Miko's RK Translations

Here goes Miko and Kristin's approximate Jump summary/translation. ^_- Bracketed text are 'thought' text... ^_^;

Rurouni Kenshin Act 207: A Dark Change Unto Death

Surrounded by clouds of smoke, Kaoru steps back in fear as Enishi approaches.

Enishi: There are no grudges between us, it is all for the sake of bringing 'Jinchuu' down upon him... I will have to make a sacrifice of you.

Title Page: Rurouni Kenshin - Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -
Act 207: A Dark Change Unto Death

An strange, inverted image of Kaoru in her kimono sprawls across a black background. Her eyes are dark and flat, her arms half-raised as if in feeble self-defense.

Vertical side text: What one holds dear flows into the darkness.... Everything has gone to a place beyond one's reach...

Horizontal side text: The newest individual volume #22 'The Three Sets of Battles' being sold to great acclaim!!

As Enishi approaches, Kaoru's grip on her bokutou tightens.

Enishi:......... Even if you struggle, Battousai will not come. The result is obvious if you try to fight. If you behave, it will all end comfortably for you.

He stares at Kaoru coldly, almost without expression. Sweat trickles down her face and throat as she makes her stand.

Kaoru: I know that I will not win. But I cannot give in so easily because of that. Kenshin said, "No matter how hard it is, in order to protect everyone, I will fight to the end." So he will definitely come running like he always does.

In spite of her dread, she meets his gaze with unwavering determination.

Kaoru: So long as Kenshin doesn't give up, I will definitely not give up!

Enishi's eyes narrow.

Enishi: Is that so. Then there is no way around it.

One moment he stands before her; the next, he has vanished. Kaoru starts, staring at the smoke... then a hand appears over her shoulder, and Enishi grabs her from behind.

She twists in useless resistance; her eyes widen as he clamps one hand firmly over her mouth and lifts his sword with the other.

Kaoru: !!!! (Ken---)

Tears form in the corners of her eyes.

Enishi: *expressionlessly* Give up.

Kaoru: shin......

Her fingers slacken, and the bokutou falls from her hand.

On the other side of the smoke, Kenshin struggles madly against Kujiranami's grip.

Kenshin: *wild-eyed* Guoo!!

Kujiranami: *holding Kenshin against the wall*Battousaiii

Kenshin grips at the giant man's fingers and, with massive exertion, begins to force them apart.

Kenshin: OOOOH

Kujiranami: *raising his cannon-arm to deliver the final blow* Battousaiii

Sano: HEY WAIT!!

Sanosuke charges up and slams his fist into Kujiranami's middle. Behind him comes Saitou, still smoking, his sword poised in patented gatotsu stance. On impact, Kujiranami's blood spatters.

Kujiranami: GA

He crashes to the ground, releasing Kenshin.

Saitou: *puff* Hn.

Sano: *yelling* Kenshin, that white haired brat is ---

Without a word or a pause, Kenshin grabs his sakabatou and runs.

Sano: ! HEY!

Behind Saitou, Kurjiranami once again climbs to his feet and towers menacingly. Saitou turns in mild surprise.

Saitou: *puff* I see. This guy's spirit has also surpassed his flesh.

Kujiranami: *foaming at the mouth* Battousaiiii!

Saitou: It doesn't seem like he can go back to being how he was either.

Kenshin's sides heave as his feet hammer the ground.

Kenshin: (Kaoru-dono!)

A smiling image floats before him: Kaoru, her eyes bright as always, her ponytail waving gently...

Kenshin: (Kaoru-dono!!)

Megumi hears his approach and turns in alarm.

Megumi: Ken-san!

Ignoring her completely, he charges past her toward the doujou... then freezes in his tracks, wide-eyed, as a familiar scent envelops him.

Kenshin: *frozen* (This fragrance... This is...)

A dark figure with shining glasses emerges from the smoke.

Enishi: The fragrance of white plums. To me, it is the fragrance of my sister. For you, it is the end -- .........

Flashback to the scene when Kenshin's sword slashed through Tomoe...

Kenshin: *crazed with rage* ENISHI! WHAT DID YOU DO TO KAORU-DONO!!

Enishi: *smiling* The fragrance is your guide. Follow it without losing your way. There lies the 'Answer' that you seek.

His message delivered, Enishi fades, ghostlike, into the smoke.

Kenshin: *running* Ku!

His breath comes raggedly as he tears toward the doujou, one thought only in his mind.

Kenshin: (Kaoru-dono!)

Enishi: *pushing up his glasses* (Look carefully with your eyes!)

Kenshin: Kaoru-dono!!

Enishi: (Grieve! Scream! Mourn! And then die weeping!!)

Kenshin: KAORU-DONO!!!

Bursting through the shattered doujou door, he stops. When he sees what lies within, his eyes go white, and his pupils contract to mere pinpoints.

Close on his heels come Sanosuke and Megumi.

Sano: Kenshin!

Megumi: Ken-san!

Sano: Ken......

They look past Kenshin, and freeze as they see what he has seen.

The sakabatou clatters to the floor.

Kenshin crumples to his knees.

Kenshin: ... What good is Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu... What good is Himura Kenshin...

He falls forward as if unable to bear his own weight.

Kenshin: Again, I... failed to protect the one person who is most important to me...

Tears form. His teeth clench.

Kenshin: Kaoru...... dono... KAORU

Shutting his eyes, he weeps.

Before him, propped against the doujou wall, lies the lifeless body of Kamiya Kaoru. All the light has drained from her eyes, leaving them blank, sightless, and empty. Blood trickles from the corner of her mouth and the crossed slashes freshly marked on her left cheek, and buried in her heart is Yukishiro Enishi's sword.

Side text: Jinchuu... completed!!

*End Act*

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