Miko's RK Translations

Here goes Miko's approximate Jump summary/translation. ^_- Bracketed text are 'thought' text... ^_^;

Rurouni Kenshin Act 224: Reality

In the streets outside of town, Kujiranami has his hand firmly planted on Yahiko, who is lying face down on the ground in a pool of his own blood...

Tsubame: ...One of the four people who were arrested from the battle back then escaped from prison and is going berserk. Yahiko-kun is fighting right now to prevent him from invading the town... But Yahiko-kun's wounds still haven't healed enough... There is too much of a difference in their physical might and their build... Ken... shin-san...

Tears are rolling down her cheeks as she stands in front of Kenshin, begging him to help.

Title Page: Rurouni Kenshin ­ Meiji Kenkaku Romantan ­ Act 224: Reality

Side Text: Your overflowing gentleness, your strength which is hidden, I still believe in it even now!

Tsubame: Please. Save Yahiko-kun........

Kenshin does not move. He is still, sitting against a wall, his sword chained up, leaning against his shoulder. The bottle of perfume lies close by.

Kuma is behind Tsubame. A group of other men have also gathered around to see what is going on.

Kuma: *heaves a sigh* ... Well. It's as you could see from the beginning.

He places a hand on Tsubame's shoulder.

Kuma: Come on. Scurry home now that you're done with your business--

But the little girl does not turn around. Slowly, she falls to her knees, kneeling in front of the rurouni who is her only hope for assistance, tears streaming down her face.

Tsubame: ... Please... Once again... please stand up once again...

The men around her stand in shocked silence as she places her hands on the ground in front of her, her head bowed...

Tsubame: Please... Please... Please... Please... Save... Yahiko-kun...

Kenshin's eyes are still gray, blank.

Someone places his hand on Tsubame's shoulder.

Oibore: It's enough, little lady.

Kuma: *looking over, surprised* Oibore!

Oibore: *smiles* Kuma-san. I'm sorry, but please escort this girl out for me.

Taking Tsubame by the shoulder, Kuma walks the girl back out.

Kuma: *clearing the way, getting the other men out of the way* Hey. Break it up! Break it up!

But even as she leaves, she is trembling...

Tsubame: Plea...... se...

Kenshin does not react even as she leaves. He sits, not moving. Oibore sits down next to him, the little birds playing around his head.

Tsubame's voice echoes through the rurounišs mind...

(Please save Yahiko-kun---...)

(Please save him----.....)

(Please save him---.....)

Oibore: ......... I guess something's happening, don't you think...

Kenshin's hand closes around the sheath of his sword...

Kenshin: ......... ......... Though... it should be enough already... Though I should already be tired.......

His hand, shaking, now grips the sword hard.

Kenshin: Though.... it should already be.........

Oibore looks up at the sky. And he speaks, after a moment...

Oibore: ......... This place is a place called Rakuninmura (Rakunin: the ones who have fallen; Mura: crowd). We turn no one back, be he a saint or a sinner. But if one wants to live here, then he must give up and throw away everything... Just having 'lost' something is not enough... all those who have but one thing that they cannot 'abandon' will stand up once again and leave this place to regain that thing that they cannot 'abandon'...

Leaves drift in the wind over the entrance to Rakuninmura. The scent of the perfume is carried on the wind as well.

Oibore: You too-----....

Kenshin: ... It's no use... I still... haven't found it...

He stares at the sword that he holds out horizontally in front of himself, his eyes full of horror and despair.

Kenshin: The answer for the sins that I have committed... the answer of how I can atone for my crimes as a hitokiri... I can't find it no matter how I try...

Oibore looks over at him for a moment.

Oibore: *turning away* Is that so.

Oibore looks forward quietly, while Kenshin looks astonished.

Oibore: ... Contrary to your heart's weak delusions and doubts...

Kenshin's hand is still holding his sword firmly.

Oibore: ...your hand has been gripping on tightly, not letting go.........

The scent of white plum blossoms drifts with the wind...

Oibore: Having lost something that is precious to you... your body and soul tired to the extreme...

Tomoe. Slashed across her back. Kaoru. Sitting, eyes blank, a sword thrust through her heart.

Oibore: But even through all this, if there are thoughts and feelings that you can never throw away. To want to say something to a certain person, that is the only truth for you----....

Kenshin stares, shellshocked, at the sword that he holds in his hand, wrapped in chains...


Scenes, words that he has said before, are brought back to Kenshin's mind...

Battousai: *resolute* There is one thing that I can do. And that is only to protect the happiness of the people that I see, one by one.........

Kenshin: *smiling* Even if I only have one sword, if it is the people that I see before me, I would be able protect them somehow.

Kenshin: *determined* The people are suffering before my eyes. So many people are grieving. No matter what kind of reason there is, I don't want to just sit back and let it happen...

He now grasps the sword with both his hands...!

Picking up the bottle of perfume, Oibore puts the stopper back in. His eyes are calm, yet not without a sense of sadness.

Oibore: Well, it is time... You've done enough of looking back on the past, don't you think...

Oibore: Come---

Kujiranami looks surprised as he detects movement beneath his hand...

Oibore: Now in the present... And from now on, in the future... As always, the people who continue to believe in you ----

Tsubame is crying as she departs from Rakuninmura. Megumi and Misao rush to help Yahiko. Saitou, smoking and reading some documents, and Aoshi, his eyes closed, are in a carriage, on their way as well.


Determination and resolve burning in his eyes, in one mighty motion, Kenshin draws his sakabatou once more, shattering the chains that have sealed it up!

Time passes... Kuma comes back and sees Oibore sitting against a wall. Kenshin is no where to be found.

Kuma: *looking around* ......... So he's gone...

Oibore does not look up.

Oibore: Yes, he's gone.

Kuma plops himself down next to Oibore.

Kuma: For heaven's sake, you're... really just too nice a person.

Oibore: *laughing* Are you praising me?

Kuma: But I'm surprised that that samurai got back onto his feet. He didn't so much as budge when... that chicken-head big guy and that spirited little girl came to get him to go take revenge.

Oibore takes his glasses off.

Oibore: It's 'cause 'taking revenge' is not his truth. No matter how you shout, your voice will not reach his heart........

His gaze is gentle.

Oibore: But, if it is a voice calling for help, then no matter how small a voice it is, it will definitely reach him... Because that is his truth. To that voice he must answer, and stand up once again. No matter what spell or curse binds him, he definitely will break it and get back onto his feet---

Where Kenshin had sat, there are now only broken links of chain...

Side Text: Leaving the shards of broken chains behind, the Sword of the Flying Heavens (Hiten no Tsurugi) lives again!!

*End Act*

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