Volumes 1-10

These are arranged by character, but other than that are in no particular order. Disclaimer #1: as with the anime images, I am partial to certain characters, and thus you'll find a lot more pictures of them than of certain others. Disclaimer #2: especially if you can read Japanese, some of these may contain SPOILERS. Consider yourself forewarned.


Looking surprised

Starting to get wild-eyed

A really cool profile with a starry background

Looking dangerous

At the dojo, pondering...

Sakabatou shinuchi (he appears to be glowing here)

Standing in shadow, thinking of the past

In Battousai mode, charging(very scary)

Showing Jineh some Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Battou-jutsu stance (also very scary)

Striking a pose with the reverse blade

Facing up to Rai-juta

Standing alone with a bamboo sword

Dodging a blow

Showing a little skin (snigger)

With his (drool drool) hair down (aha...I'm getting weak in the knees...)

Hitokiri Battousai, looking deadly

Breaking the chains

A little battered (takes a lickin', keeps on...)

Tugging on Hiko's snazzy cloak

Waking up at his name

Never assume he's asleep

Looking stern amongst the drifting leaves, or whatever the heck those floating bits are

Drool drool shiver drool swoon


The kenjutsu komachi doin' her thing

Another view of the same

Ready to take on the nasty guy

On the way to practice

Bonding with her favorite student

Changing clothes as Yahiko barges in

A few seconds later

More Yahiko abuse

Hen! Hen yo!

Dreaming of a certain someone who goes "oro"

Looking demure

"Even your profile is so nice..."


Talking with Misao


Looking determined

Standing alone

Trying to mug Kenshin when they first meet

Discovering that Kenshin knows Aoshi...

Shocked and forlorn

Doing her best Kenshin imitation


On the road again

Playing the badass as usual

His hair may be wacky, but he don't look half bad

Captain Sagara (definitely deserves his own section)

Aaaaagh! What a FOX! The hair! The face! The eyes! The uniform! The heroic martyrdom! Man, such a waste.

In ghostly form, spooking Sano


Eating his plain soba

Hey, look! It's the flaming Saitou of death!

Aku. Soku. Zan.


Getting into the sake

Fighting with Yutarou


Cute (although I still think he has bug eyes)

Wounded by his "sensei" in spite of Kenshin's efforts


Looking sly, as usual

With ears


Holding (what else?) a tea tray

Kenshin and Kaoru

The opening page of Volume 1 (aaag, his hair is all poofy)

Meeting after separation...

Before the fight with Saitou (sniff, sniff)

After the fight with Saitou (ouch!)

Kenshin thinking of her

Kenshin holding her back (funny)

The Master and her pet Kenshin

From, ahem, a certain significant scene
(SPOILERS!) at the end of Volume 7:

Page 1 (Kaoru turning)
Page 2 ("Sessha wa Kyoto ni iku de gozaru yo.")
Page 3 ("Imamade arigato, soshite...")
Page 4 ("Sessha wa rurouni...")
Page 5 (Kaoru sobbing)
Page 6 (Into the dark...alone.)

Group Pics (3 or more characters)

Kenshin having a close encounter with the laundry tub, courtesy of Sano

Kenshin surrounded by Yahiko and the women (cute)

The Kamiya Dojo family in their PJ's, confronted by Yutaro

Kaoru punishing Yahiko for scaring Tsubame, with amused onlookers

Rai-juta trying to sneak up on the Kenshin-gumi

The gang scattering, with Kenshin shielding Kaoru ("...sessha ga mamoru de gozaru yo!")

Kenshin, Kaoru, and Yahiko bewildered

Nice one of the Kenshin-gumi gazing into the distance

Battousai and Saitou about to kill each other, with Kaoru screaming

Kenshin faces Soujiro while the audience observes

The outcome of the above duel (snazzy drawing)

And, last and certainly least...


(Actually, he looks pretty cool in this one, but I'd never admit it in public.)

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