Miko's RK Translations

Here goes Miko and Kristin's approximate Jump summary/translation. ^_- Bracketed text are 'thought' text... ^_^;

Disclaimer: Due to word condensations, colloqialism, and dialect depictions in this act which are more rampant than ever before, there are about two to three spoken lines which were not fully understood at the time of translation. Educated guesses are given. If anyone sees a mistake, please kindly write the translator --- she would be eternally grateful. ^_^;

Rurouni Kenshin Act 209: Bye

At Gorotsuki Nagaya (the hovels where Sano and company live), Sanosuke is eating. His food has scarcely been touched, but not so with the sake. He recalls Kenshin's words, "It's enough already. I'm already tired," and the lifeless expression in Kenshin's eyes.

His own eyes stare ferally over the rim of his sake cup.

Sano: -------......

He flings the half-empty cup across the room, breaking it with a crash.

Side Text: That a time would come when the Sword of the Soaring Heavens would no longer shine? .... The foul taste of sake incites anger!

Title Page: Rurouni Kenshin - Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -
Act 209: Bye

Kaoru stands at a slight distance, dressed as if for a day on the town, gazing back over her shoulder with a small, expectant smile. Pale leaves drift downward from the tree reaching above her. Except for the tree, her surroundings are indistinct, even dreamlike, while she seems almost to glow against the dark background.

Vertical Side Text: Growing hazy in the distance, so far that it is reachable only if you call out... Will they scatter so fresh and young, the falling leaves of an autumn that comes too soon?

Horizontal Side Text: Trace Kenshin's footsteps now! Individual volumes 1 to 22 are on sale to great acclaim! (^_^;)

In the house at Kamiya Doujou, incense burns before a small shrine to the dead. Misao stares at it, white-faced. Aoshi stands behind her, his eyes obscured by his hair. Yahiko sits on the floor a few feet away.

Misao: ......... This can't be true.

Yahiko: That's Kaoru. It's no lie.

His shoulders hunch and his head bows as if under a heavy weight; he does not look up at the others as he speaks.

Yahiko: Everything is too late now. Kaoru's been killed, Kenshin has fallen to pieces... In the end, I couldn't do anything about it...

Gripping her bag, Misao steps toward him.

Misao: --------...............

Furiously she whirls the bag into the air and brings it down on Yahiko's head.

Yahiko: !?!

She shouts at Yahiko, who lies 'bleeding' on the floor.

Misao: I don't want to hear your complaints and all! If you're all wimpy like that, nothing will get accomplished!

Yahiko: *jumps up snarling* HEY YOU!

Misao: If you want to whine about it, do it afterwards! There's something that you should do now, isn't there!

Yahiko stares as she slams a tattered book down on the tatami in front of him.

Misao: This is what Kaoru-san asked me to bring. It's the diary of Himura's dead wife, which has all of her true feelings recorded. Open that white-haired brat's eyes and show him this, and pound into his head just how stupid beyond salvation he is and how everything he has done is meaningless. Then make him kneel in front of Kaoru-san's grave with his face shoved into the ground and apologize!

She lowers herself to an even level with Yahiko and gazes at him with fierce eyes.

Misao: The truth is that I'd rather fucking kill him and offer his head to Kaoru-san, but that would go against Kaoru-san's Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu and Himura's resolve not to kill. If we don't at least do this much, Kaoru-san will definitely not be able to rest. This is your job as Kaoru-san's number one student, and it's also what Himura would expect of you!

Yahiko gazes back at her in surprise.

Misao: I'll help you too, so first we'll have to find that white-haired brat-- *as she notices Yahiko's expression* What?

Yahiko: Nothing... Just thinking that no matter when it is, you're really always so spirited.

Misao: *startled* Well... 'Cause my cheerfulness is my personal strength, right? ---- *heart*

Aoshi stands nearby, expressionless, his arms folded across his chest.

Yahiko: Oh, so it's your only strength?

Misao: WHAT!

Ignoring her indignance, Yahiko stands and grits his teeth, punching his hand with new resolve.

Yahiko: Regardless of everything else, it's just as you've said! We can't just let him off like this!! All right, first thing tomorrow morning we go to Kenshin's place, then with Sano and his gang, we'll all search for that white-haired brat!

Later, night has fallen. Aoshi sits in the house, eyes closed, listening to the susurrus of the crickets...and then another sound reaches his ears.

