Miko's RK Translations

Here goes Miko and Kristin's approximate Jump summary/translation. ^_- Bracketed text are 'thought' text... ^_^;

Rurouni Kenshin Act 218: Madness Set Loose

Title Page: Rurouni Kenshin - Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -
Act 218: Madness Set Loose

The dark, massive figure of Kujiranami looms behind a determined Yahiko, who stands with shinai in hand, ready to fight. Between them is a profile of Kenshin, his head bowed, his eyes hidden by his hair.

Vertical Side Text: Yahiko, who continues to believe and wait, is worthy of our faith in him!!

The sun shines high over Kamiya Dojo as Misao raises her arms above her head in a luxurious stretch.

Vertical Side Text: Misao who overslept just a little...

Misao: Nnn--- I slept well.

Yahiko: *steaming with frustration* You slept too much, you idiot! It's already past noon!

Putting one hand behind her head, Misao has the grace to look slightly sheepish as she comes toward Yahiko.

Misao: A ha ha. Sorry, I was up all night last night waiting for Aoshi-sama till daybreak. Okay, let's go continue the search now.

Yahiko: We can't conduct a decent search if we start this late. There's no way around it. We'll just have to take today off.

Misao: *clapping her hands together* All right! I can spend the entire day with Aoshi-sama!

Yahiko: *turning his back on her* ...... Quit being so carefree and happy.

Misao: *excited* Where's Aoshi-sama?

Yahiko: I don't know. He hasn't come back yet.

Misao: *SD, with tears pouring from her eyes* No way--- (small words beside her: We missed each other again.)

She suddenly turns thoughtful.

Misao: But that's strange. He's always back by noon, but today...

Inside the dojo, a shinai swings down forcefully.

Yahiko: 999, 1000!! *sweating* That's it for today's training. Now what should I do? (Come to think of it, I've been so busy lately that I haven't had any free time at all...)

[Flashback to the scene prior to the fight with Enishi, when the Kenshin-gumi sent Tsubame away from the dojo to safety.

Yahiko: 'Don't worry. Nobody among us is going to die. We'll definitely come back alive and we'll all see each other again.']

Yahiko: *putting his shoes on* As I thought... if there's something I should do, it's that...

In Rakuninmura:

Bird perching on the hilt of Kenshin's sakabatou: *chirp*

Kenshin has not moved, despite the cheerful birds still fluttering over him. If anything, his head has sunk down even lower, and his face is completely obscured. Suddenly the birds are distracted by some new attraction which causes them to flit away from Kenshin. The usual scruffy Rakuninmura crowd turns to welcome the arrival.

Riffraff A: *smiling* Hey.

Riffraff B: Oibore! (Old Fool)

Oibore: *approaching the group, carrying a basket* Ho ho ho. I'm back. Was everybody well while I was gone? Kuma-kun.

Kuma: *smoking a rather pathetic cigarette butt* Um, yeah... It's as you can see, he hasn't even so much as moved.

He nods toward Kenshin.

Kuma: Well, he's of a different breed than the ones who have come here so far, and I can understand your being worried, you being a nice guy and all... But after all, he is a man who has fallen this far. Don't you think that even if you keep worrying about him, nothing will come of it?

Oibore is silent.

Riffraff C: Oibore, rather than talk about that, hurry and get the presents out!

Riffraff D: Yeah, presents!

Oibore: Ho ho ho. Even though I was really busy, I did bring something back. This week's Happy Embarassing Surprising Heart-Stopping Present is...

He rustles in his bag and finally reveals a small glass bottle filled with liquid.

Riffraffs: Wha... what the heck is that?

Oibore: What do you mean 'what the heck is that'? It's something I used all the money I had to buy.

He removes the stopper on the bottle, and a fragrance fills the air. The riffraff cover their noses in horror.

Riffraff E: Ugh, it stinks!! What, it's perfume!? It won't even fill our stomachs!

Oibore: *holding the bottle up* Fools. What do you mean 'it stinks'? In the first place, perfume was made to get rid of bodily odors. Don't you think that suits us perfectly?

He pauses at the sound of a voice from behind him.

Kenshin: ........ ...from me.

Oibore turns slowly toward him.

Kenshin: *eyes hidden* That fragrance... keep it away from me...

Oibore: 'The Fragrance of White Plum Blossoms' is the scent that I like most and the one that most makes me think of the past. So, you don't like it...? It's said that the scent of white plum blossoms has the ability to soothe a person's heart. This is your share. Just endure it and give it a try--- ...

He gently sets the bottle on the ground beside Kenshin. Though still motionless, Kenshin at last opens his eyes.

