Miko's RK Translations

Here goes Miko's approximate Jump summary/translation. ^_- Bracketed text are 'thought' text... ^_^;

Rurouni Kenshin Act 203: To Absolutely and Completely Settle the Fight that Came About After These Fifteen Years

Side text: There can only be... a conclusion!!

Kenshin and Enishi stand facing each other in the alley, while the others look on.

Somebody: ... Finally, it's win or lose...

Title page: Rurouni Kenshin - Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -
Act 203: To Absolutely and Completely Settle the Fight that Came About After These Fifteen Years

Side text: A heart drained dry. Eyes that are frozen. After living through all these years, the only heat that remains in the young man is black hatred!!

Saitou and Kaoru are standing a little further behind Sano and Megumi.

Saitou: *to Kaoru* Hey.

Kaoru: *surprised* !

Saitou: *holding cigarette, expression serious* I'd rather there be no more trouble than there has already been. Get far away from here now, quickly. If you are here, it seems like the situation will just get more confused and chaotic.

Kaoru: *grim* ....... I know. You're talking about Yukishiro Enishi's glare just now, right...

Saitou lifts his eyebrows slightly.

Kaoru: *remembering Enishi's eyes* That glare... It wasn't a glare of simple enmity... How should I put it, more... Even more than enmity ---

Saitou: *slight narrowing of eyes, serious* It should be enough, shouldn't it, if you can feel that much without any words passing between the two of you. You are "Himura Kenshin"'s weakest point. If the fight takes a turn for the worse, that guy will target you and attack without mercy.

The clouds of dust start to settle in the narrow street as Enishi and Kenshin face each other. Enishi is facing Kaoru and Saitou, and Kenshin has his back to them.

Kaoru: ... Yes, but I can't move now. If I move from this position, Yukishiro Enishi will notice my movements before Kenshin does, and he will of course act on it....... This is Kenshin's... fight that he cannot avoid and still go on, no matter how hard or painful it is. *determined* So... Now that Kenshin has decided to fight in earnest, I cannot throw a wet blanket over it and think about my own interests. This is the complete and absolute settlement of the fight that came about after these fifteen years. Kenshin of course thinks of it as such, but without a doubt, Yukishiro Enishi must think so too.

Saitou breathes out a cloud of smoke, as if heaving a sigh.

Saitou: I'll say this right now. If anything happens, I won't be lending a hand at all.

Kaoru: *kind of cutely angry-pouting* I know. *serious, nervous, yet with a faint smile* Because you are, from the beginning, halfway Kenshin's enemy.

Saitou: *takes a drag on cigarette* Correction. More than halfway.

Megumi: *turning around, irritated* Hey, what are you mumbling about in the back.

Kaoru: *surprised* Ah?

Megumi: You're the one who should be watching the most closely, aren't you!

Sano: *turning around* Hey.

Kaoru: Eh?

Sano: If you have the time to be idle like that, at least give a shout of encouragement.

Kaoru: *flustered ('Oro oro' written around her person ^_^)* Umm....

Saitou: *sort of a 'whatever' kind of look, mild twinge of irritation* That's all right, don't you think. *Kaoru turns towards Saitou, still flustered* At worst, it won't be throwing a wet blanket over him. *small words around Saitou's person: Don't ask me. Idiot.*

Saitou (probably, either him or Sano): Well, if you didn't, we will just be watching for a while from now on anyway. Just go ahead and yell something.

Kaoru: *slightly embarrassed* ......... All right. *takes deep breath*

[Translator's note: 'Ganbare' literally means 'do your best', but in English, one doesn't tend to say 'Do your best' to someone/the team you're rooting for. ^_^;]

The fight starts up again as Enishi charges Kenshin, bringing his blade down. Kenshin blocks, gritting his teeth, determined. Sano, Karou and Megumi watch in stunned silence.

The sound of steel against steel. A half crazed smile. Attack. Block. Unrelenting. Grim determination. A frenzied, deadly dance of blades. Every move at breakneck speed.