Alone in the darkness outside, Misao perches on the covered laundry basin in the yard, her arms wrapped around one leg. She trembles as she cries.

Misao: ... We said that we'd have fun together again... you said that you'd wait for me...

The tears stream down her face; she clenches her teeth.

Misao: Kaoru-san.........

Inside the house, Aoshi opens his eyes.

The next day, the sun shines brightly on the fallen village of Rakuninmura as Sanosuke approaches. Carrying a large bag, he strides toward the place where Kenshin sits, leaving a heap of bruised, groaning, semi-conscious wretches in his wake.

Beaten-up Riffraff 1: Ga........ ha

Beaten-up Riffraff 2: So... So strong......

Beaten-up Riffraff 3: Geho...

Sano stops in front of Kenshin, who appears not to have moved at all since the previous day, and stares down at him. Kenshin shows no awareness of his presence at all.

Sano: ---------......

He raises his fist and slams it into Kenshin's face, drawing blood.

Sano: Bye.

Turning, he stares at Kenshin one last time with wild eyes, then walks away.

Kenshin has stood up; he wipes the blood from his face with one sleeve. He seems to register the sight of Sano's retreating back, the bag slung over his shoulder, the kanji "Aku" blazoned on his shirt. Then he sinks down and returns to his previous position, back hunched, head lowered, hair falling forward over his lifeless eyes.

A short time later, Misao and Yahiko are walking through the countryside on their way to Rakuninmura. Yahiko carries his shinai on his back.

Yahiko: Hey, your eyes look red. Did you not sleep well?

Misao: Ummm -- Well, that sort of thing, don't worry about it, don't worry about it.

Yahiko: Where's Aoshi?

Misao: Ummm -- He said that before seeing Himura, there's something he had to do.

Yahiko: Then we should talk to Sanosuke first. It's too difficult looking after you on my own.

Misao: WHAT--

Yahiko: *glancing up* Huh?

He sees a familiar figure approaching from the direction of the village of outcasts and runs forward.

Yahiko: *panting* Sanosuke! What, you've come too? Great timing. We've got to go see Kenshin once more...

Sano: *slurring his words* Give it up. I'm not coming back. I'm not coming back again.

He stares forward with burning eyes.

Sano: It's a complete waste of time dealing with a guy who is dead even though he's still alive.

He walks past Yahiko and Misao, who freeze in disbelief.

Yahiko: *whirling* Sanosuke...!?

Sanosuke lifts his hand and waves, but does not turn.

Sano: I left my room at the Gorotsuki Nagaya the way it is. I'm giving it all to you, so move in soon. If you stay in a place that is already finished (read: Kamiya Doujou), you'll become a failure too.

Footsteps carry him forward, leaving Yahiko and Misao behind.

Sano: So long.

Yahiko stands frozen in his tracks, his eyes wide.

Yahiko: (Even... Sanosuke......... Kaoru... Kenshin... Sanosuke... Everyone is leaving Kamiya Doujou... it is already too late... This is the end ---)

His eyes flash with anger.

Yahiko: (OR IS IT!?)

He turns swiftly, reaching for his shinai.

Yahiko: SANOSUKEE~!!

Sanosuke does not turn, but Yahiko yells after him regardless, aiming his shinai at Sano's back.

Yahiko: IT HASN'T ENDED YET... NO!! I'LL ABSOLUTELY NOT LET IT END LIKE THIS!! SO-- I don't know where you are going, but definitely, definitely, come back and see for yourself!!

He stands panting, glaring at Sanosuke's retreating figure. Misao watches Yahiko, her eyebrows lifted, then smiles slightly with satisfaction.

Misao: (As I thought, this kid is worthy of Himura's expectations. There's no need for me to work so hard, surrounding him with fake cheerfulness.) Regardless, we have to see Himura quickly, now! While it is still not truly too late.

Meanwhile, at Koguni Clinic, Megumi stands at the window of her office, speaking to the visitor behind her.

Megumi: A diary... Yes, that girl did ask for that. But it's too late... Everything is too late.

She turns slowly to face her interrogator: Shinomori Aoshi.

Aoshi: *calmly* We can decide whether or not it is too late afterwards. The true nature of a secret agent (onmitsu) is complete and utter realism---... First of all, tell me what happened then as clearly as you can.

Side Text: Yahiko gets back onto his feet! And the genius secret agent makes his move!!

*End Act*

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