About the Rurouni Kenshin Archive

Raison d'Etre:

This website was conceived, designed, and created out of the administrator's desire to help feed the obsessions of fellow RK fans around the world, as well as for the purpose of promoting this genuinely kickass series. At the time of its conception, the administrator had noted a distressing dearth of quality RK websites, and felt that the selection of images available to feed her obsession was particularly unsatisfying. She therefore set about to change this situation. Since then, a number of other sites have also begun to fill the void, but the administrator still feels that, in general, hers whups them in the posterior. ^_-

Technical Stuff:

The RK Archive has been designed and implemented almost entirely on a Power Macintosh 7200/120 named Xena, and tested with Netscape Navigator versions 3.0 and 4.0. Each page is lovingly hand-coded by skilled artisans using only SimpleText, without the aid of HTML editors or purported administration programs such as Microsoft FrontPage. Except where otherwise noted, text is written and edited soley by the administrator. Graphics (including all those nifty borders!) are created and modified by the administrator using Adobe Photoshop and GraphicConverter. Pages are designed to be best viewed at 640 x 480 pixels in millions of colors.

Link Policy:

The RKA links to other sites selectively, based on the discretion of the administrator, who is very picky. Another reason for not maintaining a larger list of links is that the administrator is too lazy to check and update them all, as a responsible administrator is obliged to do. In fact, she considers the current list a sufficient pain in the neck to maintain. Therefore, be not offended if your site is not included. If you can make a convincing case for why your site is valuable, useful, and/or interesting enough to be included, feel free to petition the administrator. (Bribery is also an option.) (Try chocolate.) (Godiva and Ritter Sport are always good.)

It is not necessary to obtain permission before linking to the RKA, as we never say no to free publicity. A link graphic is available below for those who would like to use it.

RKA banner


1.) Can I submit my fanart/fanfics to the Archive?

Not if they're serious. The RKA does not presently include a public fanart/fanfiction archive, but room for more craziness can generally be found in the Silly Stuff section. Other sites ( Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu, for instance) feature more serious fan works, and the administrator recommends that interested visitors contact these venues.

2.) Can you make copies of RK anime tapes and send them to me?

Sorry, but the RKA is not in the fansub distribution business. See the Links Page to find people who are.

3.) Can I borrow your copies? I promise I'll take good care of them and send them back promptly.

Sorry, but the administrator treasures her RK tapes and lends them only to known, trusted people who are physically close enough that she can hunt them down and injure them in case of mishap, damage, or loss.

Thanks for visiting, and please enjoy your stay. ^_^x

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