Raccoons and foxes and weasels, oh my! All comparisons to small furry mammals aside, the women of Rurouni Kenshin are amazingly cool. For me, this is a big part of what makes the series so watchable--I mean, the plethora of drooly guys is nice, but if the girls were a bunch of perky, shrieking, big-chested airheads, I'd never be able to stand it. Fortunately, Watsuki-sensei seems to have some respect for his female characters, and draws them with real depth. (I wouldn't be so crazy as to call RK a feminist work, but one can only expect so much out of anime.)

The following tribute and character guide is brought to you jointly by myself and special guest commentator Laura-dono, alias Agent Green. For the sake of completeness we are trying to cover the entire series, both manga and anime, and we are making very little effort to leave things out, so BEWARE OF SPOILERS! Since the series is, however, still running, this page remains under perpetual construction. Also, I'm missing info (age, family, etc.) on some of the characters, so anyone out there who's wiser than me is welcome to help fill in the blanks.

Kamiya Kaoru

Aliases: Jou-chan, raccoon-girl, kenjutsu komachi
Age: 17 in the beginning, now 18 (Woohoo! She's legal! Okay, Kenshin, no more excuses...nudge nudge wink wink...)
Occupation: Acting Master of Kamiya Kasshin Ryu Kendo Dojo
Family: None surviving. In the manga she lived alone with one servant prior to Kenshin's arrival. Even in the anime, Dr. Genzai, Ayame, and Suzume are adoptive relatives.
Quote:"This sword which you've used against so many people....It is a villain's sword that will only bring you misery."

Kristin sez: Yeah, she has her own shrine, but I just can't rave enough about Our Heroine. Aside from talent, attitude, courage, looks, fashion sense, and great taste in men, I can't pinpoint what it is precisely that makes her so cool, but...Kaoru is definitely one lucky wench, but that Kenshin is pretty darned lucky himself. Since I can't decide which to be jealous of, I'll have to settle for adoring them both.

Laura sez: I want to BE Kaoru. [Author's note: I considered leaving it at this, but then thought that perhaps I should elaborate.] She's got it all: the swordskills, the wardrobe (can't emphasize that enough), the dojo, and, most importantly, she's got KENSHIN. What more could a gal ask for? Okay, so she's sometimes forced to be the damsel in distress, but let us not forget the many times she's gotten to kick some major bad-guy butt. (And you've got to admire the way she's able to sprint in a kimono. That's gotta take talent.)

Takani Megumi

Aliases: Opium-woman, Fox Lady, Onna-sensei, medicine chest
Age: 22
Occupation: Doctor-in-training
Family: unknown
Quote: "Listen. If you give up like you did before, I will not put up with you."

Kristin sez: When she does her evil-woman "O ho ho ho ho!" laugh I want to strangle her, but Megumi is definitely a strong female character, and is useful to have around after swordfights. She had a pretty tough life before being rescued by the Kenshin-gumi, and as a woman in a very non-traditional occupation, she probably still feels rather alone in the world. She teases Kaoru by flirting with "Ken-san," though opinions vary on how seriously she's interested in him. Personally, I think she would be serious if she didn't realize it's a lost cause, but Laura-dono has a rather more charitable take on the subject. Anyway, she'd better darn well keep her PAWS OFF.

Laura sez: Ah, the "foxy doctor." I find Megumi's strength and compassion very admirable. After all, she's the one who kicks some sense into Kaoru after Kenshin leaves for Kyoto and makes sure that Kaoru goes after him. In fact, I think that, maybe more than anyone else, Megumi understands just how important Kaoru is to Kenshin--which makes all of those "Ken-san"s rather ironic.

Makimachi Misao

Aliases: Cat-girl, Weasel-girl
Age: 16
Occupation(s): Oniwabanshuu member, Oniwabanshuu Okashira, Aoiya employee, and part-time thief
Family: No blood relations surviving. Her grandfather was a previous Okashira of the Oniwabanshuu. She was raised by Okina, Aoshi, Hannya, and the other Oniwabanshuu and considers them her family.
Quote: "Misao ja nai! Okashira!"

Kristin sez: It's the ever-popular spunky ninja girl! If only I could have theme music as cool as hers. Everyone seems to like Misao, and really, what's not to like? She's brave, loyal, cheerful, has a great sense of humor, is handy with throwing daggers, and one of her attacks translates to "Angry Demon Bird Kick." Aoshi, you big DORK, wake up and appreciate! (Misao-chan, you deserve better.) Seriously, though, Misao gets hit with some major trauma throughout the Kyoto Hen, but she overcomes it all--and I can't wait to see her charge into Kamiya Dojo, ready to "Kansatsu Tobikunai!!!" Enishi's gang of freaks. You know, I'm starting to think I may have to build a Misao Shrine around here...

