Volumes 11-18

Volumes 11, 12, 13, 17, and 18 are finished so far, with the remainder in progress. Images are arranged by character. Spoilers spoilers spoilers.


With Mr. Attitude Problem looming overhead

In falling snow

What training for Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu is REALLY like

Little Shinta (awwwwww!)

Modeling Hiko's cloak

Taking out his frustration on some of Shishio's property

Thinking he's about to die (shirtless)

Guess he lived, after all (still shirtless)

Cute and perky once again

Startled by an encounter. One of my absolute favorites. I mean, just look at how the wind is toying with his hair (shudder shudder drool drool...)

Looking genuinely happy. Another favorite of mine.

Standing in shadow

Relieved after a close call

Oro ro?

With the sunshine behind him

Itte rasshai

Engaged in his favorite domestic pastime

Kenshin (as a dragon) performing his ougi. It's like, symbolic and stuff. Pretty snazzy, eh?


Are you angry with me, for coming to Kyoto?

Staring Aoshi down (you GO girl)

Waiting and hoping

Startled by Megumi's words

Tears in her eyes

Happy again

Welcoming her rurouni home


Turning to Yahiko during a lesson

Kenjutsu no sensei

Kenshin and Kaoru

At Hiko's shack

Splendid night (Kenshin looks like he's about to fall off the roof)

Excessively happy and cute (sniff, sniff)


Fierce and draconic

Hoping to make it in time

Spunky ninja grrl with a big ribbon

The Oniwabanshuu's new Okashira

Deep in thought

Why she and Aoshi just won't work

White with shock

Surveying the damage to the Aoiya

Attack of the weepy-eyed monster


Giving one of his intimidating stares

Cape billowing (when is his cape not billowing?)

With his baka deshi sprawled out in front of him

Nifty slide after demonstrating the Kuzu-Ryu-Sen

Bragging about his moves


Trying to look cool while chewing a fishbone

In jail with Saitou. Can't you just feel the love here?

I'm not even going to get into the implications of this one

Explosives! Woohoo!

Looking a little soggy

Aiming a punch

Realizing he's in trouble

Charging at Anji

Lurking about the rubble of Shishio's fortress


Posing with the perpetual cigarette (imagine sleazy sax music in background)

Heh heh heh

Yup, still smoking

Insulting Sano

If you're into dripping wet guys...

One last smoke


Headed northward


About to "baptize" Hoji

Facing Kenshin with some cool flames goin' on

Trying to block Kenshin's swing

Doing his final secret technique

Getting ougied. When I bite the big one, this is how I wanna go.


At the entrance to Shishio's fortress

Amused at Kenshin

Pissed off

Really nice opening-page drawing

Running, desperate

"I'm so happy..."

Her final moments

In formal kimono (also really beautiful)

Various Juppongatana

Anji looking scary

Anji praying

Anji recounting his past

Usui scaring Yumi


Kamatari looking rather feline (Why do bad guys always feel the need to lick things?)

Yumi and Hoji freaking out

Hoji in denial

Various Other Characters

SD Sae and SD (drunk) Yahiko

Group Pics (3 or more characters)

The Good Guys of the Kyoto Hen.

Kaoru and Misao with their men in the background

Kaoru and the Oniwabanshuu girls scandalized by Misao

General shock at the Aoiya

Kenshin, Sano, and Saitou, looking tough

Misao bemoaning her own stupidity, with Kenshin and Kaoru looking on

Kaoru relating the story of Usui and Anji's little disagreement

Kenshin's turn to play nervous audience

Saitou whacking Kenshin while Sano sweatdrops

Meanwhile, back at the ranch (er, the Aoiya...)

The whole gang partying at Shirobeko

Sano and Cho trading insults while Kaoru restrains Misao

Kenshin going oro--

--and thereby causing much rejoicing

The gang returning from Akabeko at night

Kaoru, Tsubame, and Tae playing with the fireflies

And, by popular demand...


Hey, who's the freak in the trenchcoat?

Demonic, scary and evil

Getting ready to slice up Okina (what a sweetheart he is)

Okay, this one is from after he gets ougied, so I like him better here.

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