Kristin: *clutching tissues* Gosh, I...I hardly know what to *sniff* say -- my first 10,000 hits. . .okay, so it's not that many, but. . .

Kenshin: *beaming* Sasuga Kristin-dono!

Kaoru: Suteki ne, Kristin-san! *blushes* You know they all came to look at that picture of me on the shrine page--

Yahiko: You mean the slutty pinup one?

Kaoru: YAHIKO!

Kristin: *borrows Kaoru's shinai and whacks him* Shut your trap! You're spoiling my sentimental moment. *sniff* I just want to express my appreciation again to *sniff* all the wonderful people who wrote me, signed my guestbook, sent chocolate--

Sanosuke: Oi, send more, I'm hungry.

Tae: *coughs* We're still waiting on the large sums of money.

Kristin: *sniff* Miko, Laura, Lynne, you guys are the best! *sniff* This place would be a mere shadow of what it is today without all your hard work and dedication--

Satiou: *puffs smoke* Yare yare. Somebody shut this girl up before she gets any sappier. Otherwise. . . *fingers katana meaningfully*

Kenshin: *sweatdrop* Maa, maa, Saitou--

Kristin: *dissolves into blubbering* Arigatou, minna! I wish I could hug you all--

Saitou: *draws katana* AKU--

Kenshin-gumi: *manages to gag administrator, thereby saving her from a horrible and untimely death* Ahahahaha! Nothing to see here, everything's fine (de gozaru)!

Kristin: *thrashing* MMMFH MMF! MHHHHF!

Saitou: Hn. *puff*

Kaoru: *victory sign* Next episode, 100,000! Don't miss it! *hearts*

Ahem. We now return you to your regularly scheduled credits.

Lots of people contributed, directly or indirectly, to the construction of this site. First and foremost, praise to the original creator, Nobuhiro Watsuki, without whose imagination talent none of this would be. The man is simply a genius. All hail Watsuki-sensei!

Secondarily I am grateful to Jump Comics/Shueisha (the manga publishers) and Sony (the anime producers). One hates to thank large scary corporate entities, but there it is. Oh yes, and a big sloppy kiss to Sony for NOT releasing "Samurai X" in the U.S.

Next, thanks to the folks who make Rurouni Kenshin accessible to the Japanese-impaired: Shinsengumi (formerly Hecto), the godlike beings who subtitle the anime, and Maigo-chan and Sojiro, the equally godlike beings who translate the manga. An extra thank you goes to Maigo-chan and Sojiro for being kind enough to let me use quotations from their translations in the Amazing Rurouni Kenshin Random Quote Generator.

I bow and worship before my brilliant co-contributors: Miko-dono for her manga and song translations (it seems that she, too, has been elevated to the level of godlike being ^_-), Laura-dono for her commentary, and Lynne-dono for her episode summaries and other wonderful inspirations. Working on an obsession by oneself is fun, but dragging other people into it is even better.

Thanks to my parentals, who forgave me for spending more time with the computer than with them over winter break, and who continue to bemusedly tolerate my various fixations.

I am of course forever indebted to Wellesley Anime, the group whose Saturday showings hooked me on anime in general and Kenshin in particular. You all have created a monster.

Credit for the guestbook goes to GuestWorld, the service formerly known as LPage. (If you haven't signed the book yet, there's no time like the present. I mean, if you're bored enough to be reading this far down on the 'thanks' page, you might as well.) Huzzah for token interactivity!

More token interactivity in the form of JavaScript has been provided by the JavaScript Source, a nice resource for those of us who are too lazy to do the coding ourselves.

Lastly (and, unlike the Token Aoshi Pic, not leastly) thanks to Jason--er, um, should I say CrossPaths Internet Services?--for providing a home for this site, great deals on RAM, use of a very swanky scanner, and lots of help and advice.

If I've forgotten anyone, please let me know!

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