Laura sez: Okay, so we've already established that I want to be Kaoru...but it sure would be fun to be Misao (without all the Okina/Aoshi trauma, though). Well, okay, without that Aoshi fixation. What's up with that, anyway? He just doesn't seem like Misao's type. She's just too...*fun*. He's soooo booorrrring. Well, alright, there is that whole "cool in a bad-ass sort of way" deal. 'Course no one does that as well as Saitoh, IMHO. ^_^


Age: ? (older than Omasu)
Occupation: Oniwabanshuu member/Aoiya employee
Family: ?
Quote: "You men turn your backs!"

Kristin sez: The other Oniwabanshuu girls just don't get enough screen time. Okon seems to be the elder and I suspect is the one who really keeps the business side of the Aoiya running. For the most part she's very proper, but her ninja outfit is pretty darn swanky.


Age: ? (younger than Okon)
Occupation: Oniwabanshuu member/Aoiya employee
Family: ?
Quote: "If we left now, we wouldn't make it in time. But even so, she has to do all she can."

Kristin sez: Apparently a talented cook as well as a talented ninja, Omasu was very supportive of Kaoru and Yahiko during their stay at the Aoiya. And she's cute.

Sekihara Tae

Age: 20-something (that's a forbidden phrase!)
Occupation: Proprietor of Akabeko restaurant in Tokyo
Family: Father, twin sister Sae, presumably lots more
Quote: "Kaoru-chan no shiawase no tameni!"

Kristin sez: Since the social life of the Kenshin-gumi revolves almost exclusively around her restaurant, Tae makes frequent appearances in the story. She has become a good friend and something of an older sister figure to Kaoru, offering unheeded advice about "being proper and wearing makeup." Sensible and renowned for her business savvy, she nevetheless continues to let Sanosuke eat on credit, hoping eventually to make him cough up the money he owes, plus interest. (Sorry, Tae-san, no chance.)

Laura sez: Poor Tae. And poor Akabeko. I know they don't mean to, but the Kenshin-gumi has inadvertantly wrecked so much havoc on it....Tae must be a saint to have weathered it all so well, and still to be willing to try and ensure Kaoru's happiness with Kenshin (hee-hee! :D )

Sekihara Sae

Age: 20-something
Occupation: Proprietor of Shirobeko restaurant in Kyoto
Family: Father, twin sister Tae, presumably lots more
Quote: "I'm not Tae."

Kristin sez: Most people treat Tae and Sae as though they're the same person. At first I was highly indignant about this, but the truth is they pretty much are. Sae is definitely just as tolerant as her sister, having provided housing for the Kenshin-gumi AND the Oniwabanshuu for a full month in Kyoto. (It's every hostess's worst nightmare!)

Sanjou Tsubame

Age: 12 ?
Occupation: Waitress at Akabeko
Family: ?
Quote: "Kowai!"

Kristin sez: Tsubame-chan first appears as Yahiko's crush and a motivation for him to improve his fighting skills. Now a fixture at Akabeko, she has become a more developed character. During the revenge storyline, in fact, she's staying at Kamiya Dojo (hmm...a younger sister figure for Kaoru? This is somehow familiar.) She is shy and lacks self-confidence, but hanging out with the Kenshin-gumi long enough should take care of that. I have my suspicions that Kaoru is secretly plotting to get a shinai in her hands if possible. She adds a serious cuteness factor to both manga and anime, and is constantly hiding her face behind tea trays.

Laura sez: I love Tsubame (okay, so I love 'em all, I accept this.) Kaoru needs to start teaching her Kamiya Kasshin Ryu. Then, when she and Yahiko grow up, they can go out and impress the rest of Japan, and their reputation will bring the dojo more students, and...[note: this speculation could go on endlessly, so I ended it.]

Arai Asuza

Age: ?
Occupation: Homemaker and mom
Family: husband Arai Seikuu, son Iori
Quote: (Asuza doesn't say a whole lot, so this is actually from her offspring)

Kristin sez: More symbols than real characters, Asuza and Co. represent the kind of idyllic, peaceful, foward-looking family that Kenshin loves to defend, even (prior to his ougi-training) at the expense of his own life. I'm fully expecting that eventually he and Kaoru will be just as blissfully domestic, and their kids will be just as cute as Iori, if not cuter.


Age: ?
Occupation: Um...does orphan count?
Family: None surviving

Kristin sez: Is anyone else sensing a pattern here? Let's play Count-the-Orphans! If one is to judge by the number of RK characters with living parents, life expectancy in Meiji Japan must not have been anything to brag about. Anyway, Tsubaki is a cute, spunky young girl who is also, unfortunately, already dead when we meet her. She was cared for by Anji of the Juppongatana back in his early days (when he was still a Nice Monk), and the death of her and her fellow orphans messed him up bigtime for a while. Luckily that all got worked out.

