Miko's RK Translations

Here goes Miko's approximate Jump summary/translation. ^_- Bracketed text are 'thought' text... ^_^;

Rurouni Kenshin Act 206: Lost in a Dark Gray

Side Text: The undefeatable Ougi, Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki, was beaten! Ignoring Kenshin, who is severely wounded, Enishi draws close to Kaoru!!

Sano, Megumi, Kaoru and Saitou are looking at a huge cloud of smoke in front of them.


Megumi: Idiot! You should get out of here quickly!!

Sano: We will somehow do something about Kenshin! Megumi! You take Jou-chan and get out of here!!

Kaoru: *tears in her eyes* KENSHIN!!!!

Title Page

Small Text: The completion of Jinchuu!? Tragic Center Color Page

Title: Rurouni Kenshin - Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -
Act 206: Lost in a Dark Gray

Large Vertical Side Text: An ominous feeling seizes the heart as the moment of separation creeps up!

Small Horizontal Side Text: Attention! The decision for 'Jinchuu Hen' to be made into OVA!! Tomoe, Enishi will be animated! Scheduled to start in Feburuary 1999! It is also decided that the TV Original Finale's video will be sold in December!! Wait for more reports from this magazine!!

(Miko: Yare yare... they love exclamation marks. ^_^;)

Kenshin and Enishi face each other, surrounded by heavy smoke. Enishi's glasses lie on the ground.

Enishi turns and spits out some blood.

Enishi: Hn. 'I will definitely not allow that'...? Good. That's fine. *cold smile* The more you want to protect her, the greater the shock will be when you lose ---

Kenshin throws another punch at Enishi, hitting him hard in the stomach!

Enishi: *shocked, blood coming out of his mouth* Na!?

Enishi's head is thrown back as Kenshin hits his jaw with the hilt of his sakabatou.

Enishi: GA!!!

Enishi flies back, hitting a wall.

Enishi: (This bastard... From where is he still able to draw this strength...?)

Kenshin: Enishi... I will definitely defeat you here. *completely enraged, determined, his eyes fierce, teeth gritted* I won't let you so much as touch Kaoru-dono!!

Enishi stares at Kenshin for a moment before he can react.

Enishi: *grits his teeth in rage* How dare you... I will definitely bring Jinchuu down on you!!

On the other side of the smoke...

Kaoru: Kenshin!!

Megumi: *trying to physically remove Kaoru from the scene, taking her by the shoulder and waist* Stop that! Quickly! Stop dragging your feet!

Kaoru: *scared and anxious* But Kenshin is...!!

Megumi slaps her! Kaoru squeezes her eyes shut in surprise and pain.

Megumi: *anxious and irritated; Kaoru listens, her eyes wide, one hand covering the cheek that was slapped* Pull yourself together! You said this, didn't you! That if you died, Ken-san would be in pain blaming himself over it, so you won't die no matter what! This is exactly the critical moment!!

On the other hand...

Sano: *ready to march into the smoke* Come on, Saitou! We have to back Kenshin up! Kick that 'Black Glasses's' ass!!

Saitou: *lighting a cigarette, not really moving, calm* Hey hey. Isn't this a private battle that no one else is supposed to have a hand in?

Sano: *turning back, annoyed* Stupid idiot!! It's the same with them breaking the rules. Craziness can only go so far!!

Saitou: *puff* Oh well. The truth is that everybody does as they wish.

Saitou draws his nihontou, cigarette still held between his lips.

Saitou: Well, whatever. It would be really disappointing if my delightful prize were killed by some young, immature brat. I'll help this once.

Enishi raises his arm, intending to bring his sword down on Kenshin...

Enishi: HAAAAAA!?

...when he finds himself being hurled back, thrown onto the ground as Kenshin attacks, the length of his sakabatou connecting across Enishi's torso!

Enishi gets back onto his feet. Both combatants stand facing each other, panting. A pool of blood gathers around Kenshin's feet.

Enishi: *panting, staring at Kenshin in disbelief* (That kind of blood loss... he should have been rendered unconscious long ago... He should be in pieces, mentally and physically, after Ama Kakeru Ryuu no Hirameki was defeated and he took the hit from Ko Fuku Zetsu Tou Sei... This guy...!!) *he charges once again* (This bastard!!) HAAAAAA!!

Enishi charges... and Kenshin brings his sakabatou down onto Enishi's head! Enishi falls, hitting his head on the ground, blood coming out of his mouth. He tries to pick himself back up...

Enishi: *on his knees, eyes wide, sweat running all over his face* (Im... possible... This is impossible!!)

Kenshin: *serious, angered, panting heavily all the while* Sleep now, Enishi. And when you wake up next, I'll tell you slowly the truth that you probably don't know. *he lifts his sakabatou* And if you still want to avenge Tomoe after that, I will take it. Then you can bring Jinchuu down onto me myself. *Kenshin's eyes turns completely fierce as Enishi looks up in fear* All right?

Suddenly, a huge hand grabs Kenshin by the shoulder, lifting his entire person, and carries him off!

Kujiranami: *wild with rage* BATTOUSAI!!!!

He shoves Kenshin against a wall, with force enough to break parts of the wall on impact, and holds him there. Blood...

Kenshin: *in pain, eyes wide in shock and rage, gritting his teeth* GUGAAA!!


Enishi's expression turns from that of shock to cool delight. He reaches down and picks up his glasses.

Enishi: I can't believe that a temporary comrade would be of use in such a way... There's been a lot of small cheap tricks...

Enishi puts his glasses back on and gives Kenshin a chilling smile.

Enishi: But whatever the case, it seems that even the Heavens are on the side of my Jinchuu.

Kenshin: *reaches out, panicked, trying to stop Enishi but still pinned to the wall* Wait, Enishi!

Enishi disappears into the thick smoke.

Enishi: Everything will be over in about four or five minutes. Don't get killed and come end this.

Kenshin: *eye wide in desperation and horror* ENISHIIII!!

A strong wind is blowing, hissing against the roof of Kamiya Doujou.

Megumi: *to Kaoru* The direction of the wind has gotten worse. Quickly! It's all over if we are surrounded by the smoke.

Kaoru: *looking into the smoke* Wait!

Megumi: *irritated and anxious* Come on! What else!?

Kaoru: *anxious* Yahiko! We can't leave Yahiko!

Megumi: *literally yelling at Kaoru from frustration* Fine! I'll take Yahiko away without fail, you just get out of here fast ---

A strong gust of wind draws a curtain of smoke between Kaoru and Megumi!!

Kaoru: *surprised* KYA!

She looks around anxiously.

Kaoru: Megumi-san? Megumi-san!

She sees a shadow in the smoke.

Kaoru: Megu...

Her eyes widen in fear.

Enishi: Though there are no grudges between us personally, for the sake of bringing Jinchuu down onto the bastard...

Kaoru finds herself face to face with Enishi, his sword slung over one shoulder, a cold smile on his lips.

Enishi: I'll have to make a sacrifice of you.

Side Text: Finally, the fangs of the tiger...!!

*End Act*

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