, Kintaro is walking back to the kitchen
with some dishes in hand and comes across Reiko. She bows at him making
eye contact which stuns Kinatro, he snap out of it when he sees he's falling
over and is about to hit her. He falls but she moved out of the way.
He apologizes to her and also wonders how the heck she could move so
fast. He also is punished for not paying attention by his boss which
saw the whole thing.
After a " cleansing "
experience, he comes across Reiko as she eats. He watches her carefully
and blushes as he is taken in by her beauty. Later on in the day, he HAD
to reflect on her beauty while he was cleaning the toilet. He loses
control of his body and starts to grope and grab the toilet in his unusual
fashion. Too bad for Kintaro, Reiko was standing in the doorway watching
the whole thing. Kintaro sees her and is given the willies again by
her cold stare. He takes the whole thing in as educational. Later
that day, he sneaks into the room where Reiko was eating. He grabs
the bowl she had and starts to lick it ( think of it as a second hand kiss
). He seems to think he knows that taste and goes to his back. He
grabs a beer can out of his pack and licks it and compares the tastes.
Just as he was about to come to a conclusion, a woman ( I would seem
to think she is Daitoku's wife ) comes in and in a most polite manner, fires
Kintaro. He is thrown out on his butt leaving him to wonder when the
heck will this episode have a plot!
He decides to stick around and camp out. He knows something will come
up, problem is, he doesn't know what. He says for 27 days and on the
28th day, he decides that if nothing comes up that day, he would leave, but
he would have to fix his brakes first.. Of course, like fate, a cab
comes driving up and Reiko gets in. He follows the cab to an abandoned
warehouse. Inside, he sees something...incredible. He sees Reiko's
kimono spread out across a hanger and
see her, buttnaked and getting
on a bike! She was the one he saw in the mountains! After several
minutes of watching her stuff you could say, he gets caught looking.
He asks what this is all about. She explains to him that she
has no need for human men, as long as she has her " Bimo-baby " ( her bike
). While explaining all of this, she notices Kintaro has a hard-on
( erection, whatever term you like ). She asks if he wants her now,
which of course he does. But the only way he'll get her, is to beat
her while she rides her bike.
They begin their race in the mountains. In the beginning, they are
running neck and neck but Reiko pours on the juice and leaves him in her
dust ( Kintaro only has his bike remember? ).
She makes her way through
a tunnel all the way down the mountain as Kintaro looks over the edge and
spots a way to get down quicker ( albeit a VERY steep way and very dangerous
). He is reluctent to go down it, but the though of getting her makes
him go down the shortcut. Flying down the hill and over the water at
the bottom, Kintaro makes up lost time ( very funny scene ). Reiko,
meanwhile, cuts off a porche and in the process pisses off the driver. He
gives pursuit after Reiko and gives Kintaro the chance he needs to catch
up. He uses a rope and hook to latch onto the porche's spoiler and
he's along for the ride! After a bit of a chase, Reiko spots an animal
in the road and swerves to aviod it and the porsche hits the brakes to avoid
it also. Kintaro, still attached to the porsche, uses it as a ramp and jumps
up high into the air. Kintaro swings his rope around a powerline in
desperate hope. Reiko is speeding on and she sees a shadow of something
in front of her. She looks over and sees Kintaro riding his bike ON
top of a powerline! She decides she has to get serious and goes all
out. Kintaro ( with a never-ending chant of " Study study study study..."
), jumps off the powerline and swings around on the wall making a turn onto
the road. He speeds past her as she is gloating about her skill on
this mountain. He uses great racing skills on the mountains and they
make the turn onto a straight road. Kintaro seems to be gaining speed
while Reiko sees that the road isn't complete. A section of it is blocked
off because the bridge over the rivine isn't done yet. Kintaro keeps
going on faster and faster while Reiko thinks he's crazy for even thinking
it. She then says that if Kintaro is gonna do it, her Bimbo-baby can
do it. As they head closer to the rivine, she hits the brakes to avoid
falling into the rivine while Kintaro goes full speed and jumps!!! For
a second it looks like Kintaro will make it...but he comes WAY short and
Reiko is amazed that someone would even do it. Reiko ponders, "
Amazing...Absolutely're better than my Bimo-baby. I
never believed a man like you existed!'s
pointless when you are dead. " Just then, Kintaro emerges from
the forest on the bottom of the rivine, still going! " My god! He's
still alive! " exclaimed Reiko. He heads off into the distance leaving
Reiko saddened by him leaving. She jumps back on her bike and takes
off after him. " Nooo! Came back! Take me now! Turn me
into " Reiko's scream echos in the mountain range as
Kintaro is unaware of her plee. Kintaro has problems of his own...remember
those brakes he needed to fix? ^_^ He couldn't have stopped even
if he wanted to!
* Review *
Man I love this episode! Kintaro has GUTS! No...he has BALLS!
Hehehe..Kintaro does it once again. I love the whole race between Reiko
and Kintaro. Just awesome. They HAD to be averaging at least
80 miles per hour. Very cool stuff. As always for this series,
both dubbed and subbed are awesome. Doug Smith does a great job. He
has like 10 hilarous one-liners in the beginning which are drop-dead funny.
ADV did a great job once again. I put this episode #2 out of
the six episodes. You just can't miss with this one.