Miko's RK Translations

Here goes Miko's approximate Jump summary/translation. ^_- Bracketed text are 'thought' text... ^_^;

Rurouni Kenshin Act 200: The Fated Private Battle

Shots of Kujiranami, broken 'Iwanbou', Inui, Otowa and Yatsume, all in various states of pain or lying there unconcious on the ground.

Sano: *looking up* As you have asked, we have defeated all five people on the ground. So it's your turn now! Come down, you general in the sky!!

Side text: At long last, the fierce fight of the two connected by destiny!

Enishi's balloon seems to hang motionless in the night sky. Kenshin, Kaoru, Sano, Megumi and Saitou are all looking up with various degrees of anxiousness. [Ranging from Kaoru the most concerned to Saitou who's barely even looking. ^_^;]

Kaoru: *looking at the balloon* ... It's not moving at all...

Megumi: It's because it's at that height. Turning off the gas and descending is going to take a bit of time.

Kenshin: *gazing up quietly, calmly, and determinedly* (Enishi...)

Title Page: Rurouni Kenshin - Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Act 200
'The Fated Private Battle'

Side Text: What is he thinking in the dark night sky? Oh child who fell into hatred and darkness.

Sano walks up to Saitou.

Sano: Hey. I'll say this right now.

Saitou, cigarette in hand, looks slightly surprised.

Sano: *continues* From now on in, nobody fights but the two of them. If the two of them don't settle it themselves, there would be no meaning to the fight. *determined* No matter what the final result is, don't interfere.

Saitou: *takes a drag from the cigarette* You should listen carefully to what other people say. As I said just now, a brat who has lost sight of all consequences to live only for his own private battles does not reach the levels of Aku Soku Zan. The only thing that will move me is my own sense of justice. *blows out a puff of smoke* In the first place, this mission's main goal is to stop the lot aside from Shishio who are plotting rebellion.

Sano: *surprised* !

Saitou: For us, the foremost objective is to get Yukishiro Enishi's customer's list for weapons sales. At the moment, Yukishiro himself is of secondary importance. I don't care so long as he doesn't escape and we have a grasp of his movements. The only case when I would have to have a hand in it directly myself would be when the 'Other Way' to acquire the name list fails. Until then, no matter if it's a private battle or vengence or whatnot, just do as you wish...

Shot of that big mansion that is Enishi's base.

Somebody: *looking at lots of random documents on a table, which include an ad for performances of a traveling magician? act at 'Aka Maru Jump Za' by Itou Mikio * No. Not this either.

Person throws the useless documents around... and the person is Chou!

Chou: Snuck in here just fine, but first off, it's not in the first or the second floor. *thoughtful, hand cupping chin* Only the basement is left then.

Cut back to Kamiya Doujou. Megumi whips around in surprise.

Megumi: It's moved!

Enishi's balloon starts to descend.

Megumi: *anxious* It's coming down.

Sano: At last.

Enishi is silhouetted against the light as Kenshin looks up to him, his face calm and yet not without determination and pain.

Kenshin: ( ... Enishi...)

Kenshin slowly bows his head, closing his eyes, his heart heavy.... An image of Tomoe...

Kenshin: ( Tomoe ----...)

As he slowly opens his eyes...

Kenshin: ( Now... I will fight. In order to protect this reality......)

He turns, reaching out with resolve.

Kenshin: Kaoru-dono. The sakabatou.

Kaoru smiles softly, walking towards Kenshin with the sakabatou.

Kaoru: ... Yes. Here. *passes it over to him* Hey, Kenshin...

Kenshin looks slightly surprised. Kaoru bows her head slightly as she speaks, her smile not yet faded but touched by concern and wistfulness.

Kaoru: Because this is the new era that came finally after the end of a lot of bitterness and pain, so it would be wonderful... if all of us can really become happy, wouldn't it...

Kenshin smiles, leaning the hilt of his sakabatou against his shoulder.

Kenshin: The new era has only just begun. It's from here on in.

Sano: *excited, raising his fist to about chest level* All right!! Settle it and come back!!

Megumi: *anxious, holding up her medical box* No matter how you are hurt, I will heal you!

Both of them turn to Saitou.

Sano: Hey you, say something too!

Megumi: Yeah! At least say a word or something!

Saitou: *striking a match to light yet another cigarette, looks somewhat surprised that they're dragging him into this* Huh? *pause* Well, do the best that you can.

Sano and Megumi: *SD angry* ......

Kenshin is about to go when...

Yahiko: *eyes still closed, lying on the ground* Don't lose. If... you lose, I'll kick your butt.

Kenshin: *smiles* Just rest for now. Because from tomorrow on, training will go on as usual...

