From various issues of Weekly Shonen Jump

Act 178
("Cross Scar," i.e. the climax of the flashbacks.) LARGE FILES and ATOMIC SPOILERS! The administrator will not be held responsible for any hardware damage or emotional trauma sustained during the viewing of these images.

Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7 (two-page spread)
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10 (start crying here)
Page 11 (continue crying)

(slowly recover)

Act 184
("Confession (Ending)")

Cover page, with Kenshin looking unspeakably happy
Page 1 (heading back to the dojo)
Page 2 ("Um, Kenshin...")
Page 3 ("Yes, but they're eating between meals!")
Page 4 ("You're pretty popular, aren't you?")
Page 5 (Kenshin surprised)
Page 6 ("Only people do not change.")
Page 7 (Yahiko, Sano, Megumi)
Page 8 ("It'll be a little lonely, but..." "But...")
Page 9 (run for more Kleenex)
Page 10 (oh, the tension!)
Page 11 ("Do you remember? When I said, 'I'm home'...")
Page 12 (into the sunset)

Act 186

Kenshin very dark and angry
Sano with his busted zanbatou
Sano vs. Baijin
Enishi looking smugly deranged

Act 188 (4th Anniversary Issue)
(Jump 4th Anniversary Issue)

From the cover (color)
Happy 4th picture from the table of contents
Two-page color poster of Kenshin and Enishi
Same thing, but a close-up on Kenshin
Sano vs. Banjin, Yahiko vs. Hyoko... (color)
...and Kenshin vs. Gein (color)
You thought the Meiji period was safe from mecha...but NO!
Our Hero demonstrating a very fine Ryu-Kan-Sen
I've got you, my pretty, and your little sword too (O ho ho ho ho ho!)
Our Hero apparently doesn't take kindly to being groped
Kenshin snarling at Enishi

Act 199

Kenshin and Yatsume, after the battle

Act 200

Kenshin looking at Enishi (sorry, I chose this one mainly for sheer Kenshin aesthetic appeal)
"Kaoru-dono. The sakabatou."
She's so cute when she holds his sword for him... ^.^
The last warm fuzzy moment for quite a while

Act 201

Kaoru looking worried
Enishi looking wicked

Act 202

Enishi's evil glare of death

Act 203

Kaoru talking with Saitou, while Kenshin and Enishi pose
The kenjutsu komachi turned cheerleader ^_^;

Act 205

Ougi vs. Enishi
Kenshin and a lot of blood
Enishi lording it over him
Kenshin's response to 'the true meaning of Jinchuu'

Act 206

Sano yelling, Kaoru crying (color)
2-page color centerfold of Kenshin and Kaoru (big file)
Just the Kaoru page (pretty big)
Just the Kenshin page (also pretty big)

Act 208

A mournful procession
"The End of a Dream"
Depression at the dojo
'It was as if she were a completely different person...'
In the aftermath of the battle
Collective shock
The village of outcasts
Despair (2-page spread; huge file)
Reaction from the group
Sano, furious
"Mou ii... mou tsukareta..."
Sano, even more furious
Restless natives
More despair
Yahiko on the bridge
Arrival of the two from Kyoto
And (special bonus!) the cover of Issue 42

Act 209

Sano, still pissed
Kaoru and falling leaves *shikushiku!*
Misao in disbelief
Misao giving Yahiko what for
Yahiko resolved, Aoshi looking bored
"You said you'd wait for me...Kaoru-san..."
Sanosuke and Kenshin
Sano's farewell
Okay, this is getting really depressing
Um... Rurouni Sanosuke?? *sweatdrop*
Shinomori Aoshi, P.I. ('d think he woulda kept the trenchcoat if he was gonna get into this kind of work.)

Act 210

Yet another pretty Kaoru title page
Yahiko and Misao vs. Rakuninmura
The Old Fool himself (See? Miracle Max... Jerry Garcia... didn't I tell ya?) ^_^;;
A tender reunion in Hell

Act 211

Fun with grave-digging in Meiji Japan
Cute, cute, cute title page. All together now: awwwww!
Aoshi, P.I. explains his scheme
Aoshi/Megumi interaction, with a nice view of the bow on Aoshi's butt
Kids, don't try this at home
Dang. Still dead.
Don't try this at home, either.
Whoops! It's a good thing we checked, huh?
Yahiko's reaction is so cute.
Our Heroine once again. *hearts!*

Act 212

Cover page: Kenshin having issues
Sleeping Beauty awakens
Gee, Toto, I guess we're not in Tokyo anymore
And this must be Prince Charming
So how come you didn't kill me dead, huh?
Their eyes meet...the music soars... ^_^;;;
Back at the dojo, Misao cuts loose
NOOOOOO~! Not him again! Anyone but him!

Act 213

Cover page: Kenshin doin' his sword thang (nice, very nice)
Deep in the wolf's lair ^.^
"Hey, you guys ordered ramen and sushi, right?"
Aren't they cute together?
Yahiko strikes a deal
Kore wa Miko-dono no tame dake ni *hearts*
The Dynamic Duo takes off
Meanwhile, back on Enishi's island...
AND (special bonus!) a couple pages of RK ads:
For the special TV series ending video (set for release in December)
More of that, and some other stuff
Color closeup of Kenshin and Kaoru
Color closeup of Kaoru on the beach

Act 214

Cover page: SWOON! DROOL! SWOON! (Oh, Watsuki-sensei, how I love you...)
Our Heroine plans her strategy
She's got a mop, and she knows how to use it
Number Two and his thugs
Happy mafia reunion
A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and...Enishi?
Uh oh...Big Sis isn't happy anymore
Our Heroine makes her move at a highly inopportune moment
Don't you hate it when that happens while you're trying to kill someone
So much for my little theory of passionate romance
That Mr. Gein is such a tricky one

Act 215

Yet another spiffy Kenshin cover page
Yahiko and Misao sweatin' to the oldies
Kaoru takes out her frustrations on an unfortunate radish
I still think it's love... *hearts!*
Aoshi seems to have suddenly developed a halo
Fight, Shinomori-kun! Fight fight fight!

Act 216

Cover page: SWOON!!!!!!! *falls out of chair!!!!!* *dies!!!!*
Gee, that little slash there is kind of a nice touch...
Falling gravestones don't faze Shinomori-kun a bit
Then again, perhaps I spoke too soon
Butt-bow, kodachi, and a drooly profile: what more could you ask?
I hope you Aoshi fans are enjoying yourselves with all this
Finally, some real action
Eeew! He's an ugly old geezer! :P

Act 217

Shinomori-kun does his Kaiten Kenbu Rokuren thang
Oh, what a tangled web Gein weaves...
It's the Flaming Shinomori-kun of Death!
All the cool guys have a kaeri wo matteiru mono

Act 218

Cover page with Yahiko, Kenshin, and Kujiranami
A very sad Tsubame-chan
Oh, the cuteness

Act 219

Cover page: Kujiranami and the Flaming Police Department of Death? ^_^;
Don't miss Yahiko doing his best Saitou impression
Yahiko takes charge
More cuteness *shiku!*
Shinai vs. Custom Grenade Launcher: the Ultimate Final... -_-

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