About the Contributors

Administrator: Kristin Olson

In her real life, the administrator is an English major at Wellesley College. This may explain her tendency to never shut up. It does not, however, explain her penchant for writing about herself in the third person. She recommends that you put this down to basic strangeness, rather than multiple personality disorder.

Though clearly obsessed beyond all reason with Rurouni Kenshin, the administrator occasionally deigns to glance at other series, particularly those involving chicks with swords. Some of her favorites include (anime:) Tenkuu no Escaflowne, Shoujo Kakumei Utena, and Fushigi Yuugi; (manga:) Mugen no Jyuunin, Inuyasha, and Magic Knight Rayearth.

Besides watching anime, staring at manga, reading great literature, building web pages, and eating chocolate, the administrator enjoys inflicting her obsessions upon friends and innocent bystanders. To this end, she is currently serving the public as Co-President of Wellesley Anime, a small, tightly-knit disorganization whose members are unafraid to embarrass themselves by singing "The Fourth Avenue Cafe" loudly in public.

Believe it or not, the administrator occasionally manages to get paid for playing on the web. Other sites her gainfully employed incarnation has attempted to sabotage--er, contributed to--include:

Better Homes and Gardens
American Park Network
Ladies' Home Journal Online
WOOD Online
Agriculture Online

Other Contributors:

Miko (a.k.a Miburo chan)

Yoho! Miko desu. ^_^ (note: 'Miko' is my name, written in katagana, and has no link to the word 'priestess' whatsoever ^_^;) Welcome to the RKA! I hope you enjoy your stay... Kristin-okashira has spent a significant part of her life working on this place ne! ^_-

Future World Dictator Laura Green (insert psycho xylophone music here)

Greetings fellow RK fans/obsessees, Laura here, the contributor who has the distinct honor of having contributed absolutely nothing constructive to the RKA (I just hang around for the sheer fun of it). This unworthy one would like to extend a BIG thanks to Kristin for introducing her to the Kenshin-gumi, and to assure her that I'll keep that in mind when the job assignments are handed out once the world is safely under my control. ^_-

Lynne Kelly

Yo! Your friendly anime summary writer is an artist currently residing in Virginia with 2 dogs, 2 parakeets, and 2 parents. Any further personal information would be subject to manipulation, fabrication and evolution. ^-^

About the image: "Rejoinder," Terracotta, underglaze, oil paint, 30" tall, May 1997. And YES! If you add hair and eyebrows I guess you could call this a self portrait! (You should try making that face in the mirror for over a solid week!)

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