Welcome to the sounds section of the site. Here, I will put up
selected sounds (.wavs ) from Goldenboy every week. Why every week?
Limited site space of course and also to put up a variety of sounds
from each episode.
It's been awhile since I last updated this site with new sounds but guess what? I finally have!!! WOOO! Nine new sounds in fact from Lesson #3. I hope you enjoy them because I loved making them! Enjoy!
Kintaro shares his newfound discovery!
PLEASE be gentle with Kintaro!
Noriko describes her dream...
Ummm...nasty cold you got there Kintaro.
Kintaro's judgement on Noriko and Mr. Kogure.
Mr. Kogure makes his move on Noriko while Kintaro moves in to stop him!
Kogure trys again and Kintaro gets caught!
Ummm...that *is* a man Kogure.
Kogure special technique: The Kogure Corkscrew Kiss!!!
" Kintaro? How are you feeling? "
" You're what again? "
Kintaro begs Kogure to stop
Kogure explains Noriko's " true " nature
Oops...Noriko heard that...
Kintaro opens up a can!!!
Noriko opens herself up to Kintaro
Noriko admits her feelings...
Kintaro lets her off easy
" I'm a student of life. "
Well, that's all for now, I'll try to keep this updated but this should do for awhile. Enjoy!