Kenshin walks towards Enishi as people watch, anxious. Enishi had landed and gotten out of his balloon, watching Kenshin's approach coldly from behind his glasses.

Gein clambers out of 'Iwanbou', which lies a few steps away from where Enishi's balloon is.

Gein: *a bit battered* Ouch, ouch, ouch... *heaves a sigh* Oh well.

Enishi: *as he walks past Gein* You got done in quite flamboyantly. Are you all right? *pushes glasses up*

Gein: *dusting his clothes* Yeah. The inside was all right. *shot of the trashed Iwanbou* Don't worry.

Enishi: *smiling his demonic smile* I am relieved to hear that. Now with my heart at ease, I can focus completely on the completion of Jinchuu. [I'm assuming that everybody's familiar with the terms Tenchuu and Jinchuu? ^_^; If not, or if you need a reminder, please refer to the footnote at the end of the translation]

Cut to Chou, who is in Enishi's basement. He has ventured into a room that looks slightly worn/dirty, with brick walls, an iron door, and weird looking pipes running along the ceiling and one of the walls. There seem to be quite a few shelves and cabinets around, and two tables, one a writing desk, and the other more like a lab bench. There are also some random chains and hooks around.

Chou: *his hand over his mouth as if to prevent himself from throwing up* ... What is this place... *the shelves and the cabinets are filled with jars of different sizes, containing blobs that could be organs...?* Some sort of laboratory...? *shot of the lab bench, where there are basins and dishes, scissors, knives, blood and gore* or some sort of place for performing autopsies...? He walks over to the writing desk, where there are a line of books, an oil lamp, and documents strewn all over.

Chou: *heaves a sigh* What is all this? The master of this place is definitely not someone of sound mind. *picks up documents, looking around* It's no use staying long in a place like this. Just get the investigation over with quickly and get out of --- *pauses and stares at one of the documents he is reading* Huh? *seriously disturbed/shocked, his eyes wide* ........ What is this?

Cut back to Kamiya Doujou. The dust on the ground, probably from Yatsume's explosions, form clouds near the ground as Kenshin and Enishi face off. The two of them now stand about 10 to 15 feet away from each other, Kenshin calm yet determined, while Enishi has his light, soft, cynical yet sinister smile on his face.

As the two of them stand, scrutinizing each other, they also see the past, the one person who connects the two of them... An image of Tomoe, a back view, as if she is leaving, her hair seemingly swayed by the wind.

Enishi: ---- ........ I wouldn't say that I'm asking the question all over again, but I'm supposing that you have no more hesitation in fighting?

Kenshin: Yes... I will fight with all of my strength now. And I will definitely find the 'Answer' to the atonement for the crimes of a hitokiri ---- and the crime of killing Tomoe...

Enishi: If that is the answer you give, then I have prepared for it accurately.

Kenshin: *surprised* !

Enishi: *still that sinister, soft, smug smile* I have chosen the most cruel form of a thing to you for you.

Kenshin returns Enishi's gaze, surprise fading back into determination.

Kaoru watches, worried and concerned, clutching her hands to her heart. The group is standing near to the wrecked doujou.

Kaoru: (Kenshin ---- ...)

Megumi: ... I wonder what they are talking about.

Sano: Well, can't hear very well since they're talking so quietly.

Shot of Tomoe taking Kenshin's hit...

Enishi: But first, before that, I suppose I will let you taste the 'Pain' of a wound, Battousai. The 'Pain' of the wound that you carved into the beautiful body of my sister...

Enishi pulls off his jacket and cloak, revealing a skin tight dark sleeveless top, wrist guards and pants which look similar to a hakama in the sense that they are tied at the waist (same pants he had on all along, just that we never saw the waist bit). His expression also changes into bitter, yet calm, determination.

Enishi: Come. It is the beginning of the completion of Jinchuu ----

Side text: The terror of Enishi, who has taken his veil off!!

*End Act*

Footnote: 'Tenchuu' is a term that the Ishin Shishi's hitokiri liked to use, for example, leaving a piece of paper with 'Tenchuu' written on it on the bodies of those they have killed. (Ten = Heavens, Chuu = punishment, Tenchuu = Punishment From Heaven) Jinchuu (Jin = person, human being) doesn't exist as a word in the Japanese language, but is Enishi & Co.'s bastardization of 'Tenchuu'. As Kenshin explained it in Act 155, Tenchuu means 'Passing judgement in the place of Heaven, and justice is ours' and Jinchuu is 'Even if the Heavens will not pass judgement, we will pass judgement ourselves'. (The term 'passing judgement' also has the connotation 'to punish' here.) ^_-

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