Miko's RK Translations

Here goes Miko's approximate Jump summary/translation. ^_- Bracketed text are 'thought' text... ^_^;

Rurouni Kenshin Act 226: From a Samurai to a Samurai Clan

Side Text: The miracle that they witnessed that day!!

-- Excerpts from the report that Shinichi Kosaburou submitted in the days to follow --

'To tell the truth, I really do not know what happened at that time.'

The policemen, Shinichi included, look on with a look of complete surprise and shock.

'In the instant of the flash of light, along with the sudden gust of wind, there was a great thundering roar---- Though I thought that perhaps a clap of thunder had landed, but that was not the case.'

'An instant later, when I realized it, I found the giant fallen, facing up, and on the far edge of my field of vision appeared that kenkaku [swordsman].'

A silhouette is seen against the let, beyond Kujiranami.

'The way he looked'

Panning up: Dark socks. Sheath. Sword. Collar. Cross scar.

'was truly'


Title Page: Rurouni Kenshin - Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -
Act 226: From a Samurai to a Samurai Clan

Kenshin stands, looking down at Kujiranami, the determination and spirit back in his eyes.

Aoshi: ...........It seems like somehow he did find the answer.

Saitou: *cigarette in hand* Well... I wonder...

Misao: *excited* Yeah, go Himura!

Megumi: *anxious, holding out her medicine box* Before that, let me tend to your wounds first!

Though on the ground, Kujiranami was not knocked unconcious.

Kujiranami: BATTOUSAI!!

Slowly, he stands up...

Police: *backing away* Waa, he's gotten back up! Does he still want to fight!!

He lifts his cannon arm, eyes fixed in a crazed glare.

Kujiranami: BATTOUSAIII!!

Misao: *pissed off* What a bonehead! You won't be able to win anyway, so behave yourself and give up!

Megumi: *grim and anxious* It's no use. It is already not possible for him to regain his senses.

Kenshin: *surveying Kujiranami's condition* .......

Kujiranami fires the cannon at Kenshin! But even as the bullet leaves the barrel, Kenshin has charged in right at the giant with astonishing speed.


Saitou watches; Aoshi looks mildly surprised and anxious; Megumi and Misao are shocked; and the policemen as just scared out of their minds. ^_^;

Kujiranami tries to bring the cannon down, crashing onto Kenshin...

Kujiranami: GUGAAA!!

Kenshin: OOO!!

Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu RYUU SHOU SEN

[Hi: fly, soar; ten: sky, heavens; mi: honorific attached to 'tsurugi'; tsurugi: sword; ryuu: the school of; ryuu(different kanji): dragon; shou: soar; sen: flash]

The sharp edge of the sakabatou connects against the joint between the cannon and Kujiranami's arm... Kenshin passes upward above Kujiranami with the motion of the Ryuu Shou Sen and the cannon crashes onto the ground, disconnected from the giant's arm.

Something snaps in the mind of Kujiranami Hyougo... He returns to the scene of Battousai cutting off his real right hand.

Kenshin lands behind Kujiranami, and the giant is silent.

All are surprised by the change in Kujiranami...

Misao: !

Megumi: The look of his eyes changed...

Aoshi: *calm and grim* The cause of his insanity was the loss of his right hand... Now, with the same thing happening again, he has regained his senses...

Kenshin says nothing, grim, his eyes hidden by his hair.

Aoshi: Or perhaps... he was made to regain his senses.

Saitou is leaning against the side of the carriage that Aoshi and he came in.

Saitou: Hn... 'to return to the beginning,' is it...

Ashes fall from the cigarette in his hand.

Saitou: *taking a puff* So, how is he going to go on from here. Is he going to cut of the left hand or something this time?

With his back to Kenshin, Kujiranami speaks.

Kujiranami: Finish me. With the Meiji Restoration, the revolutionaries took away from the samurai their era and their pride... and then you took away from me my place to die........ Faced with a second defeat, I don't even have the urge to speak of anything such as the 'Jinchuu'...