Enishi: Still not enough. At this level of skill, I still can't tell if you're fighting for real or not... Perhaps I should try to make you show me one or two of your techniques of Hiten (Soaring Heavens).

Kenshin: *grim* .......


Sano: *anxious* Here it comes!


[Wa: Japan, of Japan
Tou: sword, blade
Jitsu: technique
Shou: palm of hand
Ha: break
Tou: sword, blade
Sei: force, momentum]

Enishi brings his right arm back past his shoulder (blade is in his right hand), and adds to the force of the blade by hitting the blade with his left hand as he swings it forward at Kenshin.

Kenshin's eyes narrow, focused...

Enishi's blade connects hard with the ground. Kenshin has jumped above him, coming down...


[Hi: fly, soar
Ten: sky, heavens
Mitsurugi: sword
Ryuu: of the style..., school of...
Ryuu: Dragon
Tsui: hammer
Sen: flash]

But before it connects...

Enishi smiles.

Enishi: That's it. First, it is the soaring technique that suits the name Hiten. I had wanted to try to tear it apart.

Kenshin's eyes widen in surprise as Enishi pushes off of his blade which is stuck in the ground (imagine sort of pole vaulting over it), his left hand on the hilt as he plants his left foot onto the end of the hilt, pushing off, up, pulling his blade with him.

Enishi: HAH!!


[Chou: facing (up)
Ten: Sky, Heavens
Tou: sword, blade
Sei: force, momentum]

Sano, Kaoru, Megumi are shocked as Enishi reaches Kenshin, his blade seeming to hit Kenshin across his stomach, throwing Kenshin further up. Kenshin's head is thrown back, with some traces of blood.

Someone: KENSHIN!!

Megumi, Kaoru and Sano's eyes widen...

Kenshin flips himself around, planting his feet on the base of one of the air balloon baskets! [feet semi facing the sky, his head pointed towards the ground]

Enishi: *eyes widen in surprise* !? (The balloon that Kujiranami and the others rode and then discarded...)

Kenshin: *serious* If it had been techniques that are of a level which you cannot tell if your opponent is fighting for real or not so far, then I will draw the curtains to this fight here.


[Ku: nine
Zu: head (headed)
Ryuu: dragon
Sen: flash

On another note: the words that flash when Kuzu Ryuu Sen hits an opponent are the complicated way to write the kanji for 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine'.]

Enishi and Kenshin land, the impact tremendous.

Sano: *anxious* It connected!

Saitou: *leisurely* The nine hits certainly all connected.

Someone (male, Saitou or Sano): A turnaround in an instant...?

Kenshin stands looking down, his face grim.

Kaoru: *heaves a sigh of relief* Ken---

She freezes...

As the dust settles, they can see Enishi standing, a bit battered, with a wide maniacal grin on his face.

Kaoru: *shock* ......

Sano, Megumi, Karou all have their eyes widened in horror, while Saitou narrows his eyes.

Sano: ... It has no effect...

Megumi: No, those wounds... There's no way that it has no effect, but it is only that he doesn't feel the pain at all.

Enishi: *smile* I'm so glad, Battousai... At the very least, it should be techniques of this caliber... I had hoped that you might conceal it. If it had been that you are weak... then I would have become the worst kind of man, one who couldn't even protect my own sister from someone weak like you. Fu fu fu...

Saitou: It seems like that man... has been in a state where his spirit surpasses his flesh even before fighting.

Kaoru watches Enishi in absolute horror.

Saitou: There is only one way to stop that man besides killing him. No mistake, only that technique which will render the opponent incapable of movement.

Closeup of Kenshin's eye... he must realize the same thing.


[Ou: inner most, deepest;
Gi: meaning, secret;
Ougi: (in the sense of kenjitsu or other combat) the most powerful technique of a school/style
Ama: another spelling for 'Ten', means sky, heavens
Kakeru: to soar
Ryuu: dragon
Hirameki: another spelling for 'Sen', means flash]

Side text: Cannot be stopped with strength!? To Enishi who should be astonished, the ultimate ougi is set in motion!!

*End Act*

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