Komagata Yumi

Age: ?
Occupation: Former courtesan; devoted minion of Shishio Makoto
Family: ?
Quote: (To Kenshin, after he has just given his usual little non-killing spiel)
"You're so precious."

Kristin sez: She's madly in love with Shishio, and supports him wholeheartedly in his plans for world domination. These little foibles aside, Yumi is very cool. I'm always impressed that cares for not only Shishio, but also "the boy," Soujirou, whom she treats as a younger brother. The interaction between her and Sano at Shishio's fortress is endlessly entertaining. Plus she gets to wear that seductive off-the-shoulder kimono. When is Kaoru gonna get one of those?

Laura sez: Aren't bad guys with personality the best? Okay, so her relationship with Shishio ("Crusty Mummy Boy!") is a little twisted, but she really does love him. And, what's more, she's got moxy! Gotta love it.

Yukishiro Tomoe

Aliases: Himura Tomoe
Age: 18
Occupation: Conspirator against Choshu Ishinshishi.
Family: Parents, younger brother Enishi
Quote: "Farewell...my second beloved..."


(Unable to write further due to heartwrenching sorrow. My apologies.)

Shura (anime only)

Age: ?
Occupation: Leader of the Kai-ryu pirates
Family: none surving. Father was previous leader of the Kai-ryu.
Quote: "It just makes me wonder what kind of woman would make you that willing to die."

Kristin sez: Everybody complains about the filler eps, but I liked the pirate ones--they were campy but cute. So I'm a freak. This is no news. Anyway, I love how Shura (like most females...sigh...) gets a massive crush on Kenshin, has an identity crisis, and almost submits to the role society expects her to (aaaagh! not the pink kimono! anything but that!), but then sticks to her guns--er, her nunchucks?--and sails off into the sunset, leaving Yahiko with his jumbo lobster. And it was great when she threw sand in that one stupid jerk's face, and then kicked his ass again later. Heh heh heh. Onna no POWER!

Amakusa Sayo (anime only)

Age: ?
Occupation: Christian minister and schoolteacher
Family: older brother Shougo
Quote: (to Sanosuke, after slapping him) "You're a ruffian."

Kristin sez: It's interesting how RK is just rampant with these female redemptive figures. You've got Tomoe saving Battousai from madness, Kaoru saving Kenshin from his dark past, and then this woman, who's practically Mother Mary. (Watsuki, a closet Catholic? Hmm.) Sayo's a little too pious, but I like her in spite of that--she plays nice piano sonatas, and also does a great job of flustering Sano.

Katsu Itsuko (anime only)

Age: ?
Occupation: ?
Family: father Kaishu

Kristin sez: I've only seen two episodes of this story arc, so I can't say much about Itsuko. So far she's succeeded in moving in at Kamiya Dojo, cooking better than Kaoru, and getting kidnapped--nothing particularly distinguishing there. Come back when Shinsen Gumi gets the next volume done!

Saitou Tokio

Age: ?
Occupation: ? (possible deity)
Family: husband Saitou Hajime

Note: In the sad absence of any visual representation of Mrs. Saitou, we present as a substitute the Flaming Question Mark of Death.

Kristin sez: You can tame a dog with food, you can tame a man with money, but no one can tame a Miburo...except HER. While she has never actually appeared in the manga or anime (YET...hint, hint, Watsuki-sama!), we couldn't possibly neglect the better half of our favorite former Shinsengumi Third Division Group Captain. To quote Kenshin, "She'd have to be a goddess if she's married to him." Laura-dono and I have been speculating about their domestic relationship. We are willing to bet that the wolf turns into a puppy when this woman holds the leash.

Laura sez: So, behind every cool man is a cooler woman, right? I'm at a loss for words here. Do you realize how cool this lady must be??? It boggles the mind. I want to meet her...but I'm a little scared of just how amazing she must be. Wow. Wow. ::Laura's brain ceases to function--if it ever was::

Takatsuki Toki (movie only)

Age: ?
Occupation: Schoolteacher
Family: deceased brother Gentatsu

Kristin sez: Toki is the main new female character of the RK movie, "Ishinshishi e no Requiem." Aside from the fact that she wears purple, I can't think of much to recommend her. She mainly whimpers a lot, cries a lot, and has cow eyes. In fact, the general conclusion of the RKA staff is that it sucks to be her. :P Yes, we are harsh critics. No mercy for the weak! Tsuyokereba iki, yowakereba shinu! Hahahahaha! *wipes sword*

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