Miko's RK Translations

Here goes Miko's approximate Jump translation. ^_- (Descriptions will be added to this one when we get back to school -- our apologies for the delay!) Bracketed text are 'thought' text... ^_^;

Rurouni Kenshin Act 219: Yahiko's True Fight, Part 1

pg 153

Editorial Text: Unstoppable beserk!!

Policemen: Gyaa!! UWA!

Other Policemen: *firing pistols* Damn!

Policemen: GYA!!!

pg 154

Kujiranami: BATTOUSAI!!

Flashback: You... it wasn't enough for you Ishinshishi to take away a warrior's pride and a warrior's era. Are you going to take away a warrior's place to die as well!!?

Kujiranami: BATTOUSAI---!!!

pg 155

Title Page: Rurouni Kenshin - Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -
Act 219: Yahiko's True Fight, Part 1

Vertical Side Text: The blazing flames show the dark hatred that has been haunting the mind.

pg 156

Police A: Are you all right, Shinichi?

Shinichi: Yeah, I guess so...

Police B: Uu......

Shinichi: He.. That direction...! That monster's heading towards town... It'll be a disaster if that monster gets into the town!!!

pg 157

Yahiko: All right. Everything's okay now.

Tsubame: ............... *giggle*

Yahiko: What?

pg 158

Tsubame: Yahiko-kun, it seems like you've gotten a little older somehow.

*sound of Tsbame's head being hit*

Tsubame: Ouch....

Yahiko: Just go ahead and cry all you want!

Tsubame: I... I'm sorry. But somehow, that's how I felt.

Yahiko: Is... is that so.

Tsubame: Hey, what was the thing you said you were going to tell me that would make me feel cheerful again...?

Yahiko: You don't really need me to tell you anything for you to be cheerful again, do you?

Tsubame: But... *small words: That's mean...*

Yahiko: Well, since you won't cheer up with just the usual, I'll tell you especially. Listen to this, and be happier!

pg 159

Yahiko: The truth is...

Yahiko and Tsubame: !!

*Sound of bell ringing*


pg 160

Policemen: QUICKLY!!

Crowd: What is it, what is it? Why, what's going on!?

Policemen: There's no time to explain!

Tsubame: Yahiko-kun!

Yahiko: Hey, what's going on!

Shinichi: Quickly!!

Yahiko: HEY, HEY YOU!!

Shinichi: Quickly, quickly!!

Yahiko: I'M ASKING YOU WHAT'S GOING ON!! DAMN YOU!! *Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu's Forbidden Technique 'Eternal Punishment'!*

pg 161

Shinichi: I'm sorry, you're so small that I couldn't see you...

Yahiko: WHAT!!!

Tsubame: (He's angry whether people say he's 'big' or 'small'...)

Shinichi: A prisoner escaped from jail and is coming this way! It's that man with incredible strength, who doesn't have a right arm but has a large cannon attached. The police fought him, but it was useless. The police headquarters has already been destroyed!

Yahiko: That guy is still... What's up with Saitou! How can he let this happen while he's there...

Shinichi: Saitou?

Yahiko: He's got hair in front like antennae, and the look of a murderous demon in his eyes, see? *small words: Ahou ga. (You idiot.)*

Shinichi: Oh! Lieutenant Fujita.

pg 162

Shinichi: Lieutenant Fujita's been out since this morning. And the Chief is out too. The Vice Chief has been severely wounded, so the whole chain of command is not operating! And all the people who can still move split into two groups, one group going to get help from other police stations and from the army, and we here are trying to get the people out of town. But no matter how much we hurry, it will take at least an hour before any help will come. Since this town will definitely be turned into a sea of flames, therefore, quickly --

Shinichi: Huh?


Yahiko: You've made a complete mess, now what do you do!

Yahiko: What's your name?

Shinichi: Eh?

Yahiko: Your name!

Shinichi: Sh- Shinichi Kosaburou. A rank five police officer.

Yahiko: So you're a rookie. Fine.

pg 163

Yahiko: WE'LL HOLD HIM BACK!! Gather a third of the police who are helping with the evacuation at the entrance to the town!!

Shinichi: Eh.

Yahiko: Stop dilly-dallying. Move it, Shinichi!

Shinichi: O- okay!

pg 164

Yahiko: Wh... what is it...

Tsubame: But... Nobody's here... Not Saitou-san, nor Shinomori-san, nor Sanosuke-san, nor Kenshin-san... If anything happens, there's no one here whom we can depend on ---...

pg 165

Yahiko: That's true... But it's precisely because no one's here that even if I'm the only one, I have to go and fight.

Tsubame: Yahiko-kun!

Yahiko: I'm sorry... but it's something that I've decided on. That I will go on, focusing on what I see before me. And that I will use my sword to help the weak and the ones in pain that I see before my eyes... It's all right! I just told you not to worry a little while ago. 'We'll all come back alive and we'll all see each other again'! So don't cry, and wait for me.

Tsubame: YA...

pg 166

Tsubame: (Ya... hiko-kun -------... Yahiko-kun!!)

Police: Stop that monster!?

pg 167

Police A: What are you thinking, it's obviously impossible! We already know that the weapons of the police won't work from when we fought at the police station ---

Shinichi: Even if you told me that...


Police: *all with sweatdrops* .........

Yahiko: In the narrow corridors in the police station, only two or three people can fight head on. But we have space here!! And if we can get him between the buildings on both sides, it won't be hard to trap him from behind and across from him!! We definitely have the advantage of the terrain!

pg 168

Police A: Who is that kid?

Shinichi: Well... But... It's as that young man says... ...O-- OKAY!! Even if I'm a rookie and a rank five policeman, I'm still a police officer!

Police A: He- hey!

Shinichi: It's my wish to fight and die for the people!!

Yahiko: That's the spirit!!

Shinichi: Not that it makes any difference, but aren't you acting superior?

Police: ! It... IT"S HERE!!

Yahiko: But

pg 169


Kujiranami: BATTOUSAIIII!!!

*End Act*

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