(Inspiration, research, and math by Lynne; more research and editing by Kristin.)

Kenshin's Birthday: June 20, 1849

Chinese Astrology Sign = Dog
Element = Metal (representing fixity, strength of will, fluency of speech)
Aspect = Yang (masculine)

A short note about Chinese astrology: unlike Western astrology, which uses the Zodiac and symbolism of the planets, Chinese astrology uses twelve animals as a form of shorthand to represent the nature and character of those born in the different years. Under the Chinese astrological system, a complete analysis of an individual would have to take into account the year of birth, the element, the yin/yang polarity, the month of birth, and the hour of birth. When analyzing an individual, it is the year sign that lays down the fundamental description of character, but this character is subject to refinement by the element, polarity, and animal characteristics governing both the month and hour of birth.

Kenshin the Dog?

Among the animal zodiac, Dog individuals are the most humanitarian. To the Chinese, Dogs represent justice and equality. These are the givers in life, prepared to sacrifice their own dreams, ambitions and desires for the sake of others, particularly for those they love. Fiercely loyal, Dogs are ever ready to jump to the defense of any member of their family or friends who is being attacked by either word or deed. They have a penchant for championing the underdog. Born with an innate sense of decency and a need for equilibrium in a chaotic world, Dogs strongly denounce injustice and wrongdoing, generously giving useful and effective advice to those around them. Their warmth, empathy, and genuine interest in others win them many close friendships. Dogs inspire confidence in others, and the confidence is justified. They will always do their utmost for others, and their dedication can go to the point of self-sacrifice.

Dogs tend to be both magnanimous and prosperous, yet they can also be stubborn, guarded, and defensive. Because they genuinely feel they know best, they can sometimes appear bossy. They accomplish goals quickly, succeeding as a result of hard work and intelligence. But the Dog never really relaxes. Despite outwardly appearing calm and at rest, his heart and mind are always jumping. The Dog is an introvert who rarely shows his feelings; when he does it's only because he thinks it is absolutely necessary. When hurt, Dogs feel very deeply, and they have little or no technique for dealing with long-term emotional pain.

Of all the animals in the Chinese Zodiac, Dogs are the least materialistic, for they are unselfish individuals who care more about people than they do about money or success. It doesn't worry them to be without the material comforts. Even if they are in the money, their tastes are simple enough. The loyal Dog makes a splendid captain of industry, an active trade union leader, a priest, or an educator. (Or a rurouni?) But whatever his career, it will have in him a spokesman whose ideas will be profound and often original. Nations would do well to follow such champions, for under no other sign do we find united in the same person such uprightness, rectitude, and passion for work allied to so little personal ambition. (Hmmm...)

The phases of the life of the Dog are all marred by uncertainty: anxious childhood, difficult youth, middle-age defeatism before the work that must be done, and an old age full of regrets for not having done enough. It is said that a Dog born in daytime will be calmer and less anxious than one born during the night. This is because at night the dog's job is to guard the house and protect the family -- and thus he will be eternally on the lookout, always on the alert, barking all the time to scare away intruders and finding no time to rest. For people born at night under this sign, it's a dog's life! However, according to Willliam Cassidy's Asian Astrology Pages, "Dogs may console themselves with the fact that of all the signs, they are noble beyond compare."

(Now, is that our boy all over, or what?)

The Loving Dog (Awwwww!)

Though Dogs have a reputation for not easily entrusting their affections, when they do, those friendships are for life. Romantically, Dogs give the impression of being cold fish, but this appearance is misleading; it's just that they're anxious and doubt their own feelings as they do those of others. In fact, personal relationships are for the Dog the most essential and important components of his life. Money, power, success -- all the elements that might motivate members of other signs -- simply don't mean a thing to Dogs without first having a loving partner by their side and a stable family and home life.

Some born under this influence may encounter difficulties in finding a lifelong mate primarily because of the importance they attach to their relationships, but also because of anxiety related to mistrust of people they don't know. In love, the most salient characteristic of Dogs is their loyalty. Once these people have pledged their allegiance or sworn their marriage vows, they will stick to their partners through thick and thin.

More Takes on the Dog, from Mel's Your Chinese Horoscope page:

The Dog is not a social being although he is very friendly. He is a one-on-one person who would rather have a small quiet dinner with friends rather than attend a large, noisy party. The Dog can shine at small affairs with his excellent conversational skills and sense of humor, but he tends to become invisible in a large crowd, and he knows it.

For a career, the Dog prefers to specialize and become an expert in his chosen field. He usually does well in jobs in which he feels he is dealing with the welfare of others in a positive capacity. He is a good judge of character and can assess people better than any other sign of the Chinese zodiac. His assessments are quick and sure.

The Dog is great with kids and can be an affectionate and playful parent. Children will love the Dog parent. He will be caring and giving and will have a tendency to worry over his offspring. The Dog will lead an active life full of good works and the world will be a better place for his having been born.

I have one thing to say: arf arf!

Except where otherwise noted, info is taken from the Holy Mountain Trading Company site. For more fun with Chinese astrology, pay them a visit!

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