At the Akabeko (in its temporary new location):

Tsubame is sitting, her serving tray held close against her, looking dejected. Tae approaches, holding a note in her hand.

Tae: Tsubame-chan. Would you go out to buy something for me?

The little girl looks up with shadowed eyes, her face wan.

Tsubame: Ah... Yes, what is it........?

Tae: ......... As I thought, it seems like it might be better if you rested a little longer.

Tsubame: *protesting* N... no. It's all right. Tae-san is working hard, I can't just always...

She pauses as a frowning Yahiko appears through the doorway.

Yahiko: What's all this? This is all really irritating. You've worked so hard to open the place up again, but if you act this way no customers will come.

Tsubame blinks, surprised.

Tae: Yahiko-kun.

Yahiko: I'm sorry, Tae. Can I borrow Tsubame for a second?

Tsubame: Um... but, we're working now---...

Tae: *smiling* That's fine. Go on. I just asked her to go buy me something. Just come back before sunset.

A short while later, Yahiko and Tsubame are walking together down a busy street. Tsubame still looks dejected, while Yahiko crosses his arms in front of him.

Yahiko: ( ...I guess I really should tell her about Kaoru.)

[He thinks back to the moment of discovery at Kaoru's supposed grave.

Aoshi: 'It will be easier to operate if they don't know that we've realized we've been tricked. Don't talk to anyone about this until we've gotten Kamiya Kaoru back.' (Misao in the background: Yep, yep.)]

Yahiko: (------ even though that's what he said...)

He glances sidelong at Tsubame's shadowed face.

Yahiko: ( ....I still really don't want to see her looking like this...)

Tsubame: Are your injuries all right? Is it okay for you to be walking around?

Yahiko: Huh? Well, it's not all that 'okay', but there's nothing to be done just sitting around.

Tsubame: Yahiko-kun, you are so strong...

She smiles briefly before the tears begin to form in her eyes.

Tsubame: *trembling* Even when something like that happens, you can stand back up and be spirited again...

She tries to hide her face as teardrops spill down freely.

Tsubame: We.... made a promise... I believed that you would all come back alive and we would all see each other again... But this... that this sort of thing would happen...

She breaks off as a comforting hand comes to rest on her hair. Passersby blink at the pair in surprise; Yahiko is standing on tiptoe in order to reach her forehead.

Yahiko: It's all right. I will keep that promise. If you'll just listen to me, you'll be cheerful again.

Tsubame lifts her head, gazing into his determined eyes with the beginnings of hope.

Yahiko: Because we will all come back alive and see each other, so don't cry anymore...

At the Police Station:

Two officers are drinking tea and gossiping outside the cell in which Kujiranami is held.

Police A: What, the Chief is out on business?

Police B: Yeah. He's on loan to the main headquarters. Oh, and that...

Police A: Yeah, Lieutenant Fujita.

Police B: That's it. Lieutenant Fujita rushed off first thing this morning to the scene of the crime to look for clues for some important investigation.

Police A: Oh? Well, we of lower rank don't really know what's going on. It's none of our business anyway. Hey, speaking of which, do you know who Lieutenant Fujita really is?

Police B: Who he really is?

Police A: The rumor is that he's really one of the few leaders of the Shinsen Gumi who are still alive, and a sharp swordsman who can fight to a draw with the Hitokiri Battousai!

Police B: Really!

On hearing the hated name, Kujiranami starts growling.

Kujiranami: Ba... tou...... sai Battousai Battousai

The policemen set down their mugs and turn, looking alarmed.

Police A and B: Huh?

Kujiranami: Battousai!!

With a roar, Kujiranami bursts out of his cell, snapping the wooden bars like so much tinder.

Kujiranami: BATTOUSAI!!!

The policemen back away, but not quickly enough. Blood spatters.

Police A and B: U... Gyaaaa!!

In a corridor close by, other policemen shout and swarm.

Police C: What is it!?!

Police D: A breakout! The man with one arm from that incident has broken out of his cell!

They charge down the hallway, weapons in hand.

Police D: It's this way, Vice Chief!! He escaped into that room!!

Room sign: Custody Room

Vice Chief: *turning white* Wait! That's the place...

From inside the room, the sounds of attaching machinery can be heard.

Vice Chief: Yes... that's the place where we'd put the unused weapon that we took into custody when we caught him... No, I should say the arms for war...

Officers go flying backward as a tremendous explosion bursts forth from the Custody Room. Out of the smoke and debris lumbers Kujiranami, his face set in a frothing grimace of madness. Attached to his half-arm is his new weapon, an Automatic Custom Grenade Launcher!!

Kujiranami: Ba... ttousai... BATTOUSAIII!!!

Editorial Text: Kujiranami, berserk!!

*End Act*

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