I do not profess to maintain the ultimate reference collection of online Kenshin resources, just a list of the links I have found most useful in my quest for satiation. See the "Where to Get RK Stuff" section if you're looking for manga, fansubs, and other goodies. For more info about the RKA's linking policy, see About the Archive.

General/Comprehensive Sites:

The Sony Rurouni Kenshin Page. Don't worry if you can't read Japanese, just follow every link you can find. Hours of fun.

There really isn't much for English-speakers on the Shonen Jump RK page, but since it's official, I figured I better include it. (And I'm sure Watsuki-sensei's banter is highly amusing for those who can read it.)

Shinomori's Homepage. Okay, this guy has a slight Aoshi fixation, but aside from that his site is pretty okay. ^_- Picture galleries, music, links, lots more.

Kenshin's Rurouni Kenshin Page. Another site I can't read (Chinese this time) (man, I feel so stupid) but again, very impressive. Lots of images. There's also an English version for us ignorant folks.

Project Oro has plenty of good stuff, especially music.

Manga Translations:

Maigo-chan's Ruroken Translations. Maigo-chan, you are a saint. Currently translating the manga up to the beginning of the revenge.

Revenge storyline translations have moved from Sojiro's Rurouni Kenshin Page to End of Summer, but you should still visit Sojiro's page and worship her for doing all that work. Further revenge translations by Miko can now be found right here in our own backyard. ^_-

Music Files:

I'm not quite sure who takes the title for biggest MP3 collection, but Project Oro probably comes pretty close.

The Rurouni Kenshin Shrine also has an extensive music section.

For Real Audio and MIDIs, see the Sony page and Shinomori's Homepage (above).


A good place to try is Sailor Bacon's Anime Song Lyrics Headquarters.


The Anime Movie Dispenser has some nifty movie files, including various opening/closing sequences and a clip from Kenshin's fight with Mr. Broom-head.

The Sony site also has weekly anime previews in various file formats. A great way to torment yourself, if you're into that sort of thing. Look under "yokoku."


The Fanfiction Archive at Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu is THE place to go for RK fanfics in English. Serious fics, funny fics, series, crossovers, parodies, yaoi--whatever floats your boat, they've got it.

See also the fanfic mailing lists (below).

Mailing Lists:

SASS (The Bad Boys of Kenshin) Mailing List is for discussion of anything Kenshin-related, so don't be scared off by all the evil faces. A good source for the latest RK gossip.

Since SASS doesn't allow fic posting, the Kenshin Fanfic ML and Kenshin Fanfic Discussion ML have come to the rescue. Sign up for the latter if you want to post and read fics, comments, and other discussion; sign up for the former if you just want the fics and nothing but the fics.

WinAmp Skins:

This World's Corner has RK WinAmp skins for those of you who have fallen to the Evil Empire.

Where to Get Rurouni Kenshin Stuff:

Shinsen Gumi is no longer distributing fansubs, due to potential U.S. release. A moment of silence, please.

The Place online catalog has the manga, if you live in the sticks with no Japanese bookstore in sight.

Anime Plus is another online catalog with no manga, but CDs, wall scrolls, calendars, etc., for good prices. I've ordered a number of CDs from them and have been happy with the quick service.

Animated Characters has lots of nifty RK junk (t-shirts and even mousepads) for cheap, but keep in mind that it's not precisely legitimate material.

Musashi Anime gets a lot of legit RK stuff (merchandise, not media) in from Japan.

The UCI Anime Store has stopped importing goods from Japan, but may still have some old stock left. They're now directing customers seeking imports to try Tokyo Pop.

Whether or not you happen to be in the Boston/Cambridge area, Sasuga Japanese Bookstore carries the manga (although they will probably be out of stock because of me), and is conveniently located next to a T stop, yaay! They'll also do special orders at no extra charge, and can get you a Jump subscription if you can't live without one.

Other Link Pages:

The RK links on Anipike now have their very own separate page, woohoo! ^o^

See also Shinomori's Homepage (above.)

Fun Stuff:

If you're interested in taking a look at RK trading cards, a very impressive collection is on display at Ryen's Anime Card Page.

I guarantee you will recognize several of the featured specimens at the Amazing Anime Men Hunk-O-Meter, villains included. Very entertaining.

Ryuuen no Miko has some hilarious (not to mention inspiring...heh heh heh) manga parodies at her Kenshin Gallery, as well as a nice collection of other images.

My friend and WA-senpai Sumire-dono's Anime and Manga Pages feature, among many other nifty things, some very creative Anime Parody Milk Ads, which include (what else?) RK. Where's your mustache?

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