Miko's RK Translations

Here goes Miko's approximate Jump summary/translation. ^_- Bracketed text are 'thought' text... ^_^;

[Translator's note: I've stopped translating some things that keep coming up, such as 'Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu' and 'Watou Jitsu'. Please refer to the previous translations, or mail me about anything that's unclear ne. ^_-]

Rurouni Kenshin Act 204: The Awareness of Crime and Punishment

Side text: The chilling sound of the wind echoes through the chambers of the heart!

Profile of Enishi, smiling...

Kaoru: *horrified* ...spirit surpassing flesh... even before the fight...

Megumi: So, to defeat Yukishiro Enishi...

Saitou/Sano (no clear indication, but probably Saitou): If the opponent is that way, even if they continue to pummel each other like that, it is only a matter of time before this private battle will turn into a battle to the death.

['Private battle' and 'battle to the death' are both spelled 'shitou', but kanji for 'shi' in the two cases are different.]

Saitou: *slight furrowing of brow* Then the result of winning and losing would become the result of life and death. The winner, life; and the loser, death.

Sano: *gritting teeth in anger* Bastard... So if everything were fine, Kenshin wouldn't have had the need to fight a battle that's this troublesome and tiring from the beginning! *view of Kenshin and Enishi, facing each other* If so, when all is said and done, there is only one way........

Enishi: *pushes up his glasses on the ridge of his nose* ... Well. *whipping his sword around, the air whistling as he does so* First of all, by this, I now know that you have the strength worthy to be defeated. And for a while still, I'm still holding off the completion of Jinchuu.

Enishi now holds the hilt of his sword in his left hand, but with the blade pointing up (along his arm).

Enishi: *dark* For the time being, shall we go for a 'settlement' here?

The silhouettes of Kenshin and Enishi, facing each other, Enishi with his sword in his left hand, Kenshin holding his sakabatou in his right.

Enishi: Come at me with it. That technique that you used to smash Gein's mechanical doll into pieces. The ougi of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu...

Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki!!

Kenshin: ---- ......

He gazes at Enishi, his expression grim.

Kenshin: Forgive me, Enishi. *Enishi looks a bit surprised* Your feelings for Tomoe are not wrong... Your hatred for me is also not incorrect... But the way you lived these fifteen years is definitely wrong.

Kenshin sheaths his sakabatou, his eyes fierce with determination.

Kenshin: I will cut that off here and now.

Kenshin stands his ground as Enishi strides towards him... Kenshin resolute, Enishi with a condescending smile. The kenki/touki (roughly: 'air' of battle) of the two combatants sends the dust around them flying outwards and the planks of the roofs of the walls nearby rattles, threatening to dislodge themselves.

Gein: *arms folded as he stands over his destroyed Iwanbou* ... well now. I suppose it's a good time for the preparations to pave the way for the completion of Jinchuu.

Kujiranami [guy with Armstrong cannon for those who don't remember ^_^;] is bent over forwards on the ground somewhere...

Kujiranami: ...........sai.

His eyes seem to snap open, though empty and soulless.

Kujiranami: BATTOUSAI!!

The air whips outward from Enishi and Kenshin...

Saitou: *the burning end of his cigarette goes 'pop' in the wind* That unusual stance... After inviting the ougi, that guy probably intends to counterattack with a technique worthy of it.

Sano: *grim, slight narrowing of eyes* It's the same, no matter what it is. Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki is an undefeatable ougi. It is a technique that has cut down all the powerful opponents up until now. Kenshin himself must also have absolute trust in it, and thus let it come to this ---

Kaoru: But.

Megumi: *looks over at Kaoru, slightly surprised* !

Kaoru's eyes are wide, and she is trembling, gripped by fear and frozen on the spot.

Megumi: He... hey, are you all right!? Even your lips are completely blue!!

Kaoru: *still frozen* But.

Megumi and Sano both turn to look at Kenshin and Enishi, the two figures from which Kaoru can not tear her eyes.

Megumi: --------......

Sano: ...............

Megumi: *anxious* (However... Even though that man has seen Ken-san's strength, he does not have the slightest doubt of his own victory ----)

Sano: *perhaps a bit worried* (I don't think... that that guy is better than Shishio... But there is something about that guy standing in front of Kenshin that is different from Shishio --- )

Kaoru: *staring at the scene* (Probably, what Yukishiro Enishi has is the awareness of 'Punishment', to avenge his sister... but what Kenshin has is the awareness of 'Crime' for having killed Tomoe san ---)

Shot of Kenshin's back, but the picture's color is in negative (Kenshin's hair looks black, but his clothes look white).

Kaoru: (Even though Kenshin had said that he would find the answer to atonement when he came into this fight, but what if... if it is not for finding the answer, this fight ---)

Enishi bows his head, closing his eyes for a moment...

Enishi: (... Sister.)

An image of Tomoe, a soft smile on her lips.

Enishi smiles.

Enishi: Sister...

Kenshin narrows his eyes...

Enishi: So long as my sister smiles for me, I can be stronger than anybody or anything. *he smiles, condescending, self confident* Battousai, is my sister in you smiling now?

Kenshin closes his eyes, with some pain evident, though he is still determined.

Kenshin: She is not smiling now... But --- I believe that she would definitely smile when this fight comes to an end...

A view of the night sky...

Kenshin: ... Here I come...


Kenshin draws, going in at Enishi!

Enishi counters...


[Zetsu: absolute, ultimate
Gi: technique, skill
Ko: tiger
Fuku: crouching, facing down
Zetsu: absolute, ultimate
Tou: blade, sword
Sei: force, momentum]

Enishi has his left leg bent (sort of sitting on it), and his right leg extended, while his arms are also extended, right arm forwards, aligned with his right leg, his left arm back, but the blade is pointing forwards.

Both miss!

Kaoru: *eyes wide* Dodged!

Megumi: *similarly* He'll be killed!

Saitou: *calm* No, this is the beginning.

Sano: *able to supress his anxiety, but not totally unruffled* The most powerful second hit!

Kenshin: *exhertion of strength* OOOH!!!

Enishi: *similar* HAAA!!!

Both come in again, and the two blades connect!!

*End Act*

(Translator's note: Yeah, I was screaming too when this Act ended... Yare yare... ^_^;)

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