Miko's RK Translations

Here goes Miko's approximate Jump summary/translation. ^_- Bracketed text are 'thought' text... ^_^;

Rurouni Kenshin Act 201: Another Strength

Kenshin and Enishi seem to have picked the alley outside the doujou for their fight.

Enishi: *throwing his jacket to the side* I did say this, on the bridge at dawn, when we met again for the first time in ten years...

Kenshin: ----...

Enishi: *smile* ...that I will show you the other strength that I have, not as a weapons mafia... *draws his sword, which is what was hidden in his 'sack' all along'* That's a promise. Watch carefully.

Title page: Rurouni Kenshin - Meji Kenkaku Romantan -
Act 201: Another Strength

Side text: An unfamiliar long sword wrapped in uncanniness. Exotic terror wafts through the air...

Enishi displays his sword... It looks very much like a Chinese sword, detailed description held for dramatic purposes. ^_^

Megumi: --- He really is someone who came back from the Continent [meaning China], even his sword is a Chinese sword...

Sano: But it's long. What kind of a sword is it?

Kaoru: No...

Megumi: *slightly surprised* Huh?

Kaoru: *eyes wide in horror* The make is of the Continent, but that blade itself, there's no mistake, it's a nihontou [Japanese sword]...

Enishi's sword looks like it has a hilt in Chinese style, kind of flat, with what looks like a dragon engraved in the part closest to the blade [look at it upside down and you should see it] and similar engravings on the end of the hilt. There are cloth wrappings on the hilt, but not in the Japanese criss-cross style, but winds down one way. There are also tassles hanging off of the end. The blade is very long, with the slight curve of a nihontou [Chinese 'swords' are usually straight; they do have curved blades, but curved blades are usually a lot wider].

Sano and Megumi: *surprised* !

Saitou: Yes, that is correct. *takes a drag from his cigarette* With its extreme length, even though it is a nihontou, it is not the 'uchigatana' that became a set style since the Edo Dynasty, but the 'tachi' that had been the mainstream until the Sengoku [warring states] period.

Megumi: *concerned* What do you mean?

Sano: Maybe it's just a bluff. Since all five guys up till now were guys who don't use a direct attack method.

Saitou: *not much expression, as always* Don't get all flustered one by one, it's depressing. But just by looking at the beauty of the blade itself, it does look like a bluff. *seems to be directed at Kaoru, who turns to listen* It's usual in a fight that you would not see your opponent's hand until he plays it. What is important is whether or not you yourself have the power to devastate no matter what the opponent's hand can be.

Sano: *slightly grim and serious, after some thought* ......That is true. *Enishi tosses his 'sword bag' to the side* So long as he is no stronger than Shishio, Kenshin will absolutely not lose.

Image of Shishio, eyes screaming for blood, mouth opened in wild laughter [from Act 139, Vol. 17, page 23].

Kaoru: *anxious, placing her right hand on her heart* ............. (Kenshin -----)

The air around Enishi hisses as he whips his tachi around as if in a dance, using his wrist, almost like playing with a baton at the head of a parade. He stops, getting into a combat stance, tachi in his right hand.

Enishi: *to Kenshin* So, let's begin.

Kenshin: *grim* Why don't you take your black glasses off. It is dangerous for your eyes.

Enishi: *his soft smile turning into a chilling one* You don't have to worry. I won't let you get even a hit in. HERE I COME!!

Enishi rushes in straight at Kenshin, swinging his sword at Kenshin [imagine his arm swinging counterclockwise from six o'clock to twelve o'clock, arm parallel to the ground]. Kenshin's expression sets into determination as he jumps to avoid the hit, drawing his sakabatou in mid air... Enishi lifts his tachi up...

The two blades connect.

Kenshin: *exerting strength* OOOO!! [sounds like 'awe', does not rhyme with 'goo'] (Kristin sez: like Suzukaze Mayo does it! ^_-)

Enishi: *exerting sterngth* HAAAA!!

The two blades disconnect, but not before the two combatants' exchange has caused a hurricane, sweeping up earth and rocks.

Sano looks anxious, while Megumi lifts her arm to shield herself. Kaoru looks wide eyed as the wind causes her to fall back a couple of steps, and Saitou... smokes. ^_^;

Kenshin and Enishi land. Without missing a beat, Enishi starts to slash at Kenshin, up to down, at his left side and right side. Kenshin sidesteps.

As they continue fighting...

Kaoru: ...He's not half bad... Yes... He has a firm grasp of his own muscular strength and the weight of the tachi, and skillfully combines both speed and power. Even his kenki [literally: the air of his sword. Not the kind of air you breathe, but the attitude, the way you wield your weapon, the way you attack, etc.] is not overwhelmed by Kenshin. That person is first rate.

Sano: So what if he's first rate? It is needless to say, Kenshin is ultra first rate. That sort of level is still too far off from Shishio's.

Saitou: *blue smoke rising from his cigarette* On that point, I agree. He has potential, and he has trained. But that is all. *Kaoru watches the fight worriedly* But with that, if he did not go to the Continent but learned 'kenjitsu' [sword technique] solidly ---

Kenshin and Enishi's fight comes to another pause.

Enishi: *smiles that chilling smile* That was tame. You wanted to test me first?

Kenshin: *mild surprise* !

Enishi: *close up of his eye, smiling but cold* It's about time. Show me that Sword of the Soaring Heavens [Hiten no Mitsurugi] that you are so proud of. Or perhaps I'll have to show you my technique first? *lifting his blade* IF SO, THE FIRST ONE -- *gritting his teeth and charging*

Kenshin: *eyes wide in alarm, falling back* !

Kaoru, Sano, Megumi, even Saitou show varying signs of surprise as Enishi rushes in at high speed, his tachi swinging forward in a down to up motion at Kenshin, kicking the flat of his blade at the same time!


[Wa: 'Wakoku' is an old name for Japan. 'Wa' here means 'of Japan'. For the kanji buffs, it's a different 'wa' than the 'wa' you see normally, but is basically used the same way. ^_-
Tou: blade, sword, knife
Jitsu: technique, skill
Shuu: kick
Geki: hit, attack
Tou: blade, sword, knife
Zei (sei): force, drive, momentum]

Kenshin blocks with his sakabatou, but the force is too great --- he gets thrown back and hits the wall on the other side of the alley hard.

Kaoru, Megumi and Sano all wear an expression of shock, with Saitou the only one who is calm.

Megumi: *stunned* ..............!

Saitou: *smoking* Putting a kick together with the blade's attack, immediately multiplying the impact it has.

Sano: *shocked* That bastard... He has mastered 'kenjitsu'...!

Kaoru: *horrified* But 'Watoujitsu'... I have never heard of a kenjitsu by that name...

Enishi: That is the strength that I acquired these ten years... The strength that I got on the Continent climbing up to the very top from the bottom rung...

Kenshin is surprised... he seems to be in some pain, still backed up against the wall, his right hand trembling as he holds his sakabatou.

Enishi: The new kenjitsu that I perfected on the Continent with this tachi that was passed to me a long time ago in Japan... 'Watoujitsu'.

*End Act*

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