Miko's RK Translations

Here goes Miko's approximate Jump summary/translation. ^_- Bracketed text are 'thought' text... ^_^;

Rurouni Kenshin Act 202: Talk of the Past

Side text: An astounding history and background behind the demonic sword that Enishi wields...

Scene of pirate ships, sailing against the crashing waves of the sea.

Enishi [narration]: In the 13th-18th centuries, the pirates who were running rampant along the Japanese coast, with the inland as their center, soon crossed the Sea of Japan and reached the coast of the Continent [China].

Scene of Japanese pirates killing, slashing at Chinese soldiers. The Chinese soldiers are wielding some kind of spear, which the pirates hack off...

Enishi [narration]: The Ming [Dynasty government/people of China] called these the 'Wakou' [literally: Japanese Pirates], and met with them in battle. But in close combat, the Ming army felt the dreadful strength of the nihontou [Japanese sword] that the Wakou wielded, feared it, and had a very hard time fighting.

Shot of a book...

Enishi [narration]: The commander Tei Sou Yuu, who was originally a fighting monk from Shourin [the monastery that is world-famous even now for its martial arts], turned his attention to this sword and kenjitsu [sword technique], doing much research and study on the subject. He gathered all of his research into a book called 'Tantou Hou Sen' [Tan: single; Tou: blade, sword; Hou: way something is done; Sen: selection] and disseminated the book amongst the army.

Shot of many Japanese swords of different types...

Enishi [narration]: Another commander, Seki Kei Kou, promptly adopted the nihontou as part of his army's equipment, and by the end of the Ming Dynasty, the nihontou had become an official equipment of the army. Not just importing the swords, but the Continent has come to make its own Japanese-styled swords.

Shot of Enishi with his sword, with the map of Japan and the Chinese coast behind him.

Enishi [narration]: And this is the Continent-made nihontou 'Watou', which was set loose from the small limited land of Japan and perfected, and the new Continent-styled kenjitsu to use the sword, 'Watoujitsu'!!

Closeup of Enishi's eye, half crazed, it seems...

Title Page: Rurouni Kenshin - Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -
Act 202: Talk of the Past

Side text: An ominous wind blows from the Continent. Plowing through yellow sand with the smell of blood...

Megumi: *horrified* Watou...

Kaoru: *similarly* ... jitsu

Kenshin: *back against the wall which he was thrown against, grim* A kenjitsu that merges the speed and slashing style of the nihontou, and the flexible movements and strength techniques which are the Continent's specialty...

Enishi: *cold smile, pushes his glasses up a bit* Fu fu... [condescending laughter] It's not something as simple as that.

Saitou: *smoking* I suppose. One can not stand at the top of an organization with just that level of 'strength'.

Sano: *anxious* Even so! How did that Young White Hair [literal translation... can't think of any insult that is equivalent ^_^;] master that sort of kenjitsu?

Enishi: *aloof, cold smile* So. That's the end of warm-ups. How about coming at me with your Sword of the Soaring Heavens [Hiten no Mitsurugi]?

Kenshin: Before that, *Enishi looks aloof/cold/surprised, with a slight lift of eyebrows* as I have said, take your black glasses off. One wrong step might lead to you becoming blind.

Enishi pauses, as if to savor the moment... then grins very, very demonically.

Enishi: Is that your underestimating me? Or perhaps your overestimating yourself?

Kenshin: *calm, serious* Neither. Simply because I am fighting to stop you, not to hurt you.

Enishi says nothing and stares at Kenhin, his eyes still cold. Kenshin returns his gaze, determined.

Enishi: *as if heaving a sigh of frustration* Not only is starting the fire hard, it seems like it will take some time to make it a burning flame. No other way around it. If so, until you bastard can get serious, I suppose I will divert myself by chatting with you.

Kenshin: *surprised* !

Enishi: GO!! *rushes in and swings his sword hard at Kenshin*

Kenshin: Gu...! *barely able to block, unprepared*

Enishi: A long long time ago, in a land far away ---

Kenshin's eyes widen in shock.

Enishi: *attacking* -- there was a young man whose sister was killed by a hitokiri [roughly: assasin, man-killer].

The two blades cross again as Enishi leaps into the air for an attack from above and Kenshin blocks from below.

Enishi: *while fighting* The sad young man, all alone, hated Japan and crossed over to Shanghai on the Continent. But Shanghai is the Demon City of the Orient, and for one without any strength, living is very hard. In less than a month, the young man was reduced to just skin and bones.

Kenshin: *evading attack* Shut up. I told you that I've had enough of that story.

Enishi: *cold smile* You still aren't fighting seriously, are you? Then just listen and let me talk whatever. I'm not fighting seriously either.

As they fight on...

Sano: Hey. They're talking again. Can you hear what they're saying?

Megumi: Yeah... The direction of the wind changed just now, so I can hear a little... it seems like some sort of talk of the past...

Silhouette of young Enishi sprawled on the ground. There are debris and broken cottages close by, and skeletons...

Enishi [narration]: Starvation and exhaustion, illness and wounds, the young man finally fell and could move no more.

Silhouette of man in a western-styled suit and his wife in a kimono, holding a baby. Carriage in the background.

Enishi [narration]: And at that time ----

Man: Hey you, are you all right?!

Wife: Why is a young Japanese boy... Quickly, the medicine.

Shot of the Japanese couple's Chinese-styled house. One can tell that they have quite a sum of money at their disposal.

Enishi [narration]: That couple were Japanese people who were researching books on the Continent and thus took up residence in Shanghai. In a word, they were people in the upper class.

Profile of young Enishi, a bandage on his cheek, head slightly bowed, refusing to say anything.

Man: *smiling gently, his wife standing next to him, smiling as well* It's all right if you don't want to talk about it. *silhouette of the man's family, all smiling, welcoming: wife with baby in her arms, and another young boy* I don't know what happened, but first, for now, please rest.

Woman: We are all Japanese, so please don't worry.

Shot of food and a medical chest.

Enishi [narration]: With nourishing meals and devoted care, the young man's life was saved.

Enishi smiles at Kenshin, who says nothing, watching and listening grimly.

Sano: I see. So that couple were his guardians in Shanghai, so to speak.

Megumi: I think so. No matter what, a child all alone can not stay alive in Shanghai.

Silhouette of young Enishi's profile with the faintest hint of a smile.

Enishi [narration]: At that time, the young man thanked the gods and buddha. That he had been given such wonderfully gullible prey.

Close up of Enishi's eye, which takes on a certain wildness... Close up of Kenshin's eye, which has widened in shock.

Scene: the study in the house. Enishi has a long blade in his hand... and the family lie in pools of blood, splattered over the floor, walls, bookshelves...

Silhouette of young Enishi smiling, taking some jewelry and coins in his hand.

Young Enishi: With this, I will not have problems with money for the time being.

Kaoru: *shock and horror* ........

Megumi: *similar* What...

Sano: *gritting his teeth, enraged but grim* He's completely messed up from the core!

View of the desk in the house in Shanghai...

Young Enishi: Now what I need is a strong weapon.

He turns and spots a book... 'Tantou Hou Sen'.

Young Enishi: *his eyes wide with surprise* And a strong strength ----

Enishi: And that was how the young man met Watoujitsu. Because he learned it on his own, perhaps he did put a lot of his own style into it as well. By the time he was grown up, the young man was a master of Watoujitsu who would lose to no one. *souless smile* Now here is a question. The young man could have just stolen and not killed. I wonder why he had to kill the entire family?

Kenshin: *profile, head slightly lowered* ........ that's enough...

Enishi: *close up of his eye, crazed* Answer number 1: Because the family resisted. Answer number 2: The young man was just a homocidal maniac. *shot of Young Enishi, expressionless* Answer number 3: For the young man who had his happiness taken away from him because a cold-hearted hitokiri killed his most precious sister, he could not stand to see a family living in such happiness.

Kenshin: *angry, his head bowed still* Shut up now, Enishi!

Kenshin starts to turn...

Enishi: *cool smile* Needless to say, the correct answer is answer number 3.

Kenshin launches into


As Kenshin spins towards Enishi, Enishi places both his hands on the hilt of his tachi...

Enishi: So at last the flame seems to be going? But such a flame will be blown back by the wind of the Continent and ---

Enishi stops Kenshin's blade, hammering the hilt of his tachi onto Kenshin's blade!

Enishi: -- burn itself!!

Enishi shifts on his feet, turning from defense into a thrusting attack:

Watoujitsu Kai Shi Tou Sei!!!

[Kai: return or turn/spin
Shi: thrust (with sharp object), pierce
Tou: blade, sword
Sei: force, momentum]

Kenshin is taken completely by surprise. The blade connects, piercing through and then pulling out of Kenshin's left upper arm, blood gushing from the wound.

Kenshin: *gritting his teeth in pain and surprise as the blade pulls out of his arm* !

Sano: *concerned* Kenshin!

Megumi: *similarly* Ken-san!

Saitou: *cigarette in his mouth* Idiot. That [Ryuu Kan Sen] is a technique that has the greatest power when used as a counterattack. Had the tables turned on him, initiating an attack with that.

Kaoru: *utterly worried and anxious* Kenshin!!

Enishi turns to glare at Kaoru, his eyes wild with cold hatred. Kaoru freezes on the spot as she meets Enishi's gaze.

Enishi: *takes a step towards Kaoru* Ten years later, the young man found the hitokiri who killed his sister. It seemed like the hitokiri had changed his name, found his next, and was living happily. *Enishi's eyes take on a look of crazed rage* And that young man really could not stand it.

Kaoru's eyes are wide with fear. Kenshin intercepts Enishi, placing himself between him and Kaoru.

Kenshin: *blood still dripping from his wound* This is a private fight between you and me... Don't drag other people in from now on... *panting, but determined* I will definitely stop you here.

Enishi smiles and taps his shoulder with the hilt of his tachi.

Enishi: Fine. Then the chat ends here. It's the real thing from here on.

Side text: Enishi's real aim is...!!

*End Act*

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