He touches the wound on his right arm with his left hand.

Kujiranami: But, this time around, with those hands of yours you will have to grant me a place to die! That is your duty! COME ON AND FINISH ME OFF!!

Kenshin does not turn towards the giant.

Kenshin: *quiet and resolute* I refuse. No matter what happens, I have no intention of killing anyone any more.

At that, Kujiranami was enraged.

Kujiranami: DO YOU THINK THAT I WILL FORGIVE YOU FOR THAT ANSWER!! If you won't kill me, then I will ignite the rest of my bullets and kill everyone here---

Cutting him off, was Yahiko.

Yahiko: I won't let you do such a thing.

Megumi: *shocked* Yahiko-kun!

Misao: *similar* You idiot! Get back!!

But Yahiko stands his ground, though he is battered, and blood is still dripping from his wounds.

Yahiko: Even if you are the way you are now, you were once a samurai, weren't you.........

Kujiranami says nothing.

Yahiko: Kenshin is a samurai. You are a samurai. So you knew from the beginning that if you fight for different beliefs, you might die in the process...

Yahiko lifts his shinai with his right hand...

Yahiko: Then even so, why won't you just let it go, having only lost your right hand!!

He brings the hilt down hard onto the palm of his right hand!

Yahiko: There should be no reason for a samurai to hate another samurai!

Kujiranami still says nothing, though he does not stop Yahiko from speaking. His right hand now wounded and rendered immobile, Yahiko speaks on.

Yahiko: What of their honor, their era... Though samurai might howl about it all the time, those are nothing but empty words. If you are a samurai, then with the life that was saved, you should think about what you can do for the new era!

Determined, Yahiko bombards Kujiranami with his words.

Yahiko: Kenshin has always, always fought and protected people! You only raged, putting bullets into your right hand. What did that left hand that you have left ever do!!

He grips his shinai with his left hand.

Yahiko: If you still want to fight even so, then I can also only use my left hand! I will fight you again!

Kujiranami: ---------......

Shinichi, Aoshi, Misao and Megumi look on, ranging from calm to expressions of terror.

Finally, Kujiranami speaks.

Kujiranami: Child, your name?

Yahiko: *pissed off* I'm not a child! *pulls himself together and points his shinai at Kujiranami* I'm Myoujin Yahiko, descended from a Tokyo samurai family!! Come on. Are you fighting or are you not!

Kujiranami pauses for a moment and then turns his back on Yahiko, starting to walk towards Kenshin.

Yahiko: *surprised* !

Kujiranami: A samurai family...? I always thought that that sort of thing was just a name with no substance.

Shinichi, Misao and Megumi gather around a stunned Yahiko.

Kujiranami: I thought that in the new era, the heart and soul of the warrior has been destroyed.

[In background,

Misao: Did you want to die, you idiot!

Shinichi: Are you all right?]

Kujiranami: But somehow, it seems as if I was mistaken...

[In background, Megumi: You just keep acting so rashly!]

Kenshin turns... and sees Kujiranami, who has tears flowing down his cheeks.

Kujiranami: I lost.

He walks past Kenshin. (Towards where Aoshi and Saitou are.)

Kujiranami: It is as Myoujin Yahiko of the samurai clan had said, there is no reason why a samurai should hate another samurai. I caused you trouble.

Without turning around, Kenshin calls out.

Kenshin: Kujiranami Hyougo. Please live once again, in the new era...

Kujiranami: -----......

He remembers a similar scene from the past, from ten years ago...

Battousai: *his back to Kujiranami* Live, in the new era---...

Kujiranami walks on.

Kujiranami: Again and again, for your kindness both times...... I thank you...

From Shinichi's report: 'On the same day, at 4:47, Kujiranami Hyougo was captured.'

Side Text: Standing back on the principle of refusing to kill, the rurouni, Kenshin, stands up once again!!

*End Act*

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