The following are all scans from Kenshin Zoushi Vol. 3 (guidebook to the movie). One of these days I'll get around to writing a proper movie review/summary. All and all, it's not a bad flick, though I have to say that Toki gets on my nerves. Couldn't the character designers have differentiated her a little more from Kaoru? The girl looks like a wanna-be. But not as pretty, and definitely not as together. And she's kind of cow-eyed, too. Accept no imitations! (Please excuse the administrator while she launches into frenzied expressions of devotion to the Genuine Article 100% Kamiya Kaoru.)

As for the book itself, I highly recommend it, in spite of being almost entirely unable to read the thing. Poring studiously over the pictures and trying to figure out what the heck is going on is probably more entertaining than actual comprehension, anyway.

The cover, with a damn fine drooly picture of himself if I do say so. This is a big file.

Same picture without all those distracting words.

A highly nifty trading card that came with the book. Have I mentioned that I like this picture?

Kenshin's character page.

Kaoru's character page.

Sano's character page.

Yahiko's character page. (Not that anyone wants to look at Yahiko, but...)

Saitou's character page.

Shigure's character page.

Toki's character page. (Moo...)

Gentatsu's character page. My friend and colleague Washuu-dono thinks this hair-person is attractive, although I don't see it at all. He looks like he's had issues with an electrical socket. Although I suppose one can argue the same of Sanosuke...whom Washuu-dono also appreciates. Coincidence? I think not.

KAWAII picture of herself--the voice of himself--Suzukaze Mayo. She looks better in pink than he does.

Almost equally kawaii picture of Fujitani Miki.

Full-body pic of Kenshin.

Full-body pic of Kaoru.

Kaoru pissed off.

Kaoru crying.

Kaoru happy.

Sano's subversive artsy friend.

Sano having a disagreement with some thugs.

Ayame and Suzume, terminally cute as always.

The cow-eyed girl in a funny kind of cameo border thing.

Random picture of Toki.

Toki crumpled on the ground, with Kenshin looking vaguely unconcerned.

Shigure and Toki and some ugly thugs.

Sano, Toki, and Kenshin lurking in a dark alley.

Scary flashback picture of Battousai. (Is there any other kind of picture of Battousai?)

Shigure doing menacing things with his sword.

A *very cool* illustration of Kenshin, Aoshi, Saitou, and a progression of other villains. You should look at this one. I mean it.

Black and white illustration of Kaoru and Kenshin in front of crashing surf.

A cute manga parody that looks funny. (Big file.)

Close-up on Toki from the above pic.

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