Miko's RK Translations

Here goes Miko and Kristin's approximate Jump summary/translation. ^_- Bracketed text are 'thought' text... ^_^;

Rurouni Kenshin Act 220: Yahiko's True Fight, Part 2

Title Page: Rurouni Kenshin - Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -
Act 220: Yahiko's True Fight, Part 2

Tsubame lowers her head gently, her brow furrowed as she worries about a certain boy...

Vertical Sidetext: 'If to fight is unavoidable, then let him return safely to this place.' The prayer is swallowed by worries that are in vain...

Kujiranami advances on the small group of policemen and Yahiko. There is a makeshift barricade made from scrap pieces of wooden beams and doors between the two parties, and Yahiko is still standing on the roof.

Kujiranami: *raising his cannon arm* BATTOUSAII!!

Yahiko: *stares at the cannon that is mounted on Kujiranami's arm in shock and surprise* ! (The weapon is different. It's not a cannon.) Shinichi, what is that!?

Shinichi: *racking his brain, also staring in shock and terror* U...um. I remember them calling it a Grenade Launcher.

As if to demonstrate, Kujiranami fires a grenade, destroying the barricade entirely.

Police: *jumping back from the blast* UWA!!

Another blast follows immediately from the cannon.

Shinichi: Its power and shooting distance is not as good as a cannon's, but because it's an improved version, it can do multiple shots continuously ---

Yahiko: *blasted off the roof by the second shot* Too late!!

Shinichi: *catching Yahiko as he lands* What are we gonna do? How are we going to fight that?

Yahiko: *his arms folded in mock contemplation* You dumbass, that's already decided, isn't it!

Yahiko looks up at Shinichi, completely serious.

Yahiko: We can only go for a 'Charge'!! [read: suicide head-on attack ^_^;]

Shinichi looks down at Yahiko like he's completely lost his mind.

Yahiko: *running towards Kujiranami* I'll attack from his right! You take care of the left!!

Shinichi: *calling out after Yahiko* Wa - wait a second! We should at least think it through a bit more.

Yahiko does not falter for an instant.

Yahiko: *determined* WE CAN'T WAIT!! If we wait, we'll wait forever. That guy will get into the town!

At that realization, Shinichi's eyes widen. Something seems to click inside the young policeman's head.

Yahiko charges straight at the towering giant Kujiranami, who has his cannon raised above his head.

Yahiko: *charging with shinai in hand* UOOOO!!!

The police stare after Yahiko in shock.

Police A: Uwa, he's really running straight at it!!

Police B: That's reckless! That's too foolish a thing to do!

Kujiranami fires straight at Yahiko.

Kujiranami: *firing* Battousai!!

Yahiko grits his teeth, his eyes clear with purpose. He tucks and rolls out of the way of the blast, hitting the wall of one of the buildings on the side hard. Though battered, he gets right back up and continues his charge!

Yahiko: *running at Kujiranami* OOOO!!!

Kujiranami is frothing at the mouth.

In the storm of blasts that follow, all the police can do is stand there, watching the debris fly around them. Yahiko's shouts and Kujiranami's crazed cries of 'Battousai' can be heard. Yahiko manages, though barely, to sidestep, dodge every shot that Kujiranami fires at him.

Police B: *watching in awe* ...Avoiding all the direct hits by a hair's breadth. What agility...

Police A: *similarly* Yeah... but. To be sure, if he didn't keep attacking, it wouldn't be possible for him to avoid the continuous shots ---

Yahiko is thrown against a wall from dodging, and Kujiranami has the cannon, ready, aimed straight at him.

Police B: *terrified* It's no use, he'll be hit!

Police A: It is too reckless!

Yahiko looks upwards and shouts -

Yahiko: SHINICHI!!

The young policeman jumps down from above, a long stick in hand!

Shinichi: OO!!!

He swings the stick down, hitting Kujiranami on the head with enough force to break the stick.

Shinichi: *landing on his behind* How... how about that!

Kujiranami turns to glare at him.

Shinichi: *scared out of his mind* ---- It had no effect at all!

Yahiko takes off.

Yahiko: Over here, Kujiraguchi!

Kujiranami:*spins around* Gaa!!!

[Ryuu: Dragon; Shou: Soaring; Sen: Flash; Modoki: imitation, in the style of]

Yahiko jumps up to perform his version of Kenshin's Ryuu Shou Sen with his shinai. He hits the giant on the joint between the cannon and his arm!

Kujiranami: Gu... Gaa!!

The giant is in no small amount of pain as blood gushes out of the wound and Yahiko lands on one side.

Policemen: *surprised* It... it worked!!

Police C: So that... so that's it! Even if continuous firing is possible, there is only one barrel... It's not possible for it to attack both the left and the right at the same time.

In the background, the two fighters' voices can be heard: 'Let's go, Shinichi!' 'Okay, Young Man!'

Police D: Yeah... And once you're up close, since the opponent is that huge, attacking becomes easy!

Police B: That young man thought it through to that degree---...

In the background, Yahiko charges: OOO!!

Police A: That's impossible... but...

In the background, Shinichi is also fighting: Uryaaa!!

Police A:*in shock with realization* That kid picked to be on the 'right' out of the two directions left and right... He chose the direction in which the grenades would be without hesitation... Taking the danger onto himself... it's not 'recklessness', it's 'courage'! And fearing danger even though we can see hope of victory, it's not 'cautiousness', but simply 'cowardice'!

The other police wear similar expressions of realization.

A big head-on shot of the crazed Kujiranami...

The policemen are all made SD-cute, sweating lots.

Police C: (.... But)

Police B: (Afterall........)

Police A: (Looking at him straight on is a bit...)

Police D: (Isn't it.)

But they do manage to pull themselves together. With poles in hand, they run toward the buildings on either side.

Police: *running* ALL RIGHT! We have to make use of the advantage of the terrain! If we went through the buildings on either side of the street...

They emerge and take their places, sealing off Kujiranami from behind!

Police: We've got the back taken care of!!!

Shinichi: *chuckling as he sees his fellow policemen join their fight* It's uncool, but I guess it's 'That's the spirit' as the kid said before.

Yahiko: *battered yet determined* ALL RIGHT! LET'S GO!!

Suddenly, they hear a soft whimper coming from the street behind Yahiko... Everyone freezes as they see a small boy stumbling down the street towards them.

Yahiko: *as he sees the boy* !?

Child: sobbing* Dad, where are you----

The police also stare at the child in shock and terror.

Police A: A child...!

Police B: He was too late getting away!

Kujiranami spins towards the boy. Kujiranami: *lifting his cannon arm* Battouuu...

At that, Yahiko runs!!

Yahiko: Ku!! ......!!

He manages to get between the boy and the cannon...

Kujiranami: SAII!!

Shinichi: *shouting, terrified* Young Man!

The cannon fires.

Alone, kneeling on the street where Yahiko had left her, is Tsubame, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Tsubame: (... Yahiko-kun ----...)

Sidetext: Can it be...!?

*End Act*

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