Volume 19

This one has a pretty darned nifty cover featuring Enishi, Kenshin, and Tomoe sort of floating in between (doesn't look very comfy). The rest of these are in approximately the same sequence as they appear in the manga.

Kaoru in a patterned kimono. Aa, Kaoru-dono! Kawaii de gozaru yo!

Tsubame on a bad hair day.

Kaoru and Tsubame doing some female bonding.

Kaoru cute and embarassed.

Sanosuke getting a beating from the "medicine chest."

Kenshin and that freaky spider-looking bad guy of ambiguous gender.

Kenshin about to draw. (Aaagh, it's the stance, the stance! He looks so COOL!)

Kenshin frozen in surprise.

Kenshin encountering Enishi at dawn.

Enishi on the bridge. What is up with his outfit? It looks like a marching band uniform.

Another one of our friendly neighborhood psychopath. Yeah, I'd be sweating, too.

Kenshin returning to the dojo looking like hell.

Kenshin's nightmare. (Two-page spread.) "Kaoru-dono, why are you here!? KAORU--"

From the flashbacks:

Kenshin at about age 13, looking screamingly cute.

Little Kenshin wowing all the yokels with his Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu.

The first half of the cross scar.

Kiyosato about to meet his end at the hands of you-know-who.

And the page after that. Eeeegh. (He is so scary as Battousai...)

Battousai fighting with some random assassins. I swear, something about this boy just seems to attract chains...

Tomoe and Kenshin. Meetings don't get much more fateful than this.

Volume 21

Just the cover for now, and a little color picture of Tomoe from the spine of the volume. More eventually.

Volume 22

Just the